The Creeping Expansion of the Vice Grip of New Laws

in philosophy •  8 years ago  (edited)

Generation after generation, a given government system is able to expand its influence on the land it stakes claim to. Notably, this is solely a claim rather than an inherent element of reality. People generally just want to go about their lives, and so these systems are allowed to grow with just enough resistance to cause the routes actually taken to be through whatever cracks can be found: the path of least resistance. Like a lightning bolt, a new law is struck into being and suddenly used as a basis for actions that had no basis prior.

Examples of these actions are: taxes, imprisonment, civil asset forfeiture, enforcement both domestic and foreign. Without the system to give a basis for the actions taken, they would immediately be seen as wrong. However, like a cloak, the system is used as a shield that provides protection to individuals enforcing specific elements of it. They even think they are doing what is right, when they themselves have become indoctrinated from birth and manipulated by constant and pervasive influences both apparent and subtle.

The answer is not new laws. When we support the creation of new laws, we are thinking short-term. Frequently some event, which can be shown to be the clever orchestration of those making the subsequent laws, leads to additional sweeping legislation that ultimately limits every individual. A terrorist attack that leads to new regulation on individual freedoms. Anything can be used as a basis for greater limitations on personal freedom. Traffic accidents that lead to tighter regulation on individual freedom. There are countless examples of ways that the system will find loopholes--shortcuts--in an attempt to produce a certain outcome. These are not even necessarily nefarious in nature, they can be benevolent but do not achieve a healthy society whatsoever.

We can get lost in the "fluff", looking to this or that reasoning for this or that law and drawing conclusions on if we support this or that new limitation. But it is all a distraction from the greater agenda at play. A system that is so big and powerful that it cannot be stood against by any individuals is nearly impossible to be free of. Total enslavement is the ultimate goal. Fuck that. The most essential thing for us to do is to educate ourselves. Decide where on a scale from no freedom to absolute freedom we ourselves want to be, and understand that if we want freedom to make our own decisions then it must be universal. Intermediary systems telling individuals what they can and cannot do are a thing of the past, efficiency is absolutely necessary if we are to ever come out of this with reduced burdens.

Like in economics, a simple supply and demand curve can be applied. When a system taxes what is perfectly efficient, the supply and demand curve itself is influenced. This leads to what is known as "dead weight loss". Every form of regulation we do functions the same. So drastic are our regulations that they stifle the economy so completely that the burden of this inefficiency brings society to the brink of collapse. This money is then used to create more and more and more ways to bring income into the system so that it can enforce its laws and regulations further, more absolutely, more completely. More and more inefficiencies rise and money is squandered or stolen or tossed about with little regard for the hardworking, honest individuals who put their time and effort and energy into the income that brought the money.

So greedy is the system that it literally prints its own money with no regard for how that influences people. Investments may go up, but only a small percentage of people even have enough investments to benefit from the drastic loss of actual value their savings and income are enduring. If I have 50% of the total world investments and they go up 200% because I printed money, I still have 50% of the total world investments. But if someone has $100 and it stays $100 while the actual value of that money declines to 1/3 because the total money in circulation was tripled, then they have lost much of their savings. Their income, which stayed essentially the same, also lost 1/3 of its value due to this large-scale theft. As it is the system that is doing it, there is no one to stand up against this injustice and the world turns as the vice grips slowly but surely become overwhelming.

When will we feel the brunt of this pressure? Some already are. They are alike to the foundation of society, the core of a planet where pressure is greatest. The shell of the planet being composed of those pressing downward on the core, who can walk around freely because they are on the periphery, supported by the system rather than limited by the system.

Fuck. The. System. Nothing is more important than freedom. Is it within my rights as someone who desires to stand for freedom to speak my mind? Or am I also rejecting the freedom of others to make their own decisions and live with this way of being? I guess this can be asked a different way: Would you free a slave if you had the key? Or is the slaver's free will to continue to choose to slave of more importance than the slave's freedom to choose? Where is right or wrong, when it comes to freedom, in such circumstances? I choose to free the slave. If that's wrong, then God will be my Judge.

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