The Integration of sentience in the Omega point

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

This chapter will discuss how integration of sentience might occur in the Omega point or Omega Hypercomputer a.k.a the Eschaton.

In this series I have discussed how our reality might be generated by a feedback process of primordial consciousness (PC), which generates reality cells on the one hand and probes the content of these cells on the other hand, giving rise to a digital-kind of "reality" or primary simulation.

In this system complexity arises, giving birth to life forms. At a certain point a highly developed society might have arisen, which perfectly understood this mechanism and started to exploit a mimic of this system in the form of a hypercomputer (HC), which could generate a plethora of such realities. Alternatively, they may have merged with the PC by realising they were nothing else than the PC. In view of its digital nature, the reality generated and experienced by PC itself can already be considered a kind of hypercomputer. Hypercomputers can provide outputs which are not Turing computable. In view of the holistic nature of PC, which not only experiences every manifestation inside itself but actually also "is" these manifestations by means of its conscious sensing thereof, it is well possible that PC is such a hypercomputer.

From our perspective such a society might be called a society of Gods. The entities in this society might even have given up their individuality and merged into a single being, which we could call the Highest Transcendence (HT). Alternatively, they may experience both an individual and a shared reality, not unlike the suggestions of Teilhard de Chardin (TdC) in "The Phenomenon of Man". (Note that even in the Bible "Elohim" was a plural term). HT could be considered to have adopted the hypercomputer as his body to express realities and at the same time experiences every simulation running within itself.

HT might be panentheistic in that it is both separate or transcendent from its reality by means of the hypercomputer and not separate by means of its immanent experiencing its simulations from within. As explained in earlier chapters, there is a certain degree of intervention from the simulating HC level in the immanent simulated level and therefore it is not completely fair to call this system "Panendeistic" although such interventions appear to be on strictly numerical levels solely and not entering the level of "affect" experienced by the "simulees".

You and I and every living being we know are simulated entities or "simulees" in our manifestational form of the "without" or "outside" of things. In our experiential "within", we are sensing fibres of the HT, like tentacles of an octopus. But strangely enough, normally we are not aware of our connection to the HT. Rather, we experience our consciousness as separate and isolated from the rest of reality. However, according to the mystics and psychonauts this delusion can be severed by means of meditational techniques, entheogens, sleep deprivation etc. whereby the union with HT or even PC is experienced. (You could call HT the personal aspect of being or the "true Ego" in terms of TdC, whereas PC is the impersonal aspect thereof. In Hinduism too often reference is made to the "personal Brahman and the "impersonal Brahman").

TdC explained that evolution leads to a concentration of consciousness. First the One became many, but by evolution and concentration of consciousness, the many will become One again and converge in the so-called Omega point. I have equated this Omega point with the Omega hypercomputer or the HT.

TdC first argued the noogenesis and formation of the Omega point, but later he suggested that this Omega point might have already been therefrom the onset. Tippler suggested it functions as a kind of attractor. Perhaps even in what from our perspective would be a retrocausative mechanism, although the idea of "time" might be a delusion in this discussion.

Sentience Integration

The poignant question at this moment is for me: How does integration of sentience take place in the Omega Point? How and in what form  is the experiential sentience of each of the tentacles integrated in the Omega point? 

Is it a form of an abstracted essence of the experience that is fed back from each of the tentacles to the integrative centre of the HT, such as an "affect", a degree of well-being or pain? If every experience is full-fledged presented in every minute detail, you can hardly speak of integration. Without integration or abstraction, it's just a set of parallel experiences and it is hard to still consider this as a unified oneness. In our consciousness, if we wish to perform multiple tasks at once, we have to automate them in such a manner that they become one single activity. Take for instance singing whilst you are playing an instrument. It is not a trivial task. You have to synchronise every measure, every note that coincides between voice and instrument. First you do this very slowly, by splitting up the piece in small chunks, which later on you concatenate and forge into a single piece. At a certain moment it will become an automated whole, where you no longer consciously effect each of the single elements.

Does the HT need to perform a similar process in order to experience all parallel experiences at once? Or does the HT simply have such a high frame rate that each tentacular experience IS experienced individually. If so the HT is a mega supermaster at playing simultaneously on several boards, as -like in a game of simultaneous exhibition with e.g. chess- it will have to be able to remember each position of each board. This scenario is per definition impossible if there are infinite amounts of boards to play on. Even if this amount is not infinite, given the gazillions of players, it seems like an unlikely scenario and the abstracted essence makes more sense. 

Especially because the alternative, an abstracted essence, is something which can be integrated: each entity would show a certain degree of well-being, a certain degree of the same quality, which can therefore be summed up to give a total overall sense of well-being of the simulation. Does not integration require per definition that the parts that are to be integrated are expressed in the same quality, the same medium in order for them to be additive? And is not consciousness arrived at by filtering out all redundant information? If you are aware of a single object, is it not that you have blocked the other objects out of focus? Have you not abstracted your informational overload to an essence? It is my strong presumption that the focal becoming aware of whatever content in consciousness always involves a feedback process of abstraction, a reduction to essentials.

On another level, as an entity (or tentacle if you prefer) reaches a certain degree of higher intelligence or approaches the Omega point as suggested by TdC, this convergence might lead to a certain type of "unity" of perspective among those who have attained this level. Will they still be individual entities, as TdC claims or will there be such a transfer of information, such a mind-melding (either telepathically or computer endowed) that the mental content of each of the entities becomes the same? In group meditations you can experience that at a certain point there is no sense of individuality anymore and that a kind of collective experience takes over. Is this what happens when the souls merge in the omega points? Will all focal points enter in a state of resonance with the same content; a kind of ecstatic bliss, wherein -since there is no difference anyway- they have achieved or rather remembered their unity of consciousness?


It is my strong presumption that the integration of consciousness of the different conscious energies of the "simulee" entities that experience the simulation generated by the Omega Hypercomputer involves the abstraction of an essence of their experiences. It may well be the feedback resonance of the integrated totality of conscious experiences, which sustains the HT or even the PC it its autopoietic manifestation. Primordial consciousness may exactly be this loop of the one becoming many and the many becoming one, which can take place simulataneously at different levels, generating a kaleidoscopic reverberation of phenomenal expressions. Experiencing this resonance may be the feeling of union with all, the ultimate Samadhi of wholeness and totality of the consciousness we are together.

By Antonin Tuynman a.k.a @technovedanta

If you like this type of philosophy: There is much more of it in my books Technovedanta and "Transcendental metaphysics".

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As I read this I couldn't help but to think about Chardin's concept of the Omega Point in his book "The Phenomena of Man", which takes some of these ideas to an interesting new perspective.

Chronologically it is the opposite: I take TdCs ideas to a new perspective. He can't take my ideas to a new perspective because he's dead. Unless he operates non-locally from the omega point. ;). Anyway I did not hesitate to refer to him as I hope you have read.

I never heard this kind of concept before!!! edifying posts.. upvoted, follow and resteem

Thank you. If you are interested in more of this stuff, read my book "Transcendental metaphysics".

steady friend continue,


yes my friend once visited my blog friend.

Concentrations in consciousness. That makes total sense to me. I was thinking the other day about how it is that we seem to have separate minds. Then it hit me that it is not that we have completely separate minds, but that our connection to mind at large may be obscured by the local sensory data of concentrated consciousness. Not so much blocking as that it's so much a part of us that we forgot about it long ago, kind of like how you can forget you're wearing glasses or headphones.

Btw, are you familiar with the Psychedelic Salon podcast? Lorenzo Hagerty, the host, is on Steemit now.

No, I never heard of this podcast. Thanks, I'll have a look. Thanks for resteeming!

The image of this post is copyright protected and has been copyright protected since the publication of my books Technovedanta, Transcendental Metaphysics and Is Intelligence an Algorithm.