RE: A Critique Of Jordan Peterson (Part 1): The Problem Of Wealth Distribution In Societies

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A Critique Of Jordan Peterson (Part 1): The Problem Of Wealth Distribution In Societies

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Our economic system is based on lack in order to give value. Play that game out over time you increase the lack to the many while increasing value to the few - results don't lie. As long as we see poverty increasing and the 1% getting richer that is the economic game you are playing and it's 100% designed to collapse in cycles and we are due for one bigger and longer then 1930's - not going to be pretty.

You can't fix one system without fixing all systems as they are all interdependent on each other to function as they do and non of them are resulting what they claim to result.

Justice implies a problem is solved while our justice systems do not result problems being solved. Justice systems are designed to result a win/lose - for one side to lose is to admit there still is a problem not solved. If a justice system truly resulted justice we'd experience a just society. The only people believing we live in a just society are the one's benefiting from all social problems, victims of social injustice will never say we live in a just society. Increased crime, increased poverty, increased physical and mental health problems are a sign we do not live in a just society. The 1% are getting richer using this unjust justice system and the majority supporting such a system are nothing more then slaves voting for their own slavery. The 1% are not to blame they are just the winners of the game we all agree to play similar to the game of survivor - everyone agree's to play the game knowing they are voted out with only one winner.

Medical system is not designed to result good health else it would be focused on causes creating illness. Jordan Peterson suffers from depression, a mental illness. That does imply his mind is not sound, he is not in his right mind if his mentality is ill. He is amazing at complaining about problems but he clearly sucks at giving solid advice on how to solve problems. when you know problem solving you know how to solve all problems as the rules in problem solving apply to all problems. First stage in problem solving is look at ROOT causes - this is where Peterson fails. Odd how Peterson claims to be against trangender ideology but fails to offer medical advice on how to solve it. He refuses to make the claim people suffering from transgenderism suffer from a mental illness - why? Because he can't offer solutions - why? Because he is ignoring root causes creating the problem. Our medical system ignores root causes because how we work and consume is the root causes of illness. Industry is not focused on social well being, it profits off destroying. If our medial system truly was focused on solving health problem it would stop just about all forms of industry as we know it today. Money over people - it's more important to profit then it is to result good health. We'd cause an economic collapse if we stopped all industries that are causing today's health problems. Sadly Industry designed to destroy for problem is a game designed to collapse either way. When things are so wrong we put labels on them "to big to fail" it's like saving a failing game that is 100% designed to fail - it's pure insanity to save something designed to fail, it's a pattern of perpetual failure while claiming failure is a good thing while expecting success.Successful failures? Putting a square peg in a round hole will cause one to experience a depression. Example we design cars to break down not last so there is a need to make more cars and increase jobs in the production and servicing. If we actually designed cars to last which we do know how to do - how many jobs would be lost? Experts will say it's impossible to do it any other way yet anything is possible you just won't find those answers if you aren't looking for them. To solve the impossible you have to be open to the possibilities. never listen to people who say it's impossible as they can't see possibilities. Always listen to the crazy people offering possibilities to the impossible because they do see a way to get it done.

Religious systems are controlling our believe systems which controls our behaviors. It's a system 100% designed to influence death - the carrot offered is "heaven". Turns out all forms of death have a human footprint, so to get to heaven you have to be pretty darn evil to harm enough that it ends the lives of others - that will sound crazy to those unable to solve today's challenges but seriously look at every form of death and see it's root causes - you'll find a human footprint to even natural disasters. Religions do not offer a value for life, it's 100% dependent on influencing zero value for life but you won't see it if you are stuck in it. YOu'll fight to the death in support of your religious beliefs - while you are FIGHTING TO CREATE DEATH.

Education systems are not teaching you how to think rather it's teaching what to think. Jordan Peterson is a good example - he claims we should question everything yet when I've challenged him with some good questions he left the room pretty darn fast refusing to answer questions he is not willing to face yet - why? He contradicts his own advice and he is teaching this level of contradiction to kids and he wonders why they are behaving so badly.

Government systems are 100% focused on profits over people, it's lacking responsibility and accountability but it's a perfect reflection of society. Society is lacking responsibility and accountability always blaming leaders while they can't do what they want leaders to do.

In short if we want to solve today's problems you have to look at the root causes creating the problems. It's all about our man made systems and every one of them has a zero value for life - as long as we have a rule that says everyone dies these systems are causing every form of death so we perpetuate the belief "everyone dies". If you never entertain the possibility that maybe the human body is designed to live eternally you'll never explore true solutions. I don't know if that possibility is true, I just did my research on causes and notice every form of death has a human footprint which has me asking the question if our human footprint valued life, did not cause death to anyone how would we die? How would our world change if we valued life?

Now just like jobs are created to hold today's systems in place, if we had complete redesign of all man made systems we'd create new jobs to sustain those systems - what does that look like? What does a system that results true justice look like? Imagine a system that actually solves problems? If we designed an economic system that didn't profit off harm - what would that look like? As a programmer - the study of systems I see a possibility where we work less and earn more. Einstein said "Every human is a genius but if you measure how well a fish climbs trees it will always believe it's stupid. Today's systems are all designed to force people to think they are fish who must climb trees - that will cause depression. New systems should support the genius in us all - even your enemy is a genius you MUST support. Only a true genius can recognize the genius in all others. So you can't claim to be a genius until you see the genius in all others.

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