Ways the Spiritual Realm Communicates with Us.

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

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So, since my spiritual epiphany about 15 months ago, I have become more self-aware and understand fully that each of us are spiritual beings having a physical experience. I accept that absolutely everything in the Universe is energy and energy cannot be destroyed – ever! This means that whilst our physical form, the vehicle, deteriorates and eventually conks out altogether the consciousness that animates the body lives on as a free flowing, energetic wave, pulse like delight!

My husband Rick is a reluctant psychic and during our 10 years together I have witnessed many strange phenomena and whilst I always believed that the soul somehow lived on I had no solid personal proof prior to 2016; in particular, since the passing of my Mum and great friend, Nick, “The Man That Can”. Today I am fortunate to be able to speak with my Mum in spirit. And I had a revelatory lucid dream, shortly after Nick died, where he generously showed me that there is no such thing as death, as society generally perceives it – this amused me as he was previously quite adamant that when you died it was a definitive game over deal! Prior to the passing of Mum and Nick I had contact from several spirits who were unknown to me at the time who I now understand are part of a spiritual team of which I have become a member. It seems that we are a soul tribe that have danced throughout many, many years and incarnations but, whilst I am again accepted into the fold as a member, these lives and doings I cannot remember.

And so, the spiritual realm exists on a higher energetic vibration than where we reside and for the spirits to be able to communicate my understanding is that we must raise our vibration whilst they lower theirs to facilitate contact. Somewhere in the mist and swirling energetic ether communication becomes possible.

We all have the inherent ability ‘to see’ beyond the physical world but contact and esoteric experiences cannot be forced - everything is on a schedule entitled “divine timing” which cannot be meddled with. Plus, a person must be truly and honestly open to the possibility that all may not be as it seems. The spirits are not in the game of convincing anyone as to their existence and above all else respect free will. They choose to leave the doubters in peace.

Since sharing my experiences and truth I have been called delusional. This is a rather damning label to have slapped on one’s forehead and honestly makes me a little uncomfortable but knowing myself to be sane, savvy and solid I will continue.

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I am astounded by the ability of my team to interact with me. As pure energy they can influence things and environments to facilitate communication which is not always verbal.

Ways the Spirits communicate interact with me/us:

Objects can move. I have not witnessed the actual moment of movement but bells have mysteriously rung when no visitors were present, I have heard doors opening and closing when home alone, footsteps, lights going mysteriously on, and computers have been unplugged whilst living alone in the house.

Feathers mysteriously appear in peculiar places. Just the other day a teeny tiny, wee grey feather appeared nestled in the fake flower chrysanthemum head my Mum so loved.

Repeating number sequences regularly appear conveying inspirational and motivational guidance just when needed the most.

Influencing electrical hardware. Now the following seems fantastical even to me but this is how the spirits first made contact with me – via a small Bluetooth speaker! The night my Mum passed I heard her calling out to me through my mobile phone whilst I, distraught, reached out to a close friend of mine. On two occasions, whilst talking on the telephone, contact has been made through my speaker and friends have heard my spirits counsel – once, to my chagrin, it was to dress me down!

Independent voices. I sometimes hear my name being called when all alone. I have heard my Mum sing and received a spoken word response from my guardian angel in response to a direct question.

Channelling. Living with Rick a powerful and naturally gifted psychic I am fortunate to have the possibility to enjoy proper conversations with the spirits who often pop by to chat whilst he sleeps soundly by my side.

Light flashes and imagery whilst meditating. The spirits love a cryptic image and analogy and challenge the recipient to uncover the message held within.

Lucid dreaming. It is hard to explain the difference between a lucid dream and a normal dream to someone who has not experienced it for themselves. Lucid dreams have a very particular feel about them where everything is heightened, more vivid and real. In my experience I awake with a sense of urgency and an encoded message clear in mind to unscramble.

Apparitions. I have seen a spirit only once in my life to date but what an illustrious spirit it was; but that, my friends, is a tale for another day…

With Love xox

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I myself have had similar experiences like hearing voices when I was alone in the house and seeing spirits. I wrote an article on the one experience as long as your still interested. Your not alone or crazy my friend. :)

Seems I missed your comment here, sorry. I appreciate your support xox

No need to be sorry Miss Linda. I even forgot I made this comment myself. :D I'm just happy to be of support to you. Merry Christmas to you.

I'd like to recommend you: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/892580.Transformed_By_the_Light

It's a really great book. The analysis is very well done. Mind precedes physicality. But I don't consider us as spiritual beings having a physical experience. It's more like APPs running on an Operating System. No APP would work without the OS. There would be no perceptions without the mind. But mind itself isn't a separate existence.

Since middle school, my take has been that the mind is the primary sense and 5 physical senses are peripheral senses.

Anyways, welcome to steemit. You've earned a follow. If you are into more philosophical stuff, I invite you to check some of my previous posts:


Happy steeming!

Thanks for the recommendation and follow, both much appreciated. It seems we have different truths which only adds to the spice of meaningful conversation eh :) I look forward to reading more of your work and getting to virtually know you. Have a great day xox

Stay true to your beliefs...glad you found a forum to express your experiences...

Bless you and thanks. Happy Thursdaying! xox

I agree that we are energy that is infinite and eternal. We are traveling on a vessel seeking to remember what we once knew. I believe we are all one at the end of the day, interconnected and in a rhythm we call destiny.