"At Least I'm Doing Something!"

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

There is something going on, and something needs to be done about it. Sometimes you can't do anything to solve a problem. But someone decides to do something, even though it's irrational and non productive to the actual problem at hand.


They could do nothing, but they can't stand doing nothing, because they want the problem or situation resolved. So instead of doing nothing, they do something. Then you tell them, "you know, what you're doing isn't going to solve the problem". Or you explain how what they are doing is not going to do anything about the problem, and they are just wasting their time and energy on a fruitless endeavor.

But rather than recognize the fruitlessness of an action, they defensively say "at least I'm doing something!" Maybe you've said this, or maybe you've heard someone say this. They just want to be doing something, anything, so that they feel like they are doing something to resolve the problem, even if they have no control over it. Telling them that what they are doing to try to gain control of the situation is not working, is not welcome.


We want to be in control of a situation we can't control. Rather than to figure it out, or waiting for the problem to be resolved when it's outside of our control, we want to exercise any amount of control we can. We confuse motion with progress.

Let's say you and someone else is stuck in an elevator because the power went out. You call some people to find out the number of the building and find out the power is out on the block. You just have to wait it out. You can do things to pass the time, but you can't get out. But you need to get to an important meeting. So do you just wait for the power to be reestablished, or try to break open the button panel and mess around with the wires?

Someone says that what you're doing is pointless and won't get the elevator moving, and might even make things worse when the power comes on. But you get upset about being told you are doing something useless, inefficient, incorrect or wrong, and reply with "at least I'm doing something about it!"

We don't seem to like being told we are doing something pointless. We want to believe that what we are doing has meaning or value, that is serves a real purpose. This applies beyond a situation where we need something to happen that is out of our control.


People play video games and lose a lot of time doing so. There is only a limited amount of time in life, and putting your time, attention and energy into something that is pointless in the long term, is not something many want to accept. I've spent a lot of time gaming in my earlier life. A lot. It passed the time. It was enjoyable. It was an escape from finding something more meaningful, purposeful and valuable.

But in the end, I had to think about how much of my life I was wasting away. I thought of how useless gaming was in the long term of my life. When I was old, would I look back on my life and see that the time I spent gaming gave me value and meaning throughout and towards the end of my life? No. It would just be something that sucked up my time and gave me nothing in return of significant value in my overall life.

Focused on Doing

In regards to doing something, we're also quite attached and somewhat "obsessed" with "doing" things. Many people want to be doing things often. They're are busy going from one thing to the next, with hardly any breathing room. With all the focus on "doing", where is the time for "being"?

We want to feel like our lives have meaning because we are doing things. But with all this time doing things, are we ignoring who we are as a being? If we keep ourselves focused on doing things, going out, working out, activities, are we missing out on something else? The state of our being results in our doing things. If we are so busy doing, do we change our being to then change our doing thereafter? Mostly not.

We don't change ourselves from within, the way we think or perceive the world, and so we're not empowered to change the world. We're chasing doing things, but not things that help us understand the larger problems in order to do something about it.

Things are messed up in the world. We feel a lot of pressure in our own lives as well, stress from work and with all the things we keep ourselves busy doing. We seek an escape. We do fun things, or we veg out, like in front of the TV or playing games. If we want things to change, to change the effects, we need to change the cause. To change the "doings" in the world, we have to change the "being" of individuals.

Doing something isn't necessarily better than doing nothing. When there are problems, we can't just be "doing" things for the sake of doing things. We need to understand why something is happening, and focus on the root causal source to change for the effects to change. Most of the time that requires us or others to change internally in the way we think or see things. When we understand what we need to do to change the cause, then we can do something and get the results/effects we want.

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I generally agree with your message, though I think in some cases where there is no clear solution in the grand scheme, it's still helpful to "do" little things here and there, and then who knows.. Before you know it maybe all those little pieces without a clear destination in the beginning will paint a beautiful picture for you.

However I totally agree that in some case, if you don't have a clearly defined goal and you just do stuff you could definitely make things worse!!

Also I don't think all video games or games are bad and I'm not sure if you think that, I agree people and myself included have spent too much time in virtual worlds and not the real world, but games can help us learn a lot of different things and some people think it will be gamers that will be the ones who end up saving the world since gamers love to go on epic quests and fight the ultimate evils in the world.

The thing is.. How do we get most of these people to see that real life is the game that needs most attention? Many want to escape into their virtual worlds because the real world is really messed up, so if we can somehow make it fun and like a game to go out into the world and help these problems we face, then.. I think that would be a positive thing personally.

Thanks for the thought provoking post as usual! And.. I really vibed with this part here!

"To change the "doings" in the world, we have to change the "being" of individuals."

some people think it will be gamers that will be the ones who end up saving the world since gamers love to go on epic quests and fight the ultimate evils in the world.

Hehe, maybe... but not if they just stick to the virtual world and escape there for their hero quest... the real world awaits...

You're welcome, thanks for the feedback and appreciating the content ;)

Compulsive doing seems a lot like the habit of some people entering the waiting room at the doctor's office and compulsively start talking to people about anything, perhaps because the idea of being alone with their thoughts in silence terrifies them. Not-doing terrifies some people, too, almost as if they are somehow wasting life if they are not attempting to do something about any and all situations.

At times we might be given to wonder whether they are truly trying to solve the problem, or merely doing the equivalent of nervously tapping their feet.

Yes, some people really like to talk, and can't just be in quiet. Or can't be alone. I enjoy it :) Thinking and refection is good :)

Good point, many people see it as a waste of their life if they aren't doing something. Doing other things that aren't physically moving is like wasting away, wasting their life. But how about the doing of thinking in consciousness hehe.

Oooooh... a nuanced message here... tricky business for the uninitiated...

The true intent of this message is bolstered by who’s speaking it. This is a very rare circumstance, as typically it’s rather unimportant who is speaking the truth. But one could easily misunderstand this article to be saying “don’t be proactive”, but coming from someone so prolifically involved in mankind’s uplift makes that error far less probable.

Well done, as usual. The New Age says “do nothing”, the freedom advocate says “do something” and you offer a middle-pillar insight of immense relevance and lucidity. Much obliged on behalf of all.

Hehe, thanks :) Yes it's dual, and needs to be understood in different contexts to apply properly. It's not simply about doing something. We're so trapped in an endless cycle of doing, without getting to the root of our being that manifests that doing effect. To make things better and get on the right track, we need to know what to do to change, not simply "do anything". Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing anything, at least you don't waste your energy flailing round pretending like something useful is being done ;)

Doing nothing is not an option and doing without knowing and just for sake is waste, so the most important thing is, always do any action with meaning not just sake of doing something, and in many cases people waste their times for many years doing unproductive work and once they understand it becomes really late. People are educated but in my opinion that education in many cases never helped because people take the decisions which are not for their path but still they will walk for years no matter that path will eat them from inside.

Many times people face adversity situation but some never try to understand the core problem and they continue everything as they always do but sometimes that will not help them to come out of adversity because they are not working on the core issue.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Yeah, educated doing school but no use for it :/ Doing things just to do them, that's what a lot of jobs are, just so we can survive by being paid to do things :/

Yes, in life we have to follow our passion and not the path which is chosen under pressure because that path will never going to give peace of mind. 🙂

Lack of knowledge / consciousness / awareness / empathy are the roots of so many evils that could be easily eradicated if people would just accept objective facts rather than turn a blind eye to them because they are "uncomfortable" truths.

Accepting one's own responsibility to make the world a better place is essential to leading a productive, joyful and meaningful life. Unfortunately many virtue signal and believe that is the same as being virtuous, which necessitates actual, purposeful and impactful doing.

Accepting one's own responsibility to make the world a better place is essential to leading a productive, joyful and meaningful life.

Right on ;)

Everyone longs for a better future, career success, household and social relationships, but we are often confronted by obstacles. And the biggest obstacle is in ourselves.

Sometimes we feel boredom, not eager in life. You feel the need for motivation from others. Maybe it works. However, to then be changed and excited, the key is yours. No one can provide better motivation, other than ourselves.

To be self-motivated, you must understand the goal you want to achieve. Do reflection, what you really want. Then, you have to develop both short and long term planning.

Success is always achieved with a process after passing through various obstacles. so do not be afraid to fail, because failure is also a learning process. Of human capabilities will also increase. Actually the word fail is only the property of people who stop trying, stop innovating, stop doing.

In addition to the courage of first capital to achieve success, there are other things that are very important also to know that is always positive thinking, always optimistic will be. Positive and optimistic thinking can be achieved by always interacting with people who are positive and optimistic mentors in doing many things, as well as with the same community of vision. Because it can drain positive energy.

Begin by having the belief that success, success, anxiety, everything is caused by a factor from within man himself. The belief that the one who created it is actually his heart and mind.

Other external factors do not really reflect the human person. Yet it is the heart and the inner mind that identify it. That is why blaming the outside factor is unwise. This kind of belief will change a man's attitude into a winner.

Humans are beings who have the gift of physical perfection, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. With his intelligence, he is able to manage his heart and mind. Even able to understand how the thinking process itself.

Many people are less aware of this, not knowing, pretending not to know, or even unwilling to know that they have the ability to manage their hearts and minds. So they never realize that they have become slaves or servants of their own hearts and minds. Instead of leading his heart and mind, his whole life is controlled by his own heart and mind.

Indeed. Self-control, self-regulation, self-governance, self-examination, self-analysis, self-improvement, all possible and important to do :)

When I was a teen I wasted time doodling. At least that's what it looked like to others, including my family. But I was thinking. I'm still doodling and still thinking. Sometimes I have beer while I'm doodling, and on occasion, I get creative.

Diddlie-Do and Diddlie-Dumb

When I really get serious I just tell myself this: The only way to get something done is to just do it. I'm happy with my decisions and my indecisiveness. Whom else do I need to make happy?

Yeah, if you know what needs to get done, do it, procrastinating just delays what needs doing ;)

Sometimes, doing nothing can also be good to avoid mistakes. Lolx. Kidding aside but your point of view is clearly agreeable.

Yes, we need to do things, but know what we;re doing. Sometimes doing things makes things worse, we need to understand the root of what we are being that results in the doing that needs fixing, not just do things half-assed; )

Good, eternal theme.

If you can not change things, leave them alone and not lose time and energy.
If you can not change them because you do not understand the problem then try to find the cause of the problem.
If you find the cause you will find a solution - if any.
If you have cancer (you have the cause of the disease) and you can not solve it again.
All is more complex-sometimes.

If you have cancer (you have the cause of the disease) and you can not solve it again.

What do you mean if you have the cause you can't solve it again?

Unfortunately,you can only ascertain it
because it is still "unsolvable"
(incurable disease).

Ok it's a great point but by just doing anything you can always make things even worse. So think before you do and don't just do anything...

I think there's a little irony in your post about the fruitlessness of doing something for the sake of doing something. You point out that playing video games is a waste of time you will be regretful of later in life, and (presumably) you should be doing something more fulfilling.

The problem with that is at some point you will stop doing and being. You will be dead and none of it will matter. You aren't saving up fulfilling memories for some eternal day of reflection(Wouldn't that be a drag if that's all an afterlife consisted of). You are being and dying then dead. The playing the video games was part of the being all along.

"We need to understand why something is happening..." all of that stuff is the doing something for the sake of doing something because you haven't accepted that you will die. Or that's also part of the being. Nothing to get upset about, unless you want that to be part of the being too. In which case, be as upset as you want.

What is the difference at the end of the life time if I remember where I "lost" time?
Will I feel better?
I doubt...
And there is not a man who did not have an "empty walk" in life!
Only the "machine" does not have an empty walk - it works until it is extinguished.

"because you haven't accepted that you will die"

Huh? Have fun running with that assumption...

it really depends on what you are doing and how you measure value.

La lógica indica que si queremos resolver los problemas que nos aquejan, primero tenemos que analizarlos y buscar la raiz, y si es un problema sin solución, ¡por qué angustiarse? y si tiene solución simplemente le buscamos la solución. Tenemos que aceptar lo que no podemos cambiar. Bueno es mi opinión personal. si tengo que esperar que el asensor habra esperaré, y si se convierte en una angustia la espera tengo que dar señales para que me habran, pero no voy a empeorar el problema, solo debo buscarle la solución. Gracias por la reflexión @krnel