A Philsophical Poem to Brighten Your Day

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Words by me
Music: Ludovico Einaudi - Oltremare

All Aboard the Sunshine Boat
You’re creating the worth of the past in the present;
when you comprehend this, life becomes only pleasant.
The universe gives only events that you need;
it will push you and pull you until you take heed.
In every encounter, look for the teaching.
As soon as you’ve got it, the cosmos stops preaching.
Understand well that it’s useless to strive;
Why aren’t you content with just being alive?
You huff and you puff and you whine and you cry,
but you no longer suffer when you open your eye
“Poor little me” is all that you shout,
haven’t you noticed that’s all you’re about?
“Why this”, “why that”, “life’s just not fair”…
Listen to yourself; you’ve become hard to bare.
If they hurt you or curse you, just leave it behind
you’re just stabbing yourself when you repeat in your mind;
“How could he…”, “How dare she..”, “That’s no way to be….”
“What were they thinking to do that to me…?”
On and on your mind circles these thoughts,
your body stiffens and your face contorts.
More and more you torture your soul,
getting them back is your only goal.
Days go by and in foul thoughts you fester
Degrading your worth to any investor.
It’s face-smackingly clear to every person you meet;
there’s a foul soul in you to which they greet.
Weeks go by and you plan and you twitch;
“One day i’ll get that son of a bitch”.
Then from the blue appears your enemy,
he greets you with kisses and a light energy.
Weeks ago he left all that behind,  
do you even remember what angered your mind?
You push him away; you’re not amused.
He can fuck off - your ego’s been bruised.
From a small little act, you’ve turned your back on a friend,
Well fuck him - he’s driven you round the bend.
Fantastic! You’ve told him, now lay your mind to rest;
why can’t you just take life in jest?
There’s no need for revenge; just leave it to Karma.
Why do you resist universal Dharma?
“Life is a play” say all of the sages,
With just differing actors and differing stages.  
You’re more than your thoughts, or haven’t you noticed,
When you notice your thoughts, who is it that’s noticed?
You don’t need to invest in every thought that you think,
Investing in ‘me’ will just make you shrink.
Open your mind to the world around you,
and unshackle yourself from the cage that bound you.
When you pull out of you and you notice the flora,
your universe soul gives off shining aura.
Create beauty in the world with everything that you say
and you’ll have a much more beautiful day.
You’ll sing to the hearts of all those around you,
and notice the smiles of those that surround you.
Stay happy and merry - you can only shine bright,
just look around; you’ve brought them delight.
You’re the mighty universe manifest in a human,
aboard a spaceship with these human crewmen.
So stop acting so small you silly little goat,
and sail life’s seas aboard your big sunshine boat.

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Thank you :)