How Does Evolution and Survival of the Fittest Apply to Steem?

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

I was thinking of #evolution and the idea of #survival of the fittest. Biologically, the "fittest" is not about strength or #power, but about fitness relating to adaptability, of being able to adapt to change.


I also thought about the attempt to apply that theory to society at large to justify dominating positions of #power and rule through the idea of "Social Darwinism". That those who "survive" or rule in society are the ones at the top with the most money and #power. That they are the ones fit to survive and rule society because of their social positioning.

Do any of these models or ideas apply to how Steem functions? Does #evolution and #survival of the fittest on #steem work through the idea of "Social Darwinism", adaptability to change, both, or neither?

Who survives in the long run? Who rules in the long run? Those with money and #power as per "Social Darwinism", or those who are most able to adapt to change as per the original meaning of #survival of the fittest? Both? Neither?

What are your thoughts?

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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I think the ones that survive are the ones that come and stay long term , not those that are interested in money and then taking it of . The ones that know that this paltform can you make better connections , the ones with a good purpose

Long term, hard work, even if they make little rewards, it's still surviving on the platform. Those who leave don't survive indeed.

That's an interesting topic and I've been thinking about that myself. At least at this point, I don't see a clear answer just yet. All I know, that there is some correlation but how big is it?
Do people actually have same personalities in real life and in Steemit? I don't think so. An introvert might be very open and socializing here and vice versa.

Survival of the fittest, when he applied to humanity and other animals was always seemingly about the strength of the body and the will of character. In my own life, I have come to see the social Darwinism as the actual evolutionary trait of humanity. While humans, as an individual, need to be strong enough to survive this world in order to make it and to pass on their genetics to progeny as a whole we require community. In that case, social Darwinism applies to the ability to network and get along with others. Popularity always becomes important when the culture of humanity is concerned. It seems to me that Steem Is often the case of one of two things. First, one can succeed simply by Perseverance. Shit posting pays off if you’re able to do so a lot. The poster easier and they can be done in mass. This will make you money but probably not make you super successful in the long run. You’re still survive. The other way to not just survive but to actually succeed and thrive constantly I’m here still seems to be like any other social media platforms, and that you need to build your popularity. You need to have a hook and you need to be able to negotiate the interests of a community at large. Whether you join a minnow support group and Make friends that support each other or you write on the coattails of somebody that is already more successful, either way it’s not easy to do it alone. I am sure it is possible as nothing is impossible, but it is improbable to be successful without the help of others. Those of us that work from home, who don’t work well with others Remain here and we keep trying LOL personally I just like having a place to write and I like the overall feel of the people on the block chain versus something like say, Facebook. I make a little money here and there and I get lucky on a post but I don’t build a true following, not really. So, that being said, I probably am sort of talking out of my ass. I’m just stating what I see but considering that I’m not that successful financially, I don’t have a whole lot of experience in that regard I’m here.

I appreciate the feedback. Good points. Maybe use a bit more paragraphing next time though ;)

It all depends on the situation. I have always been a survivalist and I learn to adapt. I think of ways outside the box to work around situations and problems. Many large powers have eventually lost their power for reasons some of which was inability to change. Survivalist also learn to lick their wounds and go on. Such to with steem. Bigger is not necessarily better. As i have mentioned in previous posts, I was scammed 643.843 SBD a few weeks ago. I am a survivalist. I blog about it and go on because I like it here. I enjoy those I follow and grow from that. I grow individually as well as grow relationships. That is worth more than any power, wealth or domination. I survive and become and am grateful to steem with the best of them. I think that also when something become big it can risk losing some of its purity and organic flavor. Is that change of quality worth the growth? Only time will decide. Thanks @krnel.

Adapt and keep going, good attitude :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's an interesting question in relation to blockchains because there is such a small barrier to create and migrate to another system.

If there are only people with the money ruling, the creators and the other people who add the value may leave for an alternative platform. What are the rulers left ruling? Are they too rigid to change?

Some sort of balance needs to prevail and for that reason the most adaptable may be better suited to survival, the ones that can help the system reach an equilibrium.

The money rulers still get to rule, it's not like they are going to be giving away their money to reach an equilibrium hehe.

Survival of the fittest? Not sure I ever bought into that. Depends of what game one is trying to survive in. If we are alive, I guess we survived.

I guess anyone who posts, no matter the reward, is alive on Steem ;)

In steem, the concept of ressurrection is very present.

In my opinion you can apply Evolution and Survival of the Fittest to Steem.
In my case I'm only 2 weeks here but already made ~70$
And that's just the payout of the first week..
I also got a massive delegation!
This all would not be possible if I didn't put some effort into it!
I analysed, learned this really massive learning curve and tried it out.
Now I'm truly already a part of a beautiful german speaking community.
Greets :)

What are my thoughts on it?
Well, Human's are the best creature of the God,
yeah, exactly You being stronger will never guarantee your survival,
Changing yourself according to the conditions is what give you guarantee your survival,
The fast we accept the change, faster will be the changes of our success :)

The survivors will be doggedly persistent with a Teflon coated thick skin. @krnel

Great to see your content, thanks for your share. Really i appreciate it.


survival of the fittest and darwinism will no longer apply to mankind because of things like biohacking, neurohacking, inteligence augmentation, etc, etc...About steem, people who are surviving and making a living out of this are the ones who are programmers and can build apps, who invested money before and have a lot of steem power...the ones who have no programming background and have no money invested, apart from very very rare exceptions, have steem as a hobby.