RE: Humans Are Not Smarter Than Other Forms Of Life, Just Different

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Humans Are Not Smarter Than Other Forms Of Life, Just Different

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

it's deadly. very. deadly. the earth's core and the depths of the oceans also have plenty of resources but we can't even go there.

why do we need higher populations? why do we need broader technologies? what is the end goal really and how that has anything to do with intelligence?

Survival and reproduction is what it is all about, is it not?

yes and right now we are actually closer in destroying ourselves from our own toys. talk about stupidity.

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Indeed, I would be the last person to claim we aren't all dumber than a sack of hammers, but the way I see it, we're kind of just an elaborate bacteria. We multiply and spread persistently, and behind all the technology, economics, philosophy, war, materialism, etc, I think we all collectively want to bang and expand, whether or not we are consciously aware of it.

So I guess that kind of just proves your point. Right on
