It's All An Illusion, It's All Experience, Let It All Happen (WTF!?)

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

A person afraid to look into the mirror, into the heart of darkness within, into their current self, will not look at their own wrongs or falsity first. They will focuses on anyone else -- the others -- with no concern for self-work or inner-work.


Many of the ways of living we continue to engage in are built on ignorance of harm we create ourselves as a whole (collective), self-created harm towards others and even to ourselves. The ignorance of what we ourselves are doing as a society is the reason for harm to continue to be created in the aggregate. We are all feeding a beast of a system and most people don't see it.

People can't honestly look at their behavior and expressions of consciousness that generate such behavior. They are too attached to themselves and others, including beliefs that are bought into as reality. We can't stand against what we do because we don't see ourselves honestly in the mirror.

Many people don't want to look at the falsity they are attached to, or the beliefs they are attached to either. They want to remain attached to these beliefs as some known certainty, as if it's actual reality and truth, even though it is simply a belief.

People are not delineating between possibilities, probabilities and actualities in reality that can be known, and this keeps them trapped in the mind's thoughts of speculative imaginations, of phantasms and fantasy.


Some people think they are "free" from what they negatively view as "mind" or "thought" prisons from actually thinking -- which is especially a part of New Age pseudo-spiritual thought. They believe feeling is more important, as if you can feel your way to truth. That thought and logic are flawed, and feeling is "pure perfection" to lead you in life.

They think of themselves as being in "pure" intuition, "pure"-knowledge from a "source" of nous-noesis-gnosis that they magically "tap" into because they are so "connected". I have lived with some. This all makes them feel so special to believe they are so "connected" to the "source", "God", etc.

Objective reality and actuality, here and now, grounding in reality, becomes an illusion for many who follow this train of thought, or anti-thought, concluding the imaginative invented beliefs as the "Absolute" and "Real" reality, that is somewhere else, and the shared reality we exist in is some illusion that they often seek to escape from.

Rather than look at the world honestly -- the negative, falsity, wrongs, immorality, evil, etc. -- and see what they are doing to support and participate in creating the world as it is, they just want to deny this is the reality that matters, and dream of being somewhere else, in some 5th dimension, in some afterlife, or whatever.

This life is only temporary in their mindsets, so what happens here doesn't matter so much, it's just an "experience". The suffering inflicted on others is just an "experience", just part of their "journey" that they are meant to learn as a reincarnated "soul" or some such belief. They are meant to "experience" that as part of some great master design. Let it all happen, don't stop it.

Don't worry about stopping the harm, violence, wrongs, immorality or evil, or figuring out if we are participating or supporting it... nah... just go with the flow, go along to get along, enjoy the ride, don't rock the boat, don't go against the grain, mind your own business, keep your head down, be tolerant and accepting of everything. After all there has to be evil for good, we gotta "balance" our good acts with evil acts in our human world. It's all part of the "great plan". No one is to blame...



Failure to see the world as it is, the light/dark, beauty/horror, right/wrong, prevents us from being aware of what we can do to make things better. It's much easier to ignore and not even want to see, or excuse what it is we do see. Why face the mirror of darkness and truth about the world or ourselves, when we can believe whatever the fuck we want and delude ourselves... :/

truth hard when lies what you want to hear.jpg


Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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A particularly poignant discussion. Objectively considering oneself, and of most relevance, one's beliefs, is utterly harrowing. Even those that have undertaken it to the best of their ability do fail to comprehend completely. It is impossible to have perfect knowledge (as an aside, this is a justification latched onto by new-agers to validate their rainbow-puking vapidity), and this can discourage folks from suffering the real discomfort self-examination engenders.

Just because something isn't perfect, like self-knowledge, doesn't mean it isn't better than greater self-ignorance, or worth having. However, it often is necessary for folks to undergo existential catastrophe before such self-awareness is understood as better than ignorance, and even despite such motivation, some folks just can't manage it at all.

It is appropriately humbling that even those most able to aren't able to do so flawlessly. This is why the most enlightened tend to be utterly humble. They know well that they are as imperfect as anyone else. This is also a great test of enlightenment, and a means of separating poseurs and conmen from actual beneficial spiritual leaders. Spiritual leaders that ride in limos are conmen.

Having undertaken it, this is my experience. Sometimes it seems that if it wasn't for twinges of regret, I wouldn't feel anything at all. Yet, I am distinctly grateful for humility, shame, and regret, as I care about being good to my fellows, and without those seemingly burdensome things, I doubt I'd be able to.

I have spoken to many folks, including buddhists, that propose that their happiness is their highest purpose. I pity them, despite their posture of being pleased, as I can scarcely imagine anything more vapid and insipid as devotion to self, and to even undertake spiritual practices in order to please oneself is not only farcical, but mockery of the very concept of spirituality. It's mere spiritual masturbation.

Because I acknowledge that we are eminently incapable of not being ignorant of vast realities given our present physical and mental limitations, I reckon some faith is necessary to better approach objectively knowable reality. To unfetter such faith with reason and facts is to court derangement, not only not in our personal best interests (if best realization of actuality is considered optimal) but counter to the purpose we all share to benefit our fellows.

While we certainly can't count on our fellows to fulfill ourselves, we can be accountable in that endeavor, and at least reduce the suffering our brethren are oppressed by. If we have any higher purpose, I am certain that is some aspect of it, at least.

Ruthlessly acknowledging our biases, shortcomings, and ignorance is requisite to our execution of beneficence, and I reckon we should do so to the best of our abilities, not just insofar as it increases our happiness.

Joy and peace are of far greater value than happiness and pleasure, IMHO, and both are degraded by hedonistic self-actualization that is actually self-abnegation, because it precludes these greater rewards for living.


Great comment. Nailed many points ;) Pretty much agree with it all, many things I've noticed as well, some of which I talk about hehe. Thank you for sharing :)

People do not want to face reality so they create their safe illusion and make it their reality. They hope to escape the dangers and trouble of the world that way. For some it works. For others they get clobbered by the true reality as a result of being too passive and apathetic. they realize the world has problems but they do not want to know about it. Dated a girl once that was that way. Obviously I am not passive. Thanks @krnel

too passive and apathetic

Right on. Pacifism of not getting involved because of not wanting the hassle of being involved oo ;)

There is actually reason to do this, but only with understanding can one choose which ignorance is necessary and isn't dangerous. There are dangers we are unlikely to face, so ignoring them is reasonable, like Velociraptor hunting techniques.

Other things, like the endemic corruption of our governments, police, and the enemedia, are almost certain to bite us in the ass if we ignore them. Carlos Castaneda, in 'A Yaqui Way of Knowledge', wrote his spiritual teacher, the sorcerer Don Juan, said 'A man of knowledge chooses his folly.'

Even though this was a fictional tale, there is much truth in it.


Good article, Kris. You hit the nail on the head. Yeah, those people piss me off too, especially when they are not born with mental retardation and fully capable of thinking in reality.

I run into this often. They really believe that "feeling" is intuition, or that feeling your way through life is the right way. A deliberate disengagement of thinking. I call it L A Z Y and careless.

The problem is that they don't have knowledge or experience to make good judgements, nor reflect later to check why they felt that way. New Age (sales gimmicks) promote this erroneous, vague idea that we are born with some wise intuition that will always guide us in the right direction, so we don't have to think anything out, discover or learn.

I guess if you like pain or the school of hard knocks, then throw caution to the wind, hope for the best, and keep on "feeling" your way through life. Let me know how it's working for ya!

Haha, I'm glad you also notice this BS too... I had to just rant about it and mock it :P

I guess ultimately, ignorance is bliss.

Try as you like, ultimately, you want that ignorance.

Call it a break, a time to chill or whatever.

We gotta take a step back somehow I guess.

Well, taking a step back to take a break vs. being ignorant and not wanting to know, are two different things ;)

Ignorance is a deliberate choice to not want to know the truth. Reality will come back to bite anyone not living in reality, so I don't see where bliss plays a part. Basically, that platitude needs to be trashed.

this post is really very useful for everyone especially in steemit! I agree with your opinion and imi in accordance with the current reality. people always judge others but do not judge themselves first. this is what we have to fix. the main thing we need to change is our morals and morals.

Yes, morality for the win, always!

That's right

"some illusion that they often seek to escape from"
The true motive behind much human behavior...

Yes it is;)

People usually do what they like but they don’t even try to know or educate themselves about that paticular thing wether they are on the right path or wrong, are they going into the right direction? Greed has poison our souls, no one claim himself to be a false, the whole universe is wrong but i am the Mr perfectionist nothing can go wrong with me, the phenomenon all are involved in.. looking deep into oneself thoughts and ideas is very scarcely found in modern age

thats some dark shit, son!

Thanks ;) lol

love to read it.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

A philosophy of a very good life reality. sometimes we never realize for what we do to ruin everything.