The main difference between rich and poor

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

You know, untill the recent moment I thought that amount of money is that defines whether you are poor or you are rich.

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I also thought that If you are not lucky enough to be born in wealthy country at wealthy family or you don't have wealthy friends you have rather rare chances to significantly change your financial state. I was wrong.

Not so long ago one clever man who had managed to become rather rich and successful, said me such interesting words:

The difference between rich and poor is NOT the different amounts of money they have. In fact, the difference lies in the other case.

Rich men spend less then they earn and poor man spend more then they earn.

I thought a lot about it and actually I should admit that he is right and it is true indeed! From these words one can make a very simple conclusion:

We don't need much money to be rich. What we really need that is to learn how to spend less then we earn!

For some very strange reason, this is not taught in any school or college or at the university. At least, in my country, Ukraine. Maybe it is the reason why there are so many poor people. Now I know that wealth is just some kind of energy that comes and goes depending on how the person is ready for this. The key lies in our perception of the world and ourselves.

Besides, the really important things can't be bought by money. You know, what I am talking about - it is love (I mean true love), friendship, respect, health etc. All this one can achieve regardless of his financial state.

In fact, the only things that prevents us to be rich are the barriers that we create in our heads!

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The real wealth is under your feet. Be rich, feel rich! Your life is worth it.

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I believe people should buy what they need and use money to enjoy life. Are you really 'free' to enjoy life if you are a slave to money?

You are right! Sometimes people create own 'slavery' and suffer from it. Initially we are all born to be free.

that is true

Yeah! The most interesting thing is that the less you think about how to get rich the easier you will earn your income! I checked it works :)

Very true. And the reason you are not tought this in school, is that your country wants you to spend more than you can earn.

Well, I don't think that my country is the only one where it happens. Many governments are interested to have quiet workers that badly know how finance system is organized.

This is true, people tend to want materIalistic things to show off; however, I see no purpose in it. There are shoes out there that cost like $200 or more. I don't understand why people spend so much money on stuff they don't need. To impress someone? That doesn't make much sense. I feel that I need to worry about myself, and not spend so much money just to have it. There are people out in the world that has like 3 or more cars, and I personally don't see the point in it.

The points is to show other people their wealth. They just want to be recognized by other rich people. Forgetting that all is relative in this world, such people do their best to get richer and richer and richer ... Despite the fact the life is short they just can't stop doing that. But do they feel themselves rich ? Are they happy ?