Monday Afternoon Thoughts

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

Hello everyone, it's been a few days since I've posted because of a hectic past couple of days! I've finally found some down time and some inspiration, so I've decided to try and clear up so writer's block.

This picture showed up on my Facebook memories the other day at a time when I really needed to see it. So many times people, including myself, have high expectations for an event, person, or any number of other things and instead of just enjoying things for what they are, we tend to criticize them for what they're not. It's been my personal philosophy for the past couple years to "go with the flow" and enjoy whatever life throws my way, because I've found it's just not worth it to be let down or for something to not live up to your expectations. There's so much in this world to enjoy, yet so many people seem to find negativity in everything. If we search for happiness, we're never going to find it! Let it come to you in whichever way it chooses. Be one of those people that find the good in everything, the world needs more of us :)

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