Nobody Will Remember You

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Elisha Gray, Kia Silverbrook, Gustav Whitehead, Alfred Russel Wallace, Philo Farnsworth. You probably have no idea who they are yet you use derivates of their inventions on a daily basis. I won't mention what they did because it doesn't matter. Most of you won't bother to google them anyway. You have far more important things to attend to other than searching for a name that ended up doing something for you. I mean, do you even know or care about who invented the internet? Even if you do, does it occupy your daily thoughts?

We live based on the idea that our deeds and dreams will remain carved in people's memories yet we are a living proof that the ones that lived before us are nothing but vague amalgamations. We try to derive meaning from life by leaving something behind us. A book, a child, a piece of code, an Instagram page. In reality, we are only adding to a given amount of noise. Nature has carved us in a way that transcends our lives into things around us — whether that is DNA or carved word on a tree. We are on an autopilot of belief that doesn't hold in the long-run. We are conned by mother-nature.


Even so, I can hear you say "It's all good, I feel its worth it" and "You are depressed man". We like to give excuses for the inevitable so we can continue going on ourselves. We use defensive projections to protect us from the fragile wall that shields us from an inescapable reality. Failing to create a meaningful narrative for our lives leads to self-destruction, isolation, abandonment. Being alive entails that we can somehow manipulate the hormones and neurotransmitters in our minds so we control the way we would be remembered. Nonetheless, if you have spend a couple of decades on this rock, you have find out that saying to a depressed person to cheer up is much like to saying to an amputee to grow legs.

A bee, a cat, a bird do their daily chores without thinking. They do them because this who they are. They are born with specific instructions. They follow code that is imprinted inside them. Humans do much the same. We fail to grasp our place in time as much as a bee fails to understand the causality of its actions. Sure, we can envision our own death but that doesn't gives perspective about how easy we will be forgotten no matter what we do.

We have invented ethics, religion and philosophy in an effort to reason with this unsettling fact. Yet, fame doesn't care about good or bad deeds. Memories don't either. You know nothing about the people who I aforementioned above yet you talk, think and see this man on the right more than anyone else. Not that you know much about what he did but the face just translates into something in your mind. History is written from the winners anyways. If Germany had won the narrative would have been different since the allies did much similar atrocities.

The narrative. This is all that matters. The story we chose to say to ourselves so we can carve the memories of those around us. Memories that will anyway fade much like everything around us. You will be remembered by some members of your family, sometimes. Perhaps a few from the next generation will stumble upon your name somewhere. It wont matter much like a scientific reference doesn't play any other role other than getting you credibility.

It is said that most of our memories are fake, mixed up with dreams. The brain can retain only that much and after a while it starts mixing things together, creating shortcuts. Most of your childhood has perished even in your own mind. More than half of you is already dead. What remains are shared snapshots from some members of your family that already have forgotten those times as well. You all agreed to remember some parts and that creates a base for the contemporary you. You are probably also frustrated about how others have created a wrong image of you. No need to worry though. Nobody will remember you because memories themselves are nothing but dreams. Dreams fail to become reality because themselves are based on empty memories.

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You really know how to motivate people, he he. If you were a psychiatrist I would be worried about your patients well being. Btw, great post. The sooner one realizes those facts the better for him. It's much easier and less stressful to live if you recognize reality.

If I was a psychiatrist, I would be handing out guns on their way out. Suicide is underrated.

I agree. I would do the same. Although I don't agree with Darwin's theory, the point about the ,,fittest survive'' is one of the good ones.

I don't think the fittest survive. I think the most adaptable to change survive. This is why everyone from the FIAT world is jumping aboard the crypto train and why eventually the government will have us all forever registered in the blockchain.

Nihilism much? Ain't nobody gonna remember this post.

realism much

I once saw a statue in a park, the statue of some obscure poet from a century ago. I figure he was admired enough at the time that they made him a statue to be remembered by. He must have written some books, I imagine. I did study literature in college, but the name didn't ring any bells. The guy is completely forgotten, save for the useless statue.
Wait, the statue was of some use, it was featured in the Pokemon Go game my son was playing at the time. If it wasn't for that, we wouldn't have even noticed the statue.

goes to show how much people care about others, I also had a similar story, it was a statue of a pretty "known" writer from my country, next to a pretty main road, in the capitol no less, It took me around 20 years of passing by it to one day just roam around and stumble upon it, all trashed around, uncared for, left with municipal lights and cones around nothing but wires running around it, the only people who I imagined were there probably resembled the statue in a way, left out, uncared for with the wires of the "good" and "normal" kids running around.

To me it's interesting to learn from others, even if they are long gone, even if they are not famous, I tend top respect doers and I tend to be interested in how people lived before even if it was a bit gloomy back in the days.

awesome point.

A very interesting and very true article my friend.. I think we are here to experience and to build to enjoy everything life has to offer.. Even if no one remembers you, you still lived and you enjoyed life and at the end of the day that is all that matters.. I love your articles they are very mind pleasing.. You can have a look at my blog if you are interested in reading non mainstream literature.. I think you will find my stuff quite interesting to read too.
Cheers and all the best from me..

@kyriacos Someone once mentioned to me - all we will remain is a hole in the wall! Intrigued, I asked the person to elaborate and he explained - When a person dies, his relatives/friends will hang a photo in the wall. After a few years, the photo will cloud over with dust. Still more years and the frame will crack and glass will crack. Some more years will pass and the photo frame will fall and perish and just a nail in the wall will remain. After a few decades, even the nail will rust and perish, leaving only a hole in the wall!! The story demonstrates that, whatever we do, we will most likely be forgotten. So why attach so much importance to what others will think of the routine that we carry out because we are genetically programmed to do so.
Sorry if I rambled but your post triggered this chain of thought. Thank you for your thought provoking blog. Upvoted

I am more into wildlife blogs with my musings accompanying original photos. I never attach the tag of philosophy to my musings because I am really not an expert. I rather seek input from Steemians. I have posted a blog with a question on Innocence- Does it really exist? based on my original wildlife photos and musings. I would be honored if you take a look and when you have time. Your valuable comments will be eagerly awaited. Thanks

I agree with what you said, about "Only a whole in the wall will be left." I have come to realize that we spend too much time trying hard to do things that we believe will get others to remember us by. People should spend more time enjoying each and every day, appreciating every moment instead of wasting so much time trying to do things that others may never even remember about us after a few year of our passing from this world. Please, understand that I am not saying that you should not try to do some of the things that you would like others to remember you once you depart from here. My point is for us not to over do it. We should be careful not to be obsessed with the idea of being remembered while neglecting to enjoy the little things in life, such as family, friends and simply the little things that bring us joy.

If you live a life where you try your best to enjoy each and every day and most of all spread a little bit of that joy to others where ever you go, as well as living a life where you try to uplift others and bring a little sun shine in their lives especially in time of needs is more than trying to do the so call Big thing that we may think that will stick in the mind of others.

The little things such as a smile, a hello, or just calling someone when they are down are usually the things that we will be remembered by. I know that is true for me. In a time of my greatest need, the things I remember the most was the prayer of a former church sister who didn't have a car. She was unable to visit me and my family, but she would call each week to pray with me over the phone in order to lift my spirit. I know she was busy, but she made time each week to call me. ( Although it's been years since I have seen her. I don't even remember her name, but it's those feelings of love and care that remain with me." Things such as someone taking the time to visit you when you are ill while they themselves are not well as my former Pasteur had done are the things people will remember.

Let's not waste so much time trying so hard to do things to be remembered by. If you enjoy life and put others first, there will be at least one person who will remember you till their last breath. They may not remember your name, but they will remember how you made them feel. They may even tell others about your kindness which could live for decades or even centuries from the same story being passed on. Let's not focus too much on "What To Do So We Can Be Remembered," instead let's focus on "How To Be" so others will want to imitate the life you have lived.

Not even the wall will remain, or the hole. nothing will remain in less than the time you were alive.

I never attach the tag of philosophy to my musings because I am really not an expert.

philosophers are no experts. nobody is. everybody pretends to have the greater sum of given knowledge. expertise is a bullshit word.

Not only that, but there will be a time when the rock we call Earth will be no more as well. The whole of humanity is likely to go extinct in the really long run in one way or another.

whatever we do, we will most likely be forgotten -----------> true! i almost get away with shop lifting

Followed, resteemed and upvoted - thank you for this very thought provoking post!

I don't seek to be remembered. I seek to further liberty. If liberty is furthered by my physical presence here on Earth, then I have succeeded in my primary life's objective.

Ideas cannot be killed. Our meat sacks may be mortal, but we, as electrical beings, are immortal. Who we are does not matter compared to what we further by our efforts.

We are electrical for sure!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

liberty is always furthered. thing is, never for all.

Ideas cannot be killed.

yes they can. many have.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I suppose I should have written "good ideas." They don't die because people recognize they are good, and there will always be at least a minority that will keep promoting the idea.

You could enslave most of the people on the planet, and a minority will still press for liberty. They may not be successful and pay a heavy price for it, but they will continue to hope and fight for it.

Do you believe most people are bad/evil? I do not. I believe most people are peaceful, and they have no problem with consent and voluntary interaction.

I believe most people try to survive and they are just caught up in situations where the losers call the others "Evil"

Yeah, I don't believe in "evil people." There are evil actions or evil lack of action. It's something that is done or not done. Some people think guns are evil for example. Nope!

Than I shall build a pyramid! TAKE THAT SCIENCE!

I remember listening to a song by Cliff Edwards and wondering who he was. Apparently he was a huge star of his generation in the 20s through to the 40s. He did the voice acting for Jiminy Cricket and sold millions of records. He died penniless and unknown in a nursing home. That was someone who was forgotten within his own lifetime.

It's sad to think about but we often don't know much about our own grandparents. I learned after my Irish grandfather's death that he had served in The Parachute Regiment in the Suez canal zone conflict and he was once a lumberjack in Canada, he never told me those things when living, not even when I joined the army.

You have to do something really special to be even a footnote in history. How many Sumerian kings can you name? Who were the nobles who forced John to sign the Magna Carta?

exactly. we know almost nothing about most things that give meanings in our life yet we expect to be treated different.

Interesting perspective on life! The way I see it is, that energy is transferred, never destroyed. Leaving something behind is just a part of life, whether its something we do intentionally or not - we may trigger a mere thought in someone else's mind, plant a tree, give someone a sum of money, or just some advice, it is in some way related to us! But, we shouldn't be so attached to trying to be remembered for who we are, because as you pointed out, how we are remembered is highly subjective. Nice :)

the sheer amount of small chaotic events taking place render any effort a sheer noise.


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Nobody will probably remember me. However they may remember what I did. As long as the one who gave me breath remembers me when I leave this world. Thanks for the wonderful read. - Troy

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

my first two lines in the post demonstrate that they won't remember you. at all.

Oddly enough, I think about this often. Sometimes it fills me with existential horror, other times a deep sadness but with a sense of the rightness of it. Other times I think we are all eternal, but just won't always be in the form that we are now. Then I decide I can't let myself worry about it. Living for now seems like a good idea.

unless it doesn't

It is a pretty valid line of thought. I already don't remember a crap ton of things from my childhood that some others do. Plus perception distorts those memories.

I do not expect to be remembered or really care much if I do, however I guess we can leave legacies behind. Maybe the book I just published will do it, who knows.

It wont because people wont be needing homes. Or something like that.

Haha....exactly ;-)

Maybe the book I just published will do it ---------> if it's on amazon kindle, then yes. u can leave legacies

Sweet, it is indeed on Kindle. I will not be forgotten...hahahaha

how would you be remembered :D i always find funerals, sad but also funny in a way, people gathering over a skeleton, missing how much they have missed out and wishing they were something else, then remaining pretty much the same.

The last half of your comment is pretty damn true!

I need to make a list of blogs to just manually check every day. If I rely on seeing good posts in my feed, I miss most of them and wind up reading two or three days worth of your posts in a row.

There must be something wrong with me; I'm not looking for fame or a statue. Get through today, try and plan for some kind of future existence here. Prepare the kids to go out into the world and project their DNA into the future too.

Sometimes I can make people smile and think their existence is a little more pleasant, even for just a brief instant.

That's always cool.

Maybe the reward for a life well lived is simply having lived it?


R esteemed & Up voted . we know almost nothing about most things that give meanings in our life yet we expect to be treated different.

Sic transit gloria mundis

The entropy of the universe also finds its expression in fading memory. The things that are retained in each mind have been highly selected. If not by choice then by chance. Those who select by choice have a small chance to create value by putting some things back together that nature has taken apart, and the whole effort only gives a small advantage and only in relation to some fellow humans, the universe doesn't care. But yes Steemit turns the task into a community effort.

I read this article carefully, and yes; I'm not wrong to define this article as a reading before bed. thanks for sharing @kyriacos

Pretty deep, I enjoyed reading it even if I do not agree on every single point.
Definetly makes you think about the World and yourself.

Screw that. I will be remembered when I leave this earth by many! :)

I cannot bare the thought of just being a wasted breath here. Have to leave a mark!

the fact that you can't bare the though it doesn't mean it won't happen.

Well, what I'm saying is that fear is motivating me to work really hard to make a difference in this world, so I can be remembered for something remarkable.

I believe no one ever accomplished anything great without an ambitious mentality, and serious drive.

Every single person has the power and potential to change the world. It all boils down to one thing.. How much it means to you. If your ambitions are strong enough, nothing can stop you! :)

That's just how my paradigms are currently built :P You may obviously have your own opinion. We should engage in each others content more. Talk soon.

Very thought provoking! I never understood the great need that people have to be remembered after they're gone. I guess it somehow is tied to the human drive to procreate. The world would be a better place if people spent more of their precious time on this rock trying to learn and better themselves than worrying about finding ways to be remembered.

excessive procreation might be the single biggest problem humanity faces right now.

Interesting read. Bleak outlook on life , realistic nonetheless.

nice post


Hy @kyriacos how do you do??
I not really understand with the articel because i can not speak english well.

But i think, you are a profesional writer, it's look from your writing.

Nice to know you.

I think that is so true out of sight out of mind. Great writing skills also. I would love to follow more of your work.

We are not even that.

You're such a cheery mofo! Still think you're​ a closet case FE'r!

yeah :) reminds me of some old songs during that time, hotel california and such :D

Great post. The part about hitler reminded me of this .
Makes everyone who wants to feel great and "change the history of the world" seem less serious. Things might seem to change for just one guy that wanted to "be the momentary master of a spec of dust" as Carl Sagan also once said. Ah, classic bloated human self-importance

This is fascinating. It informs that we shouldn't do something just because we want people to remember us, instead we should just explore ourselves and this world, and live this life peacefully and happily. I really like your work. It's super awesome. I too see the world from different perspectives to ultimately realise that there is no right or wrong viewpoint. Have a look at my work too, you would surely find some mind boggling stuff there as I can rhyme my philosophies. Keep up your good work.

I wouldn't say that your childhood is perished? Yes much of the conscious memories have disappeared but your subconscious is a formation and continuously evolving energy that has been developing from the day your were born. The current you in a result of every stimulus you ever received whether you remember it or not. You are still a manifestation of all of the memories you have forgotten, ever decision you make from this day forth will be influenced by every experience you have had.


Everyone is the world is so very insignificant. Anyone who passes will never impact the world moving forward. We are all so minuscule

Nice post @kyriacos
I like it

This topic is way too deep.

Even so, I can hear you say "It's all good, I feel its worth it" and "You are depressed man". We like to give excuses for the inevitable so we can continue going on ourselves.

Did you meant that the phrases there are excuses? I didn't understand what you meant here I think.

I don't see why we would need excuses to accept the fact of life that you are pointing out. What's the problem with realizing that you will not be remembered and nothing much will be left from you after you die and living a happy life?

yeah. I mean them as responses from others towards myself.

I guess what confused me is that they don't seem to be very good excuses ;)


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"Most of your childhood has perished even in your own mind. More than half of you is already dead. What remains are shared snapshots from some members of your family that already have forgotten those times as well...

Nobody will remember you because memories themselves are nothing but dreams. Dreams fail to become reality because themselves are based on empty memories."

And... FIN.

Hot damn, that was some depressing shit right there. I haven't been this knocked down since I first read the lyrics to Dalida's "Pour ne pas vivre seul", and realised what she was talking about. I was actually hoping the video would end up being a Rick-Roll, you know, to take some of the edge off.

I guess if you look at it as reason to live for the here and now though, it's not SO bad...


memories themselves are nothing but dreams. Dreams fail to become reality because themselves are based on empty memories.

well I dont agree with this because I hold a different premise. We all dream Reality and project it into our 3D dimension. Dreams and despairs come alive. This because the Universe is Holographic and Fractal, but I reckon that I am lacking time to elaborate further. I have my own blog to draft. I am a metaphilosopher. :) The read was interesting though.

If you are truly nihilist, then you are already completely okay with that. Speaking for myself, I am comforted by the fact that no one will remember me. Frees me to not have to think about posterity whenever I fuck up :D