The Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao.

in philosophy •  4 years ago 


I can understand how it would be comforting to imagine that the world might be divisible into good people and bad people... into smart people and dumb people.

And in such a dream, the bad people would all wear signs identifying themselves as bad and the good people would have so many 5-star Yelp recommendations, that you couldn’t possibly be mistaken about their superiority in your eyes and in those of your friends.

Alas, the world doesn’t divide like that, and there is no red truth and there is no blue truth.

There are only confusing people and the bad among them lie endlessly and invariably ask you to believe them and the good are too otherwise engaged to promote themselves, but just let their actions speak for themselves... and they don’t care what you believe.

The Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao.

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