Putting the Magic of Gratitude on Steroids in Your Life for Big CHANGE FAST! Plus, what I did to interrupt my own flow.

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Gratitude may well be the most powerful force in the universe.

In my own personal view, this is because the creator really digs it when we say thanks for his work.

But, whatever your view of life, the universe and how we got here, one thing remains a fact. If you say thank you, you will be amazed at what comes back to you. It's shocking.

For me personally, it's been nothing short of miraculous.

When I find myself in a tough spot, I know, that all that is required is to find the centered place where I can look around be truly grateful for where I am and what my life has become.

Rather than getting down, I like to replay the universe's greatest hits, over and over. There are some really great ones in my own life.

  • I've had no fewer than 5 cars given to me without me asking a single person
  • I had someone buy me a theater and support my work in it for 5 years!
  • When we wanted to rent-to-own a house we wanted, but couldn't qualify for, we started saying thank you for what we already had, and without our asking, the owners called and offered!
  • It may be a coincidence, but when I started being grateful for the opportunities I had, which weren't great at the time, I found steemit, almost by chance!

From multi-thousand dollar contracts, to new homes, to vacations, time and again, when there was no way my current circumstances would allow a thing I needed, or wanted, being grateful has turned it around!

So, what you're saying is, I should just say thank you and whatever greedy thought is in my head is mine? That's not how gratitude works!

You're right, it doesn't and that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that in times I was tempted to give up, pack it in, go live under a bridge, quit my business, feel sorry for myself, or whine on Facebook, I said hey, what do I have to complain about!

I begin to list things I'm truly thankful for, and the list gets kind of weird some times.

  • Thinks like the invention of toothbrushes to help me keep my teeth
  • Electric lights and the utility that runs them, so I don't need whale oil!
  • Milled lumber that helped me build a million things faster.
  • Even that person that tested my patience and showed me I was improving!

No matter where you are right now, you have something to be grateful for. Start small if you have to.

  • Most of you are breathing on your own
  • You probably had something to eat today
  • There is likely at least one person in your life that loves you
  • You can read!
  • You found steemit!

The list, once you start is endless, because we stand on the shoulders of so many people that did the hard work for us to enjoy things in our modern world.

They didn't have to do it, and even though they may have made a fortune, I'm still grateful. They make my life richer every day.

As I say thank you, I don't just do it once. There's a special kind of magic in repeating things until they sink in. I say "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

And I mean it. I try to mean it with every fiber of my being. And I dwell on that glow of gratitude for the things I do have.

It's amazing how quickly this snuffs out your perception of lack. In most lives, we are so much better off than we can, or sometimes should be. Not that comparison's are the best way to do this, but, by comparison, I'm very fortunate.

I also say "thank you" to everyone I meet, because they are a part of my journey toward my ideal life!\

I know this, because it's what I ask the universe for every single day! If I'm moving toward it, then everything along my path is moving me toward it! And I want to celebrate that as often as possible.

Here's something I've done to help me

I have a huge 5 gallon water jug on the chest of drawers in my room. I got it about four months ago, in a trash can outside of Walmart. I'd been wanting one for a while, but never wanted to pay for it.

So, here's how I'm using it. Every single day, I take the coins I've accumulated that day, and drop them in the neck of that bottle and say thank you for them.

Not just each coin, but every cent they represent. If it's a nickel, I say thank you five times, then drop it in. Dime, ten times, and so forth.

This next part might be hard for you to believe.

In my whole life, there has never been a four month period where I did well enough consistently, to not need those coins at some point. Not kidding.

  • I grew up poor
  • I have a huge family
  • Money has always equaled expenses, or just a little less

But, since I started this, I've not only not needed these coins, but every bill has been paid on time, and we are getting further ahead in our finances.

As the last few days here on Steemit have played out, there were times I was tempted to feel a bit down. I'd promised these students promotion, and here I was barely scraping out any earnings for myself, let alone them.

But, this morning,I come to find out that one of my students, following the last of the #dolphinschool bootcamp assignments, had gotten a $100 pending payout! I almost cried with gratitude!

Life is a game of ebb and flow, no matter what!

It is the nature of the universe, and when we allow things to come in, and go out, we are healthy. When we gratefully give of what we earn to support those services and people that serve us, we do better.

But, I find that when I am stingy,or angry about these things, it pushes my own supply away, and delays the things I want. No joke!

Here's an example

I recently had a really great week fall into place. I had good work, my steemit posts were way up, and everything was looking good. Then it happened.

A bill I hadn't expected to be responsible for came up, and it became my responsibility. I was furious. I'd worked hard to get ahead, wasn't supposed to pay for this, but now I had no choice. I was being unfairly punished by the universe, which always happened, life sucked, every time I got ahead, this came about and it just went on and on and on!

Instead of being grateful that I had earned enough to cover it and still have plenty, I got greedy. I wanted to keep what I'd earned.I wanted the extra cushion in my bank account. I'd paid a lot of extra stuff that month and this wasn't in my plans.

It all crashed to a halt

I found myself with canceled writing gigs. The book I was supposed to start, dried up and blew away, after almost a week of prep work, the client just said, I can't afford it right now after all, sorry, and I'm not paying your invoice.

I literally got no payouts for more than a dollar for three days on steemit, and some I'd been counting on, got downflagged in a war I didn't start.


Now, I know, God doesn't deal this way with everyone. I realize the circumstances of my life don't make sense to many, but the thread of direct cause and effect in my attitude has been an ongoing thing through my whole adult life.

And rather than correct it, I backed down, acknowledged the blessing it was to have the money and paid the bill, but grudgingly.

And, I know that I know that I know, that this attitude is what is holding back some things that are supposed to be happening,right now!Clients still aren't returning messages, things still move like oatmeal.

So, here's what I'm doing about it!

Over the next few days, I have to give myself an attitude makeover. It won't change over night. But, if I can be consistent in my attitude for at least three days,I know things will change.


Why am I sharing this? Well, for one, to get it off my chest. Some of you are realllly good listeners. No, I don't need anything. I am not feeling down,or blue,or depressed. I know this will pass.

But, don't you sometimes secretly hold onto your bad attitude, just because you know you were right?

And I'm experienced enough in this whole realm of LOA, manifestation to know way better. I realize I'm only hurting myself if I don't correct it. So, what can you do when you get stuck in that?

  • Immediately acknowledge it to yourself
  • Correct the behavior, if you can't immediately be grateful, at least stop acting like a jerk
  • Find something to be grateful ASAP and mean it!
  • Give to someone else, grateful for what has been given to you, no matter how far in the past.
  • Build on those baby steps until you start to see your life for what it really is again, headed toward becoming the ideal for you!

So, today is Saturday and every day this week, I'll be posting on gratefulness and attitude.

I'd love you to chime in with what has worked for you. If you're not a believer in this, follow me anyway. When things turn around, I'll show you what I mean. When you get with the flow the universe has established for your life, it's amazing. And there is one for everyone, I promise you.

But, when you fight it, it's hell. Even when you're right. I had a huge chance to trust that the money needed for that bill was there at the right time and would come back to me many times over, instead, I did what I did.

So, what about you? Where can you see this at work in your own life?

But mostly, what do you intend to do about it?

Thank you! Thank you for reading this, and for following my work! Even if you never contribute! Thank you! You are a part of my journey toward my ideal life, and I'll be sharing more of that in the future!

For now, good night. I've got to go pick up my son from a party, and another one from his date. I hope your weekend brings you nothing but what you need.

Ask yourself, "What's the best that could happen?"

And be prepared to find out!

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Brilliant story Beautiful post i enjoyed
I follow u and upvote me

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Nice one..keep it up!👍

Hey thanks, did i miss your upvote?

awesome story...thanks for sharing...

Absolutely, glad you enjoyed it.

Your post is just the reminder I needed, thank you. I have four children, and whenever they would have less-than-optimal attitudes, I would make them say three "grats." They couldn't be anything large and nebulous, they had to be specific and unique to the present moment. Worked like a charm to turn their attitudes around. I need that reminder myself now that they are grown and gone. I will join you in your daily gratitudes, starting now.

  1. I am grateful you posted this.
  2. I am grateful I had enough money today to have a hot meal, after living on peanut butter and jelly for the past two weeks.
  3. I am grateful that the heater is working, and I am warm.
  4. I am grateful for the opportunity #Steem has provided to me, to meet incredible people, to share their worlds, to learn, to grow, and to indelibly etch it all into the blockchain forever and ever.
  5. I'm really grateful for your @dolphinschool - I missed out on the structured course, but have been reading and doing the assignments, and it has helped tremendously. So thank you for that. Because of you, soon I'll be eating hot meals every day. You have no idea how much that means. Thank you.

I understand what having a large family means. I'm the oldest of seven and father of eight. But, I will tell you, I would not trade one second with them for all the things we've done without to give them the best life we could. I find myself reflected in each of them, like a fragmented mirror, the good and bad in myself shows so clearly in each of their personalities.

Three of mine are grown now. Two completely on their own, one is married, the other has been halfway across the country for a year. The third lives close to home with my wife's mother for a semester. She had an exchange student roommate and just didn't like the idea of a semester alone in a dorm room, at a mostly commuter school.

I've tried to teach mine the value of gratitude as well, I hope they've picked it up. It's so vitally important. I am certainly grateful for each of them.

Good points to reflect on. I think gratitude is huge. I've been slowly working through a happiness series. Not complaining and gratitude are two big hitters. Here's one old one: https://steemit.com/health/@allforthegood/simple-secrets-to-happiness-4-stop-complaining
I struggle quite a bit to stay on that no-complaint track. But you are right we are often way better off than we have any right to expect. The last thoughts I'll have tonight is what I can be thankful for. Thanks for the good article!

Thank you for the thoughtful comment. I'll take a look at your piece.

People often ask me how I can be so positive, so happy and (mostly) calm with all I have to deal with in my life. And it isn't just all on the outside for everyone else to see - most of the time I really do feel those things on the inside. Yes, my life has been difficult (you have no idea how much). Yes, I am disabled with multiple health issues and I don't have a day without pain anymore. I have mobility issues. I live with my brother so we can both pay bills and still eat every month. Life is not easy.

A year ago I couldn't give myself one reason why I shouldn't give up - except there's just something inside me that wouldn't go along with that. Something deep in my soul keeps saying, "keep trying, give it another day, tomorrow will be better; you'll be okay" ... and so I do.

I don't ignore my difficulties - I find ways to work through or around them whenever possible. I do my best to take care of myself. And I look outside myself to see what I can do for someone else to make a difference. When I do that consistently, I always begin to find the silver linings. People help me; they show me kindness and understanding. They show me in tangible ways that I'm not alone and that my life means something to them ... and it strengthens my own resolve to make my life mean something to me as well.

When I express my gratitude every day - for being alive, having shelter and food to sustain me; for knowing there are many people who love me for who I am ... for the talents I've been blessed with; for the ability to help others even in the smallest ways .... I truly am happy in the deepest part of myself. There is always a reason to be grateful.

Thanks for this wonderful post.

You are welcome, and know that you've been an encouraging voice to me recently. And it's always amazing to find out what people have going on in their lives on a platform like this. Now, some people are all about reminding everyone what they go through, and seeking attention for it, and I can't imagine what they go through, but I often wonder if that way of coping doesn't make it worse, because they take on a victim mentality. I would never have suspected that you had that struggle. You never mention, never a bitter comment, no hint. I'll be putting in an extra word for you tonight, my friend, thanks for sharing this with me. It means a lot.

Thank you for your wonderful response, and I'll accept the extra words with gratitude. It took me years to work my way out of that victim mentality - what I am is a Survivor! lol.

You know, i think that's all we really are. My goal is to help as many others survive as possible.

This post has received gratitude of 1.18 % from @appreciator thanks to: @markrmorrisjr.

Thank you for this post! Such an inspiring read. I, like you think gratitude is a beautiful quality, but it can't (as you rightly say) be faked. A genuine heart is key.
Being grateful for the life you already have is also key for me. This 'journey towards the ideal life' can be a subtle impediment however.
To see that your ideal life is actually right here right now is gratitude in action,as it were.
Your Ideal life is, this life, now. How blessed you are to be living it.
Thank you for this timely reminder - a beautiful piece of writing.

i think it's okay to have a righteous discontent in our circumstances that's what makes us grow. But, just like the drive is part of the vacation, so too, the progression is part of becoming the best me i can be. Never stop growing.