Individuals Are the Roots That Grow Into the Tree of Community - The Vaccine Herd Mentality Needs to Stop

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

We all are part of the collective group, a society, a community, but the collective dogma and mania should not be permitted to overrule individual rights. Collectivism is dangerous when unchecked against individual rights.


Many people think in utilitarian ways. They think that the greatest good for the most people outweighs harm that occurs for the few. That the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. When something is seen to benefit the larger group, no matter the consequences to a few or many, they favor it. As long as they are not personally affected in a negative way, they continue to support the "greater good" fallacy.

One thing you hear on Facebook and in society, is that you need to protect the herd, even at the cost of yourself. There is all this talk of self-sacrifice in-line with collectivism and group-think. People choose to ignore individual rights to choose when there is no harm being done, as if somehow the collective herd matters more. But there is no herd or collective without individuals first. It all starts with the individual and builds up, not the other way around top-down with the group-collectivist mindset ruling everything else.

This comes out often when you try to point out the issues with vaccines. Like how mercury isn't good for us, and that's known, yet it's in vaccines through Thimerosal. Also, how vaccines use aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines, but aluminum has health concerns that aren't being talked about enough in society.

An interesting documentary called Injecting Aluminum talking about the emergence of what has been called macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is likely coming from aluminum.


Despite people having health issues that are being characterized as this new MMF illness, medical agencies like the WHO says there's "no evidence to suggest that MMF is a specific illness". Call it whatever you want then, but something is going on here...

People who are pro-vaccine blindly, don't even want to watch the documentary when you try to share it. They are in such fear of their lives if anyone stops taking vaccines, that they and everyone (the herd) will be in danger if someone doesn't take their vaccine...

"We have to all protect the herd! You're individual rights and freedom be damned!"

It's pretty nuts. Even when you accept how vaccines saved people, but are just asking to remove harmful things like mercury and aluminum, people aren't interested in learning about the harmful aspects of vaccines. They are completely stuck in fear and group-think hive-mind unthinking collectivism. Who cares if you get MMF, autism, or whatever else problems because your body is different and can't get rid of the aluminum or other nasty shit like other people's bodies can. You or your child just has to get sick and have a life ruined because the herd matters more.

These people are so confused, brainwashed, and mind controlled through fear. Make vaccines safer?... nah... can't even think about it that way, just keep rejecting the info, don't even watch the documentary, and keep repeating what they are told that mercury and aluminum in vaccines isn't a problem... what the hell...


These people claim to stand for community, but a real community recognizes individual rights and doesn't trample on them from fear. There is a group, there is a collective, there is a society, there is a community. But all that is based on individuals getting together. And getting together in free association, voluntarily with individual rights being accepted. As long as no one is causing harm, then why coerce someone into possibly harming themselves or accepting potential harm form being forced upon us by centralized authoritarian rulers?

There is a lot of hysteria and mania when people are fearful of something. This happens with vaccines because they fear a deadly illness spreading in the herd. All the fear, hysteria and mania about blindly accepting vaccines makes people not think. As if there are no concerns.

The safety of the herd matters, but the safety of the individual doesn't? What? If you get your body damaged from mercury or aluminum, oh well, it's all for the greater good.

If you get shot by police, oh well, you deserved it, the police are great, they protect us, it's for the greater good, we just have to accept some bad things happening.

Don't bother trying to think about individual rights and to be free from harm, just accept that some people are going to get hurt by cops, vaccines, government, etc. We shouldn't worry about the dangers or harm, we just need to accept that it's for the greater good of the herd. Double plus good...

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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I've seen some docu. that vaccines can also potentially harm your brain that you can't think properly it also affects your decision making.

I believe it is an individual choice to vaccinate and should not be forced on a person. This is a passage I wrote a while back about vaccines. I apologize for the length. Thanks for the wonderful perspective @krnel.


You have no idea what they are pumping into your body. Doctors do not often have the time nor the incentive to level with you. They are PAID by big Pharma. They have no reason to level with you. If they have monetary opportunity to treat the symptom for $750,000 for a period of several years rather than cure you for $300.00 they will listen to money. Dr. Joel Wallach explains this well in the video 'Dead Doctors Don't Lie.' Many folks have adverse reactions to vaccines and it should be an individual choice. Freedom matters when it comes to our bodies.


That is hypocrisy and a convenient double standard. WHY? vaccines are not like clothing, laptops or cars that can be mass produced for all. The Henry Ford of assembly line drugs does not drive well in our bodies. Different chemicals have different reactions. One person's body has an entirely different set of chemistry than another person has. So two people will react differently. Folks have died of vaccines. They have acquired autism and a host of other sometimes permanent conditions and illnesses from choosing to believe what they are told by the media, the medical field and their peer group. It is not cool to be anti-vaccine is the mentality out there. Therefore there is pressure to keep the anti-vaccine movement at bay. Or they work hard to discredit the claims. You are given one body baby.

Things in the world have changed since I was a kid.
The revolving door of politicians and multinational Big Pharma managers taking over the State, that approve vaccines without proper testing.
Public Health has become a business not a way to prevent human diseases.
All the vaccines I took more than a half a century ago were all necessary for my survival, but today they want to sell you vaccines for everything without being sure of its efficiency.
Doctors and States are prisoners of the vertical oligarchic system of the fascist behavior of multinationals taking over the world, and where science have no space.

Today's research on vaccines says: "we have little to no chance to predict how the antigen and antibody interaction will play out". Contrast that to the wikipedia page on antigen-antibody interaction.

The whole spiel of "it's undeniable that vaccines have prevented and saved", is all based on science that has not panned out in the lab setting for over a century, and how would you know that polio was eradicated, and its symptoms weren't simply reclassified as acute flaccid paralysis syndrome? Doctors and States always bore the same fruit, they are limbs of a tree and have been freely growing, to lament that they are victims is to cry over the fruit or lack thereof, over how big they got, or how much water they take up, even an herb will soon turn into a pasture if left unchecked and it what will it benefit then? Science is great and all, but since steam engine times science was at the mercy of the tree, it's been so for yeeee long.

The point about vaccines needs to be made that those who are vaccinated still incur the disease and they shed thus infecting others who despite being vaccinated aren't immune. If one delves into the mechanism for action for vaccines you will be met rather quickly with disheartening information with ramifications of invalidating any "benefits" vaccines have. Cops, on the other hand, are a similar illogical response to the disease of "bypass and cripple the immune system to boost the immune system". Cops don't prevent crime, they police the plantation like their predecessors the Slave Catching Patrols. A servant cannot be above a master.

That is incorrect, people with the vaccine can’t make others ill. It’s not a virus that can be given to another person, that is incorrect information. Please read more about it.

You're wrong, people who have been vaccinated actively shed the virus. This is common knowledge to anyone who's informed about vaccines, don't please me to read some more, please you to go ahead and RESEARCH what the fuck I said instead of assuming, or giving your opinion of my knowledge.

I just want to point that the collectivism referred in the first part of this post should be categorized as Vertical Collectivism.
Vertical Collectivism exercised in centralized structures is the opposite of the Horizontal Collectivism generated in free decentralized communities allowing the conjunction with Vertical Individualism.
"The Vertical Individualism or Collectivism in the current centralizing structures leads increasingly to the alley of conformism and isolationism, and to social stagnation."
Nowadays, the despotic "Vertical Individualism" in Power wants to implement a Vertical Collectivism of conformism and normalized social behavior, just like the old Soviet communism.

Yeah, I do say "Collectivism is dangerous when unchecked against individual rights." Meaning that there are valid forms of collectivist behavior, that's it's dual, not all one way bad. Thanks for the feedback.

Vaccines are a big one, but not the only one. They've got most people at the bottom of the pyramid running around sacrificing themselves so the people at the top can be 'immune from the herd'.

Personal responsibility is trampled by the herd mentality stampeding.

True that! Group hive-mind stomping out individual responsibility ;)

And rights, as you pointed out.

What a philosophy?

I'm glad I found your blog. I'm fairly new here and trying to find and 'friend' content that I enjoy. Being read is another matter - very few people are seeing my writing now, and I've decided to stop stressing over it and just enjoy Steemit. I hope this is a place where quality wins out over steem for $ strategies, and I guess we'll see over time. Momz

I hope this is a place where quality wins out over steem for $ strategies

Nope, not really. Money rules the platform ;) STEEM Power = money = power.

Sometimes quality gets a win ;)

Very good

It's murder.

Stare at the Sun and generate gold. Never trust a capitalist.

Every dentist who ever put mercury in any mouth is obligated to remove that poison and make complete amends, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.........

Wouw, do you only collect people around you that think alike? Like a herd that only says you are correct?
I completely disagree with you. I do absolutely believe in vaccination and also taking care of each other as a collective. People have forgotten the horrific outcome of the diseases you get protected from. I almost find it unfortunate that it is possible for individuals to not take the vaccine, and that vaccination levels are dropping. An example of total FUD was in majority Muslim countries where parents refused, as they believed that the western world were going to kill their children. Instead, outbreaks of measles and polio happened and hundreds of children died. ( I posted about this yesterday, if you care to read the other side)
O, I don’t say that we should stop research into Aluminium, as mercury is FUD ( it’s not in vaccines, at least not since my children had them), and luckily universities are. But until now there is more evidence that vaccine are completely safe ( thousands of articles)
As long as >80% of the population takes vaccines, the individuals that choose not to, are save, but levels at certain places are dropping rapidly. I can’t tell you to take them. Neither a doctor can force you. It will be a natural behaviour of people to fear the side effects, when the diseases are forgotten. Unfortunately, the individual will only decide again to take them, when children start dying again. And this isn’t far away anymore. Last year about 10 of infants died of vaccine preventable diseases in USA, at families that choose not to vaccinate ( reference in my previous post), this will only increase, until the diseases have such an impact again, that the fear for side effects will fade.
Anyway, I think what pissed me of more, is that on your writing, you only got like minded answers, Your own little herd. please, think before you decide not to vaccinate, as you are individuals and vaccination is not conpulsary, so there is not herd mentality nescessary , but realize again what a wonderfull invention it is, against horrible diseases. Actually there is now anti vaccination herd mentality, following social media, make up your own mind, the risk versus the benefit. I choose actively to vaccinate, not to protect the collective, to protect my children, and their friends around them.

Did I say not to use vaccines at all? No.

Even when you accept how vaccines saved people, but are just asking to remove harmful things like mercury and aluminum, people aren't interested in learning about the harmful aspects of vaccines.

That's what I said. Vaccines can save people. What am I asking for? I said it in that quote.

Did I say not to take care of each other? No. You misconstrue the whole point of the post...

Ok, maybe I have misunderstood your point. I reread your post to make sure I do get the essence, as I’m not here to only get reinforced on my own believes, but to see other people’s visions on live, and to expand my mind, so please bare with me, if I don’t “get it” all the time. I might have been blinded by the case you used. Especially as you also state that you should not sacrifice yourself for the herd, which to me sounded like you are saying not to get vaccinated. You want us to think as individuals, and not act like a herd. Look at all sides and stay open minded to opposing opinions. And that individual opinions should be taken seriously ( I hope I got the essence here)Unfortunatly, I think it doesn’t matter in the vaccination case you bring up. People still act like herds, either pro or anti, both out of fear ( either the illness or the side effects), and not listening to the other side or possibilities. I do believe to stay open minded, but some things did get disproven and still get attention on the internet and are hard to kill and some things can be open for discussion. Global warming is maybe one of the best examples, as both sides shout load, even open minded scientists. So I can see your point, but I believe it is impossible, as we are all behaving in a herd, even if we think we are making decisions as an individual.

That is true.
Most of us suffer from this herd mentality. I remember reading a chapter about this at school.
Society is good but not if it limits individual rights

very good post, we live in the community are so many things that are very different between one and the other, it is true tend to very many people who support one thing for the good of many people but very few who see the losses are considered to benefit the crowd

I remember when I was a child not getting the volume of vaccines that are pushed on children today. It appears near tripled.

Here's my only beef: giving vaccines to newborns with no good active immunity to recognize the virus - which is why breastfeeding is better too - mom's immunity helps protect the baby. I often tell young mothers to wait until their child is at least 6 months to a year, and don't get several shots at the same time. HepB given after birth is meant to protect sexually active people or people sharing needles in recreational drug use situations. That has got to be the stupidest shot I've ever seen. It's useless and pointless.

Maybe I'm wrong, but my information shows that it doesn't seem right to bombard a young body with all those chemicals, and certainly not at the sheer amount that schools and daycares enforce. I'm not against vaccinations, just slow down the schedule, and remove the chemicals that are harmful. Remove HepB at birth. (I refused this for my newborns. I lied and said I would have their pediatrician give it, then waited until the school forced me when they were upper elementary.) Some employers and colleges were enforcing this vaccine too. Why?

Why do people need more vaccinations now than 40 years ago? I know they've added a few, but on others, are they saying what we used to get wasn't good enough?

So, this is a good point that we should be allowed to make our own choices about these things. Everyone has a different situation. I don't like being herded like a cow to the slaughter. If my personal decisions aren't allowed, I get very sneaky with the systems, and have no qualms about avoiding and lying to people who don't have my best interests at heart.