If you are going to interact with the world in life you need to be able analyse what you see and hear.
This video outlines a method of critical thinking based on the Socratic Method. It is not limited to science and I would strongly advise as many people as possible learn to critically analyse what is true and what is false in this increasingly partisan and propagandized world.
When you understand this method: Framing a question, defining the definitions in the question, Asking the question, design experiments, gather evidence, apply logical reasoning, you can apply it to any decision you make in relation to the news you are watching or any claim on social media.
This is called philosophy and any philosopher will follow this method to the truth, no matter how painful. This is totally different to what we see around us which is sophistry, which seeks to tell people what they want to hear.
Sophistry frames the question in emotional terms and causes the uneducated and undisciplined to leap to a preconceived position (think gay marriage, gun control or climate change). Sophists DO NOT want you learn how to think. They want to control you through your emotions.
Please use the tools our ancestors and peers give you to save yourself from the crushing emotional sophistry of propaganda.