Creating your own Reality, and Crushing Social Anxiety 9.20.15steemCreated with Sketch.

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Whatsup Steem brothers and sisters!

This is a blog post I made 2 years back that I never put up on my blog because I felt it was too raw. After editing some of it to be more PC I decided to post it up on here because I still see some parts of this message as extremely powerful, though reading it now made me cringe a little. So.. without further ado:

This is one of the most important ideas i've chosen to study recently. I’ve taken these ideas from bits and pieces of individual literature, speeches, and personal experiences.
This idea is what has allowed many untalented, ordinary people with only (potential) to reach feats of remarkable greatness.
all right let's get straight to the point, this idea is simply enough: as you create your own reality, you are opening up a realm of infinite opportunities

“Alright Aiden, cool stuff, but what does that even mean? It means that when you become a creator of your universe, you now hold the power, it could be some of it, it could be none of it, or it could be ALL OF IT! haha HAZAAAA!.
I believe that life is a constant frame battle, with your parents, with your friends, with that guy across from you on the train that apparently wants a staring contest. Eckhart Tolle, spiritual philosopher says that others will attempt to put you down, as if them lowering your self, increases their own. i agree with him, it’s an illusion. However, it is still something that is very real to the people who take part in these mental chess games. When I’m on a train, a cute blonde with revealing clothes walks on, i chat her up for a bit, then i see from the corner of my I a guy staring at me smiling, i could frame this in my mind in a way that helps me(he wishes he had the confidence to break social norms like that haha), or in a way that hurts me(he thinks i’m pathetic, he probably doesn't have to work on himself this much to interact with pretty ladies, he probably is going home to his own amazing hot girlfriend right now, he thinks i’m an idiot, and social retard) Sounds extreme doesn't it? However these thoughts are very real, and very powerful. Were quick to indulge in self defeating, negative thought patterns, but when it comes to our positive thoughts, as well as thoughts that motivate us, the impact to your emotions and mind are not as powerful, if you're like me you’ll find yourself in a neutral kind of feeling as your default, and it gets better or worse as you go through your daily grind. You need to be very aware of how you perceive others, and what lens your viewing the worlds through
So 1st step of creating your own reality is watching your thoughts, words, emotions, and feelings very carefully. Be mindful, or rather conscious of all these parameters. When you catch yourself in a negative loop. Literally force your mind to focus on something else. I read somewhere that your mind is like a horse, its purpose is to help you get to where you need to go, but if you have a horse that hasn't been whipped, fed, and trained properly it's going to lead you to some dark alley where you get butt fucked, or something like that.Steve Jobs in a biography by walter isaacson wrote that something that made him successful, as well as a d*ck was his reality distortion field, his frame was over 9000! if he didn't want to see something he simply didn't, to the point that he disowned his first daughter. However, if he did want to see something, even if no one else did, it was definatively there, and soon enough it manifested so that the universe saw it.
if you want a frame as strong as his i’m betting meditation, nlp, and self hypno/brainwashing will do just that.
Whats the difference between a decent arguer/debater and a great one? The great one will destroy you with his energy and logic, like a vacuum sucking you into his world.
I’m getting bored of typing so speed round!
Question -Aiden what's a practical way of practicing creating your own reality, in relation to conquering social anxiety?
Put yourself through daily challenges.
Deliberately do things that make you anxious, nervous, and uncomfortable.
Challenge yourself! give yourself daily chores (talk to 5 random girls, walk up to some guy and tell him he’s attractive)
This is not only allowing yourself to be free of the anxiety of these activities, but they also allow your to not identify with the self/ego.
While you're reading this you're probably thinking, “um dude, im straight, why would i hit on some guy?”
You need to completely erase what you feel (insert name here) is allowed to do in this world.
How do you do that you ask?

Contradict who you believe you are; Joe rogan always say's "Act in the way the hero of the story you would create would act."
Nothing! I mean NOTHING you do today, has any baring on what kind of person you are, or who you will become. Who you become is based on your belief systems, as well as the actions you take today. Sounds a bit contradictory, but ill explain that in another blog titled (how to become who you want to be)

The point I’m making with the previous mess there is that hitting on a guy doesn't make you gay, approaching a girl with intentions of doing procreative activities with her doesn't make you a creeper or pervert. Why?
You don't have intentions of dating the dude, and of weirding out the girl.
What would your intentions be of doing those challenges? Complete disassociation with the self, alan watts talks about this in an interview and he says that the human being has two parts: the self, and the watcher. In the beginning of eckhart tolle's book power of now he says something similar when he talks about having depression as a kid and says “i hit a gap when i thought to myself, that i could no longer live with myself.” It occurred to him at that point, which one is the true him, is he the I, or the myself?

So step 2 is similar to step 1: Do these challenges. Anything that gives you a feeling of social anxiety (start small, and see how far you can get)
ex:, lets use my favorite scenario, approaching a hot girl. From beginning to the end of the interaction really take notice of your body's physiology. Heart beat, how confident you feel, is it bad excitement or good excitement, are you comfortable. With these challenges you need to be more observant of you, rather than how the receiving end is taking it.

Step 3. Have you ever been working on something and your friend hits you up to hang out, or something online catches your attention, and if you're a person who is becoming more aware, you will start to question yourself. “Why am i going to hang out with this group, when i don't enjoy everyone in it?” “Why am i on social media scrolling down the feeds when i should be working out, or writing a paper?” Think to yourself times you hangout with friends in a group, and how once you guys are a group there is now an assumed set roles, and set agendas. Okay so you're the funny guy, entertainer in the group and the group decides on going to red lobster, but you hate that place, and to be apart of the group instead of just leaving, or voicing your opinion on where to go you just follow the pack. The problem with this is you are training yourself, or rather the horse in the analogy i used earlier, to give control to (insert name of leader in your circle here) every time he’s in the group with you, well what happens when he’s wrong, which if he’s human he will be, then what? Practice having self esteem, by taking control of your schedule, and truly do all these things to create your own reality, drawing other cool people into it. That doesn't mean not having co agendas when with groups, that just means to be conscious of what you truly believe and want to do at this set moment.

Step 1.
How are you framing your life (what’s going on) in your head? Are you missing out on seeing potential opportunities because your lens is broken? What are you feeling?

Step 2.
Do Challenges that go against your beliefs of who you are, and the behaviors you're allowed to engage in. While you're doing these challenges become more aware

Step 3.
Just like your not afraid to be expansive and expressive when you're out on your daily grind, you can create the reality you want when you're among friends also.

Thanks for reading, I'd sincerely like to know your thoughts :)

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That there is a university grade thesis, brilliantly assembled, I'm feeling your writing bro. Djr420

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