What is Technovedanta?

in philosophy •  6 years ago  (edited)

One of the questions people often ask me is "What is Technovedanta?" as technology and futurism are not often contemplated in the light of Vedanta.

Vedanta is not only a philosophical school in India, it is also a unifying theory based on the larger body of Vedic texts. Literally it means the "end of the Vedas" meaning the conclusion of the Vedas. According to Vivekananda the Vedas are here not intended as just meaning the four traditional Vedas  (Rig, Sam, Yajur and Atharva) but all revealed texts intending to reach liberation such as the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras by Patanjali etc.

Is it a sacrilege to contemplate technology in the light of Vedanta? I consider it's not. We must not leave the moral teachings of Vedanta out of our technological developments otherwise they will turn against us. Technology can be a bliss only if introduced with respect for humans. The problem with many spiritual people is that they are often against technology. I want to break that trend and introduce spirituality in technology and technology in spirituality.

My Technovedanta books are not only about the technology of the vedas but also constitute a modern "Veda of Technology".

Technovedanta is a digital physics philosophy that explores the notion of the Akasha as a computational substrate and cosmic mind within the all encompassing all pervading Consciousness.

Technovedanta also explores Yoga as the best technology for self-realisation.

Finally, Technovedanta proposes how stratifications of the mind in vedic scriptures can be used to build more powerful versions of Artificial Intelligence.

As a spin-off I wrote the book "Is Intelligence an Algorithm?". Which is about our mechanical algorithmic parts of the mind vs. our intuitive natural consciousness based actions in our mind.

Another spin-off is the Anthology "Is Reality a Simulation?" In this book various authors present their view on the possibility or absence thereof of our reality as a simulation. Not only in the sense of a computer simulation but also in the sense of a dream, illusion or Maya.

It is my intention to summarise the essence or amrit of my books in a more accessible form for a broader audience.

You can find my books on Amazon in paperback or ebook format (in India only 50Rs.)

Technovedanta (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07D92DZYZ),

Transcendental Metaphysics


Is Intelligence an Algorithm?(https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1785356704/ref=dbs_a_w_dp_1785356704)

Is Reality a Simulation? An Anthology  (https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07D7JX4RS)

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