
in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Pain is pure. It's a stainless emotion you get to experience over and over again, yet it never loses its allure. Although many “emotions” come and go, this one stays, because it is linked with reality.

You can't ignore pain. It is there, because a situation bred it. It is there perennially. Even when the waves calm down, you'll always carry with you a souvenir of your trip to hell.

It is as welcomed, as it is persistent. You want pain in your life, because it reminds you of the human condition. But you also want to get over it quickly. It is a harsh teacher and sometimes it's best if you skip class.

It is deep and it hurts. It will turn your stomach, like you ate bad fish. It will fog your brain with its toxic smoke. You will be a mindless drone. You will get dominated. No wonder many people have pain as their God.

Fucked up shit will happen. Shit that won't end in a month, a year or two years. They will stay with you and rot. They will occupy your time in your daily life. They will spin your head. They WILL happen. Sometimes things don't work out well... for a moment.

But know this: Eventually this too shall pass.

I know most of this doesn't make sense to most, but it does to me.

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