Response to @akiroq - Jamming together on the topics of sovereignty and our true inherent Power.

in philosophy •  5 years ago  (edited)

(One of my own artworks-Watercolor)

A response to the text by @akiroq, which she called Sharing Perspectives which was a response to one of my previous texts.

Here is my Response:

I just saw this today and it made my day to see my small text flower into something shared!

I work with Alchemy and some strange experiences have confirmed at least on a small scale, we create our own reality from what we know and how we choose to view what we do know. BUT reality is also creating each of us, confronting us with that which we do not know, hereby enabling our growth beyond our own limitations.

I create myself from the Inside-Out, while Reality is creating me from the Outside-In.

I and Reality are inseparable. Reality needs as much an I/Eye to perceive it, as I need a reality to perceive, without one of both, all becomes meaningless.

Just Empty Nothingness.

The Symbol of Infinity ∞ one beautiful representation of this.

If we allow ourselves to rest at the Center-Point, which is characterized by the Present Moment, not holding tight to our own definitions, we begin the active process of transmutation in harmony with whatever reality puts in front of us.
We become immortal infinities not just in concept but in reality. This is the True Stone of the Wise. You are Soul, Mind and Body, which appear as 3 separate distinct phenomena, but are actually one complete inseparable whole.

Soul is the Fire of Life, Mind is the Bridge or the God Hermes who communicates between Soul and Body, Body is the manifestation of the Soul through the structures of his own Mind.

Continuing in a less abstract manner,
We realize problems manifest as a means to invite us to shift our perspective to where the problem actually becomes a solution or is seen as such.

Every problem represents a potential to transcend a certain perspective that makes it appear as such, once we realize the solution we will no longer see a problem in the situation. How do I make this switch? By suspending any and all thoughts I have about the problem and situation and observing it for what it is, not defined as solution or problem. In the Space of Not-Knowing I resonate with the revelations and hidden messages that are transmitted through the entire event until suddenly the solution becomes clear or suddenly I see what I could not previously (Like those 3D Images which are just scrambled shapes and as you stare suddenly a 3D Image appears to pop out and reveal itself. We do not know what we will see pop out, so we leave knowledge aside and simply observe which is all that is needed for learning, silent observation and cultivating a sense of Not-Knowing as our foundation and stability).

And the most valuable tool we have for creating our reality is to ask oneself.

What do I want in my life? Being absolutely Honest about this, you will most likely have more clarity about what you no longer want or how you do not want to live or end up at some point.

If you know what you do not want, drop any and all actions, thoughts and beliefs that in any way support it. Our lives are filled with things we do not really want, merely cause we have decided it is a necessary evil or bridge to get in the long run something I do want from it.

Want less, wish more. Simplify what is excess. Allow life to fulfill you your wishes as you fulfill the wishes of Life by listening to what or who appears in the moment and offering it your presence instead of your striving and domination.

@akiroq Love this whole message you created as a response and for triggering some more words to flow out of me, pleasure meeting you fellow Soul-Sovereign ;)


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Ever flowing, ever changing. We re-invent ourselves in every moment. We paint reality with our thoughts, with our perspectives, and our emotions. As we change, so does our reality.

It's funny that you mentioned the mind being a bridge. The title of the book I am currently working on is: The Bridge to Understanding.

Yes, problems challenge us to grow, to expand our understandings, our knowledge, our perspectives, and our experience. And, if we handle problems in this way, our very reality changes, because we the creators of our reality change.

Yes, many times, it is essential to step outside of ourselves, outside of our emotions, ideas, beliefs, or definitions. This is something I have written in the past: Everything you think you know or feel is based on an attachment to the past.

How can we hope to see clearly when you look at the world through filtered lenses? We must remove the lens (as much as we are able).

I started doing this many years ago: If you know what you do not want, drop any and all actions, thoughts and beliefs that in any way support it. It's powerful, and very very liberating. It brought my life into alignment with what I do want. In other words, it created space, time, energy, focus and clarity for what I do want in life.

I'm a minimalist. But, I wasn't always. Simplifying my life really helped me to find clarity and peace.

Yes, absolutely, presence is essential. If we aren't present we will miss everything happening in the here and now. We also lose our choice/decision-making points when we aren't present. Presence is very empowering!

Likewise,🙏 thank you for the exchange, it is very enjoyable for me as well.

Beautiful reply, been less online last few days myself, took some time to get myself onto steemit :)

Your reply leaves absolutely nothing left unsaid, hit the nail on its head!

The Endless Journey of uncovering our own self-imposed limitations´so that we might let more and more of our infinite potential shine through into our Life.

I think the planet is doing well judging by this exchange even if it does not look that way. Seeing Life stirring here and there away from the giant spotlights 🔥 🌪