RE: Loving Myself & Saying Goodbye to Fear and Shame

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Loving Myself & Saying Goodbye to Fear and Shame

in philosophy •  9 years ago 

Those are two huge emotions to work through! And finding that source of unconditional love in yourself is not easy (I say from experience, as I work toward that place myself).

For me, my big break through came when I finally realized that most of the people around me were thinking of how they were being perceived, that there was little room left for them to be judging me. Ultimately, I am my own harshest critic.

I'd love to read more about your process of working with fear and shame. Did you use any meditative techniques? Help from a therapist or spiritual coach? Image or dream work?

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Lots of self reflection. I'd come back from an amazing workshop that the Enneagram Institute hosted a few months before writing this, which definitely helped push my thinking more toward appreciating myself. And the "Lie of Love" blog post I referenced in the middle of this piece was a big influence as well. Cheers on your continued journey @jeska :)