Lies for a better child

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

I am in two minds about this post, do I take a serious look or, do I take a satirical view of how children can be brainwashed. I am free writing and will throw some links in if I can find some quickly. I might take a hybrid approach, see what comes up and spin some other articles from it.

Firstly, considering whether or not it is possible to brainwash something doesn't take much thought as essentially, we all are programmed to believe something over other things without actually doing much of the thought on it ourselves. If our beliefs can be manipulated and installed, our resulting actions are going to fall into line also. People are raised by their family, friends and society to subscribe to any number of things from religion and politics, to economic understanding or which football team to support.

It isn't hard to comprehend the risks in having this kind of power over impressionable minds considering that a parent is put into a default authoritative position, and most consider themselves worthy and their ideas valid to teach their children. This doesn't matter if you want to teach your child to be loving and compassionate or, have deep seeded hatred for another race or religion. No child is born inherently racist nor a subscriber to any religious dogma, it is all introduced.

As a kid I had an idea that I would be able to brainwash my little sister to believe certain things by just lying to her enough. I didn't actually do this but I did tease her a lot which although natural for siblings under 10, perhaps not a great method looking back. My largely untested hypothesis however was that if I could convince my sister she did something or, something happened to her in the past well enough, she would tell herself that it actually happened and walk into the future with the memory of it.

We didn't go on holidays when we were young for financial reasons, so I considered telling my sister that we did, that we had been here and there and although she didn't remember it, I would be able to add enough detail that she would be able to flesh out and they would become a part of her memory. Perhaps, rather than have a childhood of no holidays, she would grow to believe that there were some but, her memory of them wasn't great.

There have been numerous cases that have come to light where people have been implanted with false memories of childhood abuse through suggestion from their psychotherapists. The approach is that the therapist says that the reason for the problems they have are because of some trauma and they are repressing the memories and then lead them down a garden path of suggested memories over time until they believe the events happened. This has destroyed lives.

But, can false memories be used to help us perform better? For example, could the same process be used to develop a stronger trait of delaying gratification by suggesting from a young age and reminding of false times that the child waited and received reward for being patient. Or, the times that they worked hard before and were rewarded for the effort they put in? I am not saying that this is necessarily a good focus but, it does seem that leading a child down a garden path that leads to improved performance is possible, considering it can work in the reverse.

It is relatively easy for example to influence on a child's creativity levels negatively by doing things like punishing their questions or, answering their questions without giving them space to think. School is a creativity killer. Sitting them in front of screens is the worst destroyer of creativity as the questions aren't raised nor is the space to develop ones own views and in my opinion, this is currently high on the manipulations for the future list but, time will tell how large an impact it will make. I suspect, very large in not only creative pursuits but when it comes to ability to cope in real world environments and managing emotional positions. More pills for the depressed are going to be needed.

It is also quite easy to see if a child was for example born into a militant family with very strong views about some religious doctrine and what should happen to non-believers, how the chances of them acting upon their beliefs can be increased. Most people in this world despite their many objections, do not objectively review what they believe to test its validity against other possibilities. They assume they are right and they also assume that the authority has done the duty of care to battle test their theories. Nope, very few have as for the most part, there is no way to test religious dogma, just have faith that it is all correct. Well, pick and choose the bits that suit you, when it is convenient to do so.

Although false memories can be implanted, real memories can also be buried or manipulated be reframing, such as what a pedophile might do in the grooming of a victim. Rather than present what is actually happening, it is presented as a game or a duty or some other view to lower the barriers so they can get away with the sickest of actions, the abuse of children. But, I want to go into that at another time perhaps.

Yet, it does raise a point. Would it be considered abuse to implant memories into a child even if they lead to improved performance and a better quality of life, does it harm them not to know the truth of their childhood if the aggregate good is higher than the likely alternative? Tough question considering it is a part of the process anyway as we tell our children things like they need good grades at school in order to get a good job and have a happy life. How many are happy with the job they have? You?

We brainwash our children to try to come into line with what we think is valuable and what we believe is a high quality of life even though we ourselves may not be living up to our own ideals. Much like any religious or political dogma. If it is wrong to brainwash children in the hope of better performance, than all brainwashing must be ceased right? That includes all of the religious positioning and of course, all lead by example activities that might demonstrate to the child a certain position over another. Hmmm, not possible unless, we raise children in a box with no windows.

There is of course the known lie vs unintended lie where one lies through false beliefs. If I believe what I am saying is the truth, it is not a lie no matter f it is actually incorrect. However, my child is going to learn and act upon an incorrect belief. It gets a bit tricky considering when it comes to many of our beliefs, they are actually unprovable yet, we tend to get very, very attached and defensive over them and feel that others, especially our children, should fall into line.

This brings us back to the killer of creativity as essentially if we impose our views on a child and tell them right from wrong, they are going to form their understanding of the world from that position. In some cases this is going to be a very helpful and healthy position to act from but in others, potentially very, very harmful and limiting of their potential. Because they will have a certain view of the world, they are unlikely to question and explore alternatives, we have most likely limited their capacity to experience.

I find this interesting considering that the way we raise our children is going to affect the direction the entire world takes yet, most parents do what their parents did for the most part. With all of the other pressures of life to compete with to earn money, find time, be entertained, exercise or live a world of social media and farmville, the children I think are suffering. Obesity is increasing, emotional instability is rife and depression among adolescents is at an all time high. They have been brainwashed already but, it isn't in the way we may have wished if we had been paying attention.

There are some parents who unschool their kids, home school, or do what they think will benefit their children the most. It will have an effect and there will be pros and cons but, it is another type of brainwashing with the hope that it leads to a better quality of life or, higher performance.

There are many views on this that i would like to explore more but I have been writing this while my daughter took her nap and, she is now up and wanting to play, learn and most likely, be brainwashed by me. Will I lie to her in the hope it will improve her life? Don't all parents lie to their children in some way or another?

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It is impossible for a parent not to brainwash their children - we present to them our views of the world, telling them they're the right views because that's what we believe. I do that and so will you.
The trick is to allow them to challenge our ideas, to allow them to talk freely, to accept they might be right and even change your own ideas.

The trick is to allow them to challenge our ideas, to allow them to talk freely, to accept they might be right and even change your own ideas.

This is the part most people tend to forget, being challenged on long-held beliefs never feels good perhaps but, I am not raising my child to end up like me and maybe, she can challenge me and help me improve my views. Here's to hoping.

Would it be considered abuse to implant memories into a child even if they lead to improved performance and a better quality of life,

..and if your metric of ' improved performance' and 'better quality of life', was the opposite of what they judged them to be ... it would screw them up - and lead to seeing themselves as 'failures'..?


Implanting entirely fake memories into impressionable minds is betrayal, in my opinion, however good the intentions. What if a child later discovers that the narrative about what happened in the life of the child repeated by the parent cannot be true? Trust will be gone. Valuing truth is one important bullwark against turning life into a free-for-all with no regard for anything external. Perception of goodness is notoriously subjective. If we don't value truthfulness, we will silence that little voice in the back of our minds telling us not to lie to ourselves. Dangerous waters.

What if a child later discovers that the narrative about what happened in the life of the child repeated by the parent cannot be true? Trust will be gone.

There is a generation of German children who had to at some point face their parents and ask, "how could you not have known?"

If we don't value truthfulness, we will silence that little voice in the back of our minds telling us not to lie to ourselves. Dangerous waters.

What about political or religious truths that people train their children in various ways to believe, are they truths or opinion?

It is interesting to consider what we teach our children without actually considering what we teach our children.

In my opinion, it's something very different to lie about a child's personal life history than let them absorb the political or religious ideas that we hold. They are about the world and not central to the relationship between the child and the parent. Children will question their parents' political or religious ideas as part of their normal development in adolescence. But it's not a good idea to implant fake memories or life histories into their minds. Normal people don't do that.

Children will question their parents' political or religious ideas as part of their normal development in adolescence.

This depends heavily on how it is taught and what the consequences are doesn't it? Not everyone lives in Finland.

But it's not a good idea to implant fake memories or life histories into their minds.

Is there a level where it is okay or not? a child walking in on their parents in the bedroom? How does that generally get explained? Is it a lie that changes their memory of that event?

"Children will question their parents' political or religious ideas as part of their normal development in adolescence."

This depends heavily on how it is taught and what the consequences are doesn't it? Not everyone lives in Finland.

Finland is hardly unique in this regard. At least a billion people can be considered part of Western Civilization.

"But it's not a good idea to implant fake memories or life histories into their minds."

Is there a level where it is okay or not? a child walking in on their parents in the bedroom? How does that generally get explained? Is it a lie that changes their memory of that event?

Of course, there are levels to everything. What you do in that case is explain it in some age appropriate way. The kid will connect the dots later. What I've been saying is that you shouldn't construct life histories for the child with no regard for what actually happened.

Even the smallest change or reframing of the narrative is construction and can have profound effects on action and be completely untraceable to that point later in life. Is radical honesty the answer and then, does it start from birth?

Notice the part "...with no regard for what actually happened". I've been talking about entirely fake narratives as in making up stuff that never happened. While there is always room for interpretation that space is not limitless.

This is the question isn't it? Nearly everything taught to a child is considered to improve performance and better quality of life. A father that beats his kid may think he is teaching them lessons about the reality of the world. A parent who teaches a child to count to pass school tests? Is there a difference or is the difference based on probabilities about pathways available? There are some very successful and happy people who were abused as children and some very unsuccessful and depressed ones who were given what would be considered a good upbringing.

There are some very successful and happy people who were abused as children and some very unsuccessful and depressed ones who were given what would be considered a good upbringing.

..And I wonder how many of all these people could be traced back to 'truthfulness' or 'deceit' as the main reason to how successful they grow into adulthood...?

I have no idea, but I would be willing to make a bet...

But you are containing success to some financial area of life alone, maybe that is your programming speaking? :P

But you are containing success to some financial area of life alone,

Where do I say that ?
Financial success isn't relevant. I'm talking as human beings.

.....maybe that is your programming speaking....?


Good question, because "better" "good" and other adjectives are subjectively deployed most often!!

I lie to my kids constantly, earnestly and enthusiastically.
I pitch the lie to be something they're equipped to discern as such, and watch them think it through before calling me on it.
It's the best feeling. Knowing I'm giving them the tools and habit to critically assess everything they're told.

For me, it is about providing the tools and then hopefully, ingraining the sense of responsibility on how and why to use them. I like making up stories and watching her figure it out too. Simple things for now but each day, they are becoming more complex. If one can manipulate a child into being able to critically think for themselves, are they brainwashed at all?

Innoculate them against deception.
If I pitch too high and they believe it, then I start introducing inconsistencies between the new lie and contradictory information they already hold true; until the friction is apparent.
Ironically, my Dad used to do the same to me :)

Ironically, my Dad used to do the same to me :)

*Obviously, my Dad used to do the same to me :)

So far, my daughter is very attentive and notices slight changes in a room or a person's appearance, clothes etc. I hope to be able to help that part of her flourish a little as she seems to enjoy the remembering and ordering of information to find the patterns or, missing pieces. I know, she is only two....

Start 'em young. Don't raise a sucker.

Hmmm !! Another confessed programmer here!! The children are ROBOT!! Bizarre , but TRUE!

But WHO, WHAT Programs or PROGRAMMED @mattclarke???

I believe there are truths written in our hearts.
Trying to deny them is the cause of most of the world's suffering.

Revealed TRUTHS are being confirmed here NOW!! I am blushing because TWO spirits are attesting to ETERNAL TRUTH.
Yes?? Could it be @alaisguineasis is denying an epistle engraved in his heart?? Hmm!!

Great content you explored here @tarazkp!

There is no gainsaying that what most people believed, which directs their thoughts , decisions and therefore ACTS are indeed cheer FICTION, never truth.!!

It is no wonder therefore why most of our Undertakings always FALL FLAT.

It is maybe impossible to ever know what are really our own thoughts and what has been installed or nudged. We should still try to improve ourselves regardless.

So what you've written NOW could be "installed" or "nudge" by ANOTHER??

We are all robots????

Amazingly, MY THOUGHT as well!

Parents raise children and inherently "brain washes" them to a degree. We pass on our ideas and beliefs naturally. However, we must be able to and encourage them to be their own person. For example: My son attended a private school that was religion orientated and going to church was a part of our lives. I encouraged him to form his own beliefs and ideals. Now he is an anthiest.
Honestly, I can understand someone telling some one else a lie in order for them to think that the past was better than it was. Perhaps a form of self preservation. Is it right? That is a very tough question. People want to be seen in a positive light.

Perhaps a form of self preservation. Is it right? That is a very tough question. People want to be seen in a positive light.

How many parents will fully take responsibility for their shortcomings without colouring the view with justifications and excuses?

Not many is my guess. There seems to be plenty of "buts" in justifications and excuses.

"if I could convince my sister she did something"

OMG. How diabolical! But yes, I've heard about psychologists implanting false memories, and whatnot. Of course a person can be tricked into a belief if they were young enough when the thing was supposed to have happened. I have memories myself that I question, because I've seen photographs of myself as a child, and I wonder, do I remember the thing or the photo of the thing? :0

"Don't all parents lie to their children in some way or another?"

Santa says yes. :)

I have memories myself that I question, because I've seen photographs of myself as a child, and I wonder, do I remember the thing or the photo of the thing?

This is an indicator. A parent could apply various stories to that image that will be carried along too making it even more plausible.

Santa says yes. :)

This is one thing we were never lied to about. I was told not to tell other children though. Socially programmed instead ;)

Lying to a child always comes back to bite you as it undermines their trust in you as the parent.
I'm still getting flack from my son due to Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

I'm still getting flack from my son due to Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

These never appeared in my list of lies from my parents. If that was all I had to complain about, I would consider myself privileged. :D

What is truth? There are facts and statistics, but these are not truth. Conclusions drawn from facts and statistics shift depending on the contextual horizon a man chooses to filter the facts in analysis. Without cognitive bias and sociocultural matrix to limit man's perception, all men will become catatonic with the conflicting set of data flowing through their pathetic senses, of our non-logical universe. Dogmatic beliefs are adaptive mechanisms and cognitive framework to somewhat comprehend the universe around us; too much of so-called "free" thinking and "creativity" will land a man in an insane asylum.

Of course, in the modern, culturally fragmented West celebrating their empty identity, one could argue there exists no matrix, within which a man can construct a cognitive framework to understand his universe. The modern humanist Western man is akin to a sailor attempting to navigate his ship, while rejecting cardinal directions as being "dogmatic" intolerance and without a port of destination.

Without childhood indoctrination, man begets human failures set adrift without direction or purpose. Compared with raising such wastes of meat, it would be eminently preferable to produce ISIS terrorists, who at least possess purpose and direction.

Compared with raising such wastes of meat, it would be eminently preferable to produce ISIS terrorists, who at least possess purpose and direction.

This is what I wonder about. Obviously their a re better outlets than they have chosen but at the end of the day, a lot of the largest problems rely on having a group of people working together, whether it is energy, environmental or starvation solutions. Does it require dogmatism of some kind to activate a group? Does it require lies of some kind to bend individual narratives to come in to line close enough that they are willing to work together?

You aren't around much these days. Hope you are well.

Human morality is a deductive reasoning process. One must first begin with an a priori assumption that cannot be proven. For some that assumption is God, for others it is Nature, still for others it is random chaos. All human societies are moral constructs, that is the monocultural matrix demands consent regarding certain "values" from its members. From these values, legal structure and political systems are constructed. Unless parents plan on raising their children outside of human societies and civilization, dogmatism is a necessary ingredient in childrearing.

The problem with international cooperation and global dynamics stems from the lack of a priori consensus in values among disparate culture groups. For many culture groups, first principle assumptions are mutually antithetical, resulting in armed conflicts throughout humanity's brief and pitiful residence on this planet. To raise a child to function adequately within a monocultural matrix of a given society, it seems necessary to indoctrinate him in the dogmatism of that given society.

Brainwashing a child can have a devastating effect later in life. Though it may improve performance but its dangers outweighs the advantages.

How did you choose what ypu believe in, is the political party you support similar to your parents, sporting teams? Do you say please and thank you? These are learned, programmed behaviours. Is there a difference?

yes your right sir

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Perfect teaching and a perfect guide hv good effect on child's mind.. just keep him updated with all the knowledges..because it's too for kids to have a constant companion every time in front of him/her..

Right on my friend! Here is a prime example of kids being brainwashed..

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

I think when a child is involved brain washing cannot be avoided. They suck it all in, everything from everywhere, and you raised a very valid point- If it's wrong to implant memories then should all 'brainwashing' be ceased? They need adults to survive and equip them with information about the world around them. I think, the best kind of approach would be to really nurture their critical thinking more than anything. But, most people don't do this, they do pass down their beliefs to the child, and stamp out any contradicting thoughts it may start having. There is no perfect way to parent, but there most likely are better ways, most don't even ponder such topics. But it does not mean the child is fixed this way, often it is so, but often critical thinking will pull the individual through, although i would be lying if i said i was free of my parents views, both quite negative in nature, and full of fear. You can't do this, this isn't safe, you will get hurt, something bad will happen, etc etc. I think it set's some sort of precedent, which can be over come, but it takes a conscious effort and a lot of work on the self.

thats good but where is the man