RE: A Note to Fellow Atheists About Spirituality

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A Note to Fellow Atheists About Spirituality

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

The guild I was the leader of was originally created by a guy from either Indonesia or Malaysia, I forget which. After he stopped playing the game, our guild elected me to be guild leader. He just stopped playing with no warning, and left no line of succession so we had to vote. Our guild ended up being the strongest guild in the whole game, too.

I believe the word garuda might be an Indonesian or Malaysian word as well, because the guy who named it was from around there. So I was thinking that either you played that game and was in my guild, or you were also from one of those two countries.

It's good to learn what that word means though!

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Yes, also in Thailand, Malaysia/Indonesia the Garuda is very common and a symbol of royalty.
You can find out more under
Actually - and I wasn't aware of that - there is a deity called red garuda, I just found out.
As for myself, I'm not from Indonesia but I'm a german born guy living in Taiwan!

Cool! I've been to Taiwan, but only for two short layovers on my way to the Philippines.

How long have you been living there? Did you move there as an adult or did your parents move there when you were younger?

Do you speak Taiwanese well? What job do you have there? Where were you educated?

Is the Garuda anything like the phoenix? The phoenix comes from western mythology, but when I think of "red garuda" it makes me think of a phoenix, due to the red imagery and the regal, "royal" connotation.

I've been living here since 2 years. Happy to live here, I appreciate eastern culture in many ways and I need a break from germany...
My wife is Taiwanese and I have a little son. I was taking care of him most of the time and plan to learn chinese soon.

About the phoenix, yes, it was also mentioned in an article that the phoenix is kind of the "western" garuda.
Although we have to bear in mind that our so-called western culture originating in ancient greece has its roots in the east as well, in sumer, in india...
By the way, are you "westerner"? Where do you live?

Yes, I am a "westerner", though I also have a deep appreciation for eastern culture. I'll refer you to my introductory post if you want to learn more about me and who I am. 😉

To piggyback on your train of thought, even eastern culture has its ultimate origin in Africa, where our species first evolved and developed the social structures, instincts and behaviors that typify humankind. It's all about how far back you are willing to go.

Followed you, looking forward to more articles from you.
So nice, you are also a western-asian couple! So we have something in common.
Oh, funnily, what came to my mind: your username is snakefly, you like and breed snakes. Be careful: if you hold them dear, keep your snakes away from garudas because in mythology garudas are the arch-enemies of the snakes, the nagas!

It's the case with many predatory birds and snakes here in the Americas, too. In fact, the flag of Mexico is an image of a hawk perched on a cactus, carrying a rattlesnake in its beak. The image was supposedly inspired by a real scene witnessed by the founder of Mexico's capital city.

As a side note, my username actually comes from a type of insect endemic to my locality.

Yes, we are a western-asian couple as well! I always appreciate connecting with other couples who share the same sort of intercultural experience. However, in our case, we are now living in a western society rather than an eastern society. Our future children may be influenced differently by this difference in environment.

Beautiful insect!
Wish you and your family the best. For me, as a westerner, I can learn a lot from my wife!
I need to do something, maybe write you another time! Have a nice day!

You have a nice day too! I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. Let's talk again sometime.