What Turns You On?

in philosophy •  8 years ago 


The Power of Turn-on

It’s easy to understand being “turned on” from a sexual perspective, we all know and love this experience. What if it’s possible to take that same energy towards and apply it towards other areas of life? What if it can be a source of power as well as valuable guiding information? Sexual energy is after all one of the most powerful forces that exists so if we can harness it, who knows what’s possible!

I’ve been experimenting with this hypothesis and this post is simply a reflection of my own thoughts and explorations and I hope you will comment with feedback and maybe some of your own insights, I’m very interested in hearing them.

It seems to me that men have figured out much more about how to use sexual energy in broader ways than women have and part of the reason is that for women there is so much shame associated with sexuality and sexual power.

I’m referring to the energy at the root of sexual desire - tuning into this rich resource can fuel other parts of life that need a little more oomph.

As a female, the only permissible way to acknowledge arousal is for it to be directed towards a very narrow range of love related sexual experiences, and anything outside of this was for the most part shamed out of me. This was because as a girl I wasn’t supposed to be sexual. Despite the the many photographs of sexualized, objectified girls that told me something else and despite all the mixed messages that I’ve been fed as a female, the clear overarching message was that inhabiting my sexuality was NOT a good thing and in fact made me a bad person, a dirty cheap girl. Feeling good physically, enjoying my own physicality in a raw and earthy way was shameful. I’ve redefined things for myself over the years, but these messages are still there. I’ve met women who’ve had healthy examples and didn’t internalize this shame, but they seem to be few and far between.

What a waste of such precious energy! Those messages were so very wrong in every single way. In fact my - and everyone’s - most potent power, the most precious generous creative gold that bubbles up within us has its source in the most basic primal human drives - desire, attraction, sexuality. While sexual energy is obviously great for sex, it can be also directed towards fueling life-force, creativity, in my studio, my love for friends, family, my passion for life and the list goes on and on. Think of the wordless and irresistible power of attraction - anything and everything works better with a bit of “turn on” behind it.


So how to ignite it, kindle it, even recognize it? It is as simple as tuning in to my sexual energy, which is always there even if my attention is elsewhere. I pay attention to it and let it fill my body and my emotions and mind get involved too. Then I go forth to do, connect, and ignite any project or task I want to. I’m finding that this makes whatever it is I’m doing a richer experience. And as I get more accustomed to doing this, it becomes more natural and I don’t have to think about it as much except to remember to tune into it.

And what about keeping it alive? Fan it, build it and paying attention to it really helps. Next, pay attention to what makes those feelings grow and what makes them wilt.

Any mundane moment of the day can be an opportunity to notice what makes us feel alive, empowered and fueled. For breakfast, what kind of food, what kind of setting, the speed, etc…are most conducive to pleasure? And what I’m wearing? Honestly, sometimes I prefer the most comfortable clothes because I feel so free and easy in them. This doesn’t have to fit into any cliche of sexy or of femininity, this is about what we feel and honestly ignites our feelings of virility. What about at work? Are there ways of working that are less draining and more life-giving? Can my setting, my transitions, my schedule, how I do things foster a little more pleasure?

And what about what turns me off and makes me go cold? Is it possible to transform those exhausting, soul-sucking activities into something life-giving or at least more neutral? I don’t know the answer to this fully, but have been experimenting with two tasks I truly dislike - housecleaning and paying bills. So far both feel less odious and more satisfying and partially it’s because it’s easier to remember why I care about these tasks.

I am a hell of a lot happier if I live from a place of being connected to my sexual power. Let me be very clear - I’m not saying that sex itself guides my decisions, I’m saying that by opening up this channel of energy and then noting what turns me on and keeps me turned on opens up a lot of unused power in me. I’m referring to the energy at the root of sexual desire and tuning into this rich resource to use in fueling other parts of life that need a little more oomph. It applies to work, to friends, to little things all day long and making sure that I keep that energy flowing makes a huge difference. And YES I will make decisions to go towards what turns me on.

In fact, by connecting to this energy I am putting the Law of Attraction in motion big time and what I love will come a lot closer. I literally attract what turns me on. So noticing what turns me on and if it’s something I want to grow in my life, then I ignite it even more.
Given that this concept is fairly new to me, I’m in the very early stages of this and am very curious what will develop.

Love to hear from you…. do you have experiences to tell?… any thoughts?…. am I on to something or deluded?


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As always, I enjoyed reading.

I do think you are on to something here. I remember being told years ago that reality is only one's perception of it therefore changing how you feel about a certain thing or activity actually changes your reality.

I liked your examples of the things you dislike and wonder if changing how you view these tasks will have an impact on the reality of doing them.

My example - Changing the bed sheets, especially the pillow cases is something I find frustratingly difficult but if I focus on how great it feels to get into a freshly made bed then the task of changing the sheets becomes less annoying, even morphing into a kind of excitement (not sexual excitement you understand lol) and the job is quickly accomplished.

Anyway, I just thought I'd comment.

Thanks for sharing my friend, always interesting :D

been thinking about this concept that you state here: "reality is only one's perception of it therefore changing how you feel about a certain thing or activity actually changes your reality." a lot lately in terms of just about everything and have high hopes for the shifts... be well Tim and thanks for commenting!

I wish you all the very best with it. It is much easier to write down than it is to implement; I started with it about a year and a half ago and little by little it has brought about some profound, and satisfying changes.

Much love

so right you are - that it's easier to write about than to do - it's certainly a process and the changes even if small are indeed very satisfying. be well!

Those desires are what generates powers for the whole world to run on. We need all the energy we can get!

The switch flip is different for everyone. It's nice to know what makes one's self tick. Thought provoking.

Cheers to that, well said @bloomview!!

Very interesting post and I would like to say that there are several areas that I have done in life where I "Get turned on like sex." The religious and the intellectual or just accomplishing something that is difficult, like successfully changing out or repairing a transmission. And, I hope you are right because I am getting older and that means...LOL. But yes, learning something that I sought after, succeeding at something has given me the tingles like an orgasm it was so pleasurable.

Faith healing successfully was absolutely wonderful.

Thanks @jeff-kubitz, I love what you say here...this is exactly what I'm talking about! Glad to hear your experiences.

I really appreciate for this writing and it is 100% true. There is need to be focused and that things happened to him/her for what they think & strive. So we must be positive always and channelized our energies in productive way. Thank you once again for this beautiful writing and reminding to turn yourself on for productivity.

thanks @naeemnaz, I appreciate your comment and support!

That is SUCH a complex question... I'd probably need more space to answer it than your original post! I love the raw sincerity and... intimacy... of your question.

The first thing that came to mind was that it's a very contingent question, in the sense that my answer at 25 would have been very different from my answer today, at 56.

In describing that root energy, one basic element for me is that all other things cease to exist, at least in that moment. That's how I recognize an "it" moment. It's that movie technique where we focus on you and start the film rolling from 4 feet away.... and then roll the camera back while concurrently zooming in to where YOU stay the same, but there's this amazing foreshortening of all the surroundings.

Even though I'm male, that intense moment of energy has been rare in my life... "kinda-sorta-nearly" is fairly common, but the full 100% over the top is NOT. And those 100% moments have sometimes been strange; fleeting, utterly unexpected; baffling... like a 45-minute Southwest Airlines flight I was on, stone sober, not deliriously exhausted... not paying attention when a flight attendant asks me if I want something to drink-- some combination of her voice, her scent and her physical appearance took me from "distracted" to... quite literally... "I want her to have my children!" in a split second. The moment was so powerful I can replay it in glorious technicolor, in my mind, even 20 years later.

No, nothing happened... and that's not significant; it's energy behind that moment that makes it so significant. And that's where we loop back to your discussion... that moment has been a "benchmark" of sorts, for me, of what peak (sexual) energy feels like... those brief intersections where everything aligns perfectly. Going back to the young woman, for a moment... it wasn't actually about sex, it transcended that... any typical guy thoughts of "I want to see her naked" were pushed in the background by something stronger.

I don't know if I am making sense here... but I think the ultimate creative force-- which also applies to artistic creativity-- comes from that deeper place; it originates from our Root Chakra, from the place of All There Is (or actual sexuality tends to come more from our Sacral) where we connect to the Earth and Universal energy (or "God" or whatever floats your boat).

OK, so that was a pretty long ramble... thanks for the journey!

You make perfect sense here @reddragonfly! I agree that those completely disarming 100% focus moments are rare and stunning. So far it seems to me that by igniting that sexual life force, that physical vitality, that fueled focus more often and at will even if none of them are at 100%, these moments that are highly charged might come more regularly.However, I'm new at this so who knows what I'll say in a year. Anyway, thanks for your thoughtful comment, I love the ramble.

Music, here's a sample :O

everyone is certainly in the zone! thanks for posting @vertigo

anytime :)

Confidence, but not overconfidence

yes @moneybags, overconfidence never brings good things

Wow I agree with you totally and just finished writing about creating clear mental images to get what you want. https://steemit.com/life/@bitdollar/create-clear-mental-images-to-get-what-you-want
You can definitely shape your life and looks like your doing great! Fantastic post!

thanks so much @bitdollar, appreciate your feedback! I'll check out your post.

Haven't have drive in a long time - sexual or otherwise. It's been a struggle to find passion to do anything and I'm still trying to find something to get me out of the slump. Quitting my meds would probably help, except my doctors would probably be annoyed at me. So I guess, I should keep referring to this article and try to harness whatever energy I can to improve the way my life is making me feel. Thank you!

may you find your drives, even if just glimmers at first! cheers to your success with this...and thanks for your comment and support!

Thnk u for this post @naturalofbeing
Girls are sensual, men are visual, u said that it's harder for wonan to equip their sexual force, but i am telling u, it might look like men are being exited all the time for sex and always a room for checking woman's body as tgey pass by, infact woman are more likely to be more thrilled and out of control when it comes to sex, just put her in the perfect frame and she will perform the most pleasant sensual sex, woman's orgasem are more powerful than men, woman are acting so hard to get, saying i am not an easy catch so men need to put much effort and figure out what turns her on, it s a mental game for them coz they are the leading gender in sex, so if a man could stimulate her mind her body will follow, only morons start touching her coz she s in control if that touch mean something and could ignite sex, one more other thing... There's a trick regarding kissing the neck, is that a week spot in a woman...? Plz explain,

However, my post isn't about sex itself and whether men or women are sexual, it's about using sexual energy to fuel life beyond sex. Thanks for your comment though and for your support!

You are very welcome and pleased with your interactions, write more posts about psychology and human behavior coz that's a theme who exited me much and want to know more

thanks, I"m so glad to hear it! I do periodically write about such themes, but not as often as @cryptogee and @calaber24p who both write well and with insight.

Ok thnks, i ll check them out, merci bien

Do you believe that the things that turn one on are static. Meaning can they change over time? I feel that what turns one on has a lot to do with the belief one holds about love n sex n all that. Some people get turned on by the most crooked things in the world. Is is safe for these people to cultivate this behavior?

I believe what turns a person on constantly changes, but I want to clarify that this post isn't about cultivating sexual behavior, it's about using sexual energy for other parts of life beyond sex.

;-), thanks @littlevoice, fun gif!

I know I am extremely turned on if has a sort of a high pitched voice. She may speak gibberish but I will still be turned on. I find it extremely difficult to describe that sorta voice though. But if I hear it I am aroused!


The thought of being stranded alone on a deserted island with everything I need to survive provided by nature.

Sorry couldn't help myself, I have three highly energetic young children at home that drive my crazy sometimes... :)

hahaha!! we all have those times we want that for sure. hope you have some peace soon.

Yes I love them all so despite my cynicism, I'll take the headaches of parenthood anyday.

Great Post...

Shame and Mixed massages are so bad, and we have to overcome them and step into our full power! I am turned on by so much, the obvious is women, but also by Nature, beeing Naked, a horse, clouds,....Making Art, Writing, Comics... Sexual energy is very potent and we need to let it flow into the right things... Check out Sasha Cobra on YouTube!

Thanks for this @dariodidonato!

this post Useful for me

glad to hear it @amirstar, thanks for supporting it!