The Rat Race

in philosophy •  6 years ago 

It’s an old analogy. The Rat Race.
And yet still, people push the truth about it aside, suppressing the spirit inside them that longs to be free and continue along on the hamster wheel regardless.

Worse still, most people will vehemently defend the very system that enslaves them and deride those that oppose or even question this dysfunctional system.
Concomitant to that, they fool themselves in the pursuit of happiness by consumerism, a maligned byproduct of a mechanical, materialistic world view promulgated by mainstream science and the corporatocracy that props it up.

What will propel the awakening of humanity from its somnambulant maniacal path?

What will dissolve this dystopic philosophical trance our species is immersed in and stimulate at least the dream of something kind of more akin to utopia?

Steve Cutts made this amazing film.

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What will break the trance? Necessity! Something that is contrary to our inner needs obviously cannot last forever. Although some might argue other possibilities. That being that the inner needs change? But what if that is not possible? What if the engineered changes are not what we intended or ideal? What is ideal? Subjectivity is playing it's natural course and the fruits of its crime are blossoming in our world. Will we realize our error? Necessity is calling!

Wishing you the best, ~@odrau

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

That was great, I like the way he did it, also there is another animation, I wanna leave a link here if you didn't saw it before : EL EMPLEO / THE EMPLOYMENT

This video is great.

True! Stuck in a long line of cars with the promise of promotion never fulfilled.

tis true, that sometimes humans are helpless in the system and in the rat race that everyone seems to be a part of, and some even defend and kind of support that very system cuz they are ahead of other rats or they feel like they need to make sure what happened to them would also happen to everyone else cuz it's only fair that everyone suffer equally or something like that

i dont know, it is a bit depressing to think about how cold and uncaring things can be, sometimes !

But we each of us are an agent of change and we can always try to do our bit to affect the little space around us that we can influence :>

I think it is important to remind ourselves and each other that there are things that fulfill our souls, more than just material goods. Of course, it is hard to be thankful, sometimes, when we see and compare what others have / get, but really, I do think we often take the things we DO have for granted, and if we can slow down and support each other, at least our small world around us will feel a little less..... callous?

Not sure. But I like this post XD Sorry for rambling~

I enjoy this. Haven't gotten very far reading around steemit and I am more and more excited the more I see.
Anyway, effing corporatism indeed my friend! It's time we "eat the rich!" I'm trying to find my place in revolution. It's difficult currently for me to even see what I want, but I know I must do something. I am making efforts to start a local food not bombs.
Anyway, I'm gonna read some more of you. <3

I think many people are afraid of change. A job (even a boring one) provides a sense of security, and most people are afraid to lose that. I've noticed that when I quit my job in finance, I experienced true happiness for the first time in ages. The last day at the office I was walking around with the biggest smile on my face. I moved to Panama without a job in prospect, but I didn't care at that time. I just wanted out. I thought what's the worst that can happen? I would have to come back ! But I didn't have to, and never regretted it!