Asking some questions about G-d

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

I dunno about G-d. I mean, I was raised in a G-d fearing household. But I like to think I am highly rational/logical. The other day I was thinking about the universe and G-d. The general thought (I think) is that if G-d exists, He is in the heavens up above. Forget about the whole "worship Him or suffer the consequences!" nonsense. I have heard (and accept) the argument that we must reject a G-d that is punitive/sadomasochistic. Absolutely, we should reject such a G-d. If G-d is all powerful, why would he need our worship? He wouldn't need jack shit. This got me thinking.. about light having attributes of both a particle and a wave; and about quantum mechanics. I am not a scientist, and I value religion mostly for the tradition. I am not a "believer", if you will. But if G-d did exist, where would He hang out? In the heavens up above? I say no way! He would hang out in the "kitchen" so to speak. They say, you'd never eat in a restaurant if you knew what went on in the kitchen. If G-d loves His "children", and the universe is just His creation; He would hide where no one would find him. Where would this mystery spot be? I think it would be in the world of quantum mechanics -- where the laws of the universe -- the paradise in which we live -- do not apply. Where a quantum particle can exist in two places at the same time. Craziness! Yes, that would be where He would hide. Forget cosmic. Think sub-atomic. To be honest, if He actually is there, I don't want to know. I'll just be thankful for the paradise that is the universe. Now someone please explain light to me.

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The answer to your question about light is very easy. Light is God, in fact everything that you have ever seen and have ever known is God. Everything that is, is God. "I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end." God is everything that there is, was and will be.

God is not a being , he is an energy. This energy is what makes up everything, and we are all part of this energy. There is no reason to worship, just be.

When you die the energy that you are made of flows back into the system and unites with the energy of the universe. This energy is what we call God.

Sounds spiritual. Thanks for the comment. The thing that confuses me about light is that light is unlike anything else in the universe, yet the universe could not exist without it.

I do apologize for the small rant, I got caught up in the thought. I do agree that light is an amazing thing, but in reality it is not as complicated as you would think. Light is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light, which is the visible spectrum that is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of sight.

If u gunna get into the non-visible light, u really gunna baffle me. Lol. So light can be unified with (or is part of) electromagnetism (in a relatively small set of equations)? Interesting. I love the Grand Unification Theory, even though it's a bit hard to get my arms around.

To make it simple, visual light is made when an electric field and an magnetic field oscillate. The electric field creates a magnetic field, and the magnetic field creates a electric field. This oscillation back and forth is what we call light. It is an electromagnetic wave. Differences in the speed of this oscillation makes the ranges of visual and non visual light.

a very interesting post