The exploration and enhancement of life and the universe is also inside of us

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

For many years, most of humanity thought that we couldn't play God. Now i believe there's an increasing number of people that think otherwise, and are inspired by persons like Elon Musk. And really we're only advancing into an open-minded world, so i think it's a great time to be alive!

Great ideas come from inside when we observe the world around us and notice that something is "wrong". And that plus the ambition changes us and the world! So I encourage you to not to let anyone tell you what you can't be or can't do, and start putting your projects and dreams into fullfilment! I personally am working on a computer game and hope to release it this year, and i think it surpassed my expectations once i finished writing the game design. So don't let your fears control you, because there's much more out there besides that

Also, and referring more specifically to the exploration of the universe and the human mind, i think that in our multi-layered mind lie most, if not all of the secrets of distant galaxies and black holes, because i feel that this intricate system that we call universe is connected independently of all the dogmas and separations that we've created. So, i bow to all of you that unite for a greater cause of society,such as the blockchain.

What are your thoughts on these subjects?

Good rest of the weekend to y'all

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Welcome to Steemit @tehpai,

I'm new here too (just opened my account a couple of days ago).

I was intrigued by your opening lines about playing GOD. Although I do believe that we have the power to influence our lives, I don't think any individual has the power to actually play the role of God. It is my belief that as children of God (as stated in the Christian belief), we are in fact an integral PART of what God is made of.

I have lately learned a bit about our own bodies and how our gut (or intestines) actually function. It is interesting to note that the bacteria in our guts are an essential part of our own survival (we cannot live without them). They are living organisms (independent from our own body cells), yet are able to communicate with our brains and tell us what we should eat! Cravings for sugar are sent from the bad bacteria and cravings for wholesome foods are sent by the good bacteria. A proper balance of good bacteria leads to a healthier life.

The same way that these bacteria are living in a symbiotic relationship with our bodies is how I view our relationship with God (or any other name you wish to call this SuperPower). I believe that there is some kind of energy that binds all living things together and that we can influence our own future by the simple act of truly believing in something.

Good luck with your game! Hopefully my son and I get our game out in a year too.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I personally believed that we have been God all along, because we play a role as creators of the space around us,Just like most matter. The fact that i talked about playing God is just from this expression i hear from other people
It's good to hear that you have interest in how we behave scientifically, and i hope you continue to know more and more, because comprehension leads to empathy :).
And also,good luck with your computer game! Tell me something when it is out!

Comprehension can absolutely lead to empathy. This is why I like to make people THINK rather than allowing them to simply believe in something just because someone told them they should. I believe that when people wake up from their monotonous routines and actually start to open their minds, this world will become a better place.

You can be sure that when I have something concrete (such as a playable beta version of the game), I will be announcing it here. We will be looking for people to play the game and report back any bugs they find. You might want to follow me so that you won't miss the announcement because a year is a looooong way off. I surely would not be able to remember all the people who showed interest in the game.