Metals into Gold

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

What is Alchemy?

It is the philosophical and protoscience of transmuting metals into gold.

Has anyone ever been succesful at actually converting a foreign matter into gold?


Perhaps Sir Issac Newton could answer that question. He was probably the most recognized alchemist.


We might never know the answers because most alchemists used signs that were known only to fellow mystics.


Today some of those same secret signs or scribbles are used in writing prescriptions or on certain medication by pharmacists.


Last two Photo’s taken at The Cedar Key Museum. Cedar Key Fla.

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And you are a word alchemist :) Hugs friend!


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Thank you for your service. You are a true warrior. 🐓🐓

Sounds like a very valuable secret to learn...

I wish I knew the meanings myself🐓

The secret to Alchemy is Magnetism. The universe is just inertia/acceleration and force/motion. Some of my favorite minds; Nikola Tesla, J.C. Maxwell, C.P. Steinetz, Oliver Heaviside, Eric P. Dollard, and Ken L. Wheeler.

Tesla has certainly turned metal into gold! So I don’t doubt you are correct. Thanks for coming by. 🐓🐓

The problem with alchemy is that, if it were to be successful, gold would immediately lose all value! Like Bitcoin it's relative rareness is what makes it worth anything at all!

So true, good analogy. Thank you for having a look🐓

A wonderful topic full of mystery. I would love to know more are you going to teach us. The symbols are very intriguing 💯🐒