steeping in thyme

in philosophy •  4 years ago 

in my mind,
divine, free flyin
no trying, just dying seeing life, being mine n nuthin else, just mine
solo journey, floatin, soarin, being, cheezing, breathing, no needing, just praying, receiving

sun shining, soul on fire, mind is mine n no one elses
lock the door through away they key, influence me? no sirree
live my life, learning growing sharing doing my vibe, experiencing me experiencing you

how dare you, control me, master over me? I'm no slave, absolutely not, no slave name no slave me

free , to be anything else isn't to be me, no thanks Ima choose me, not this time, not for deez

just let go, floating through space, chasing after doh, have you hugged yo motha? Have you told her you loved her
What is all this stuff? extra baggage hire the peasant I'll carry my own thank you very much

the river still flows though, I felt it yesterday, swam in it, joined with it, floating no effort the waters cold
let it wash over you, let the sun burn through the chains, no, no sir, no you do not, no thank you, not today, i have enough, i am enough, that will be fine, maybe next time... but probably not

lets just chill mayne, can't we just try that for once. no fightin no bribin no harassin no shit in my mind n just letn me be me and you be you, one and another through and through we all family but this aint thanksgivin already fighting no filling

take a trip, journey far and wide, look look look til you turn back inside, it's all there, every piece you need, been there since the beginning, that's a truth indeed. No struggle but your own, create it in time, I've had enough, but that's on mine

I learnt it this way, you might learn it that, same path the same, middle of that.

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