A mathematical formula of enlightenment

in philosophy •  6 years ago 

It has been a while...I must admit that I became a little apathetic about what I started here at Steemit.com. If I am not in the mood for writing, it is no good trying to force the words to come. I can't do that. Tonight though, there is an easy feeling, and for some reason there is now an urge to continue. Months have gone by...

I do feel that it doesn't matter if no-one reads my blogs, or comments upon them. Nothing much really matters, especially given that I am not seeking anything in particular from them. Of course I do have a purpose, and it would be nice to receive some feedback of one kind or another, but at the end of the day, if I must write this blog for no other reason than the satisfaction I get from formulating my thoughts in writing, and from knowing I have done my best, then so be it.

When I began to write here, my intention was always to introduce a mathematical definition of enlightenment to my readers. The whole creation - the whole universe and everything in it - is pure mathematics, but in discussing this fact in relation to consciousness itself, it may not be quite so easy to see how and why this is so. With this blog, then, I will now introduce this astounding and profoundly interesting subject.

The word "universe" comes from the Latin. Although I am certainly not an expert on this language, as far as I am aware, it is derived from an adjectival form, "universus" (in the masculine gender form and nominative case), and it means, "whirling into oneness", or something quite close to that. Oneness, as a quality, is easily related to mathematical symbols. If the universe is one, a single whole, and is considered in its undivided essence, then the number 1 can represent it. When it comes to the mathematics of universe, then, we begin with the number 1, and everything else is a division. The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians conceived of number in this fashion, with subordinate parts of the universe represented by fractions of the number 1. The ancient Egyptians were very smart, very deep...their culture was far more sophisticated than modern archaeologists understand or give them credit for today. The mundane consciousness of the modern archaeologist is out of its depth in trying to understand the profound knowledge and philosophical sophistication of the ancient Egyptians. It is not given for the mundane to comprehend the celestial. This is a law of consciousness. For the same reason, modern scientists are unable to comprehend the sophistication of ancient Greek thought.

Plato, too, a true genius, thought of the universe in a similar way. This is not surprising, given that his ideas were derived from the Egyptians whether directly or otherwise. His notion of the "Good" corresponds precisely with the number 1, while his idea of the "indefinite dyad", otherwise called "the greater and the lesser", or "the same and the other", was the first division of the one, and was the most important element of his concealed teachings. It corresponds with the division of the number one into the proportions we call today, "the golden mean ratio". Plato's entire philosophy was centred around the universal significance of the golden mean proportion, but it was very carefully hidden, and even today this fact is not widely known.

The golden mean division is the only way to divide unity (the number 1) such that each and every part obtained thereby has a direct mathematical relationship with the number 1 from which it is derived. This applies whether we are speaking of the first division or of subsequent sub-divisions of the first division. Hidden within this idea is a great truth - not just an idea, not just an abstract philosophical notion, but an exact, mathematical truth about our universe that has overwhelming significance and profundity. There are no words which can fully explain how important this is to every person on this planet. Yes, I know it sounds a bit crazy, but that does not mean it is not true.

What is this relationship? a is to b as b is to c. When you divide the number one by the golden division, the number one (a) has the same relationship to the greater (b), as (b) has to the lesser (c). This is very important. It is so important, that Plato could not even speak openly about it, lest he be put to death! This was a secret of initiation. But WHY you may ask??? What on earth or in heaven could be the nature of this crucial, vital significance, in a mathematical proportional scheme of all things, something so important that to reveal it meant risking death? Well, Plato knew what happened to old Pythagorus, one of his most important teachers, and that may have had something to do with it. This teaching also appears in the New Testament in hidden form, and was, in my opinion, the most important secret of the ancient mystery schools in Egypt and Greece and probably many other places, if the evidence is honestly assessed. Although we may find it difficult to comprehend today, the death penalty was applied for revealing the secrets of initiation in many places, and for very good reasons.

On first acquaintance these ideas may seem somewhat strange or even incomprehensible. However if you can ponder them until you understand them, you can also understand something very important about your own existence and your own individual consciousness. I mean this. The ancient Greeks called this proportional sequence, a is to b as b is to c, analogos, analogy, and they regarded it as the only means of having true knowledge about the world. They contrasted it with a different scheme, a is to b as c is to d, which corresponds with the idea of "particular" knowledge, or in other words, knowledge of particular things without a relation to the one, which today we generally refer to with the name "science". Note that in the first proportional scheme, everything, from the whole to its individual parts, is tied together in a chain, while in the second scheme, there is a disconnect between the two parts, and no way to relate them to the whole.

Universe is a single and undivided whole in its essence. You, in your individual form, with your individual consciousness, are a fraction of that whole. Now, hear me out. You, in your essence, are a golden mean proportional division of the One. This is not an abstract thought. It is a concrete mathematical reality.

It has to be this way. There is, quite simply, no other way to create a manifested universe populated by so-called "individual" beings. Each individual being must have a relationship with the One. There is no other way to do it. For to do it any other way, would mean cutting the creature off from the sustaining consciousness vibrations of the Absolute One, and this is not what happens...unless you choose it to be so. Thus, as you move closer to the enlightened state, your consciousness will start to vibrate more harmoniously in accordance with the golden mean, by its own accord. And then you will find that you feel yourself to be an inseparable part of this universe, and that you really belong. You may even feel a close or intimate relation with the consciousness at the very centre and heart of it all...the absolute.

The Universe is made of one substance. This substance vibrates. When the division is made according to the golden mean proportion, the consciousness of the One maintains a vibrational relationship with the consciousness of the individual creature.

Consciousness is the nature of the substance of which the universe is made. This is broadly equivalent to the idea of the aether - an underlying substance which is not physical and out of which all physical realities are created through vibration. This idea - that universe is made of a conscious substance which is not physical - is not in conflict with quantum physics, no matter what various scientists or their narrow-minded followers might claim. Dr Amit Goswami, for example, a prominent contemporary quantum physicist, has many similar ideas. David Bohm promoted many similar ideas in the past. These are just two prominent voices out of many. It is also my understanding that the golden mean proportion has a very important role in the modern E8 theory. It must be said, however, that the knowledge I am setting out here has not been explicitly described by any scientist - but that does not mean it isn't true.

Consciousness vibrates. Vibrations follow mathematical laws in their developments and inter-relationships with other vibrations. Disharmony equals vibrational chaos. However, it is only "enlightened" consciousness that vibrates according to the golden mean proportion. This is now established and proven beyond reasonable doubt, but it was Plato, more than two thousand years ago, who first set out to provide this proof in writing. All who can understand the truth of the analogos which is the only means of obtaining true knowledge of the world, can obtain the assurance that they have and maintain an intimate relationship with the One, or, if you prefer, with the Infinite Creator of our universe. This is distinguished from ordinary science, which knows nothing of the Absolute Unity which is Universe, and considers only the relations between its parts, and is constrained thereby.

What then, is the mathematical definition of enlightenment? Simply this: enlightened consciousness vibrates in perfect harmony with the golden mean proportion, which is a mathematical reality and can be expressed precisely in mathematical terms. Perfect enlightenment, which is probably not attainable even by the greatest of teachers, is precisely equivalent to consciousness vibrations which harmonise with the golden mean proportion. Of course, this doesn't mean it has no individual characteristics. Such a consciousness lives in the divine. So...perfectly enlightened consciousness vibrates in harmony with the golden mean. Anything less and it will not do this. Mathematical precision applies.

On the earth today, most people are out of harmony with the golden mean. There are very few truly conscious people. As a result, chaos and "particular" knowledge reign supreme, while knowledge of the Absolute Truth is scorned. That is why people are cut off from knowledge of the divine reality that is universe. That is why, when I discovered this knowledge, and once I was able through further personal research to formulate what I knew precisely and mathematically, I knew that I must at least try to communicate this knowledge, even though I knew it would be difficult.

Consciousness and the golden mean proportion have an important relationship and this fact is crucial for both science and philosophy. I am not saying this for myself, or because I want praise. It is just what I have to do. Nor am I making any claims about my own consciousness. I can say, however, that this knowledge has conferred upon me an enormous benefit, and that I am humbled to possess it. This knowledge has entered deeply into my being, so that I can speak with true conviction. I speak of what I know. Ultimately, the knowledge has become non-conceptual - the knowledge becomes an experience in which one's consciousness is transformed.

So the golden mean proportion (not the ratio!) is the secret of this conscious universe, but it is a curious fact that a lack of consciousness prevents any understanding of this fact. So I can tell you it is so, but the proofs I want to provide will take many blogs, and tonight there is only so much I can say. No matter how many proofs, a lack of conscious awareness can still prevent comprehension. How I discovered these facts for myself, and what other things I now know as a result of these discoveries, I will speak of at some future time. I hope to have the opportunity to say more, much more, in blogs to come. I also have plans to re-publish my first book on this subject, but that will take time. Please refer to my earlier blogs for other related information. In the meantime, know this: the proof is copious, astounding and incontrovertible, and it has the power to change a life, and make it more conscious, and bring it closer to the divine.

I am,

Miss Terious.

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