Am I Cursed or Am I Cursed?

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Have you ever asked yourself this question? I'm pretty sure you have and it's okay!

I myself have suffered from bad luck and I have watched my friends and family suffer from it as well. ''Why me, why again?'' You keep asking yourself questions you cannot find answers to.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

In the past two years, I've been a witness of several unfortunate events. We lost three family members in less than two years, one of whom was my grandpa. It's actually the first time I'm sharing this publicly and as much as I hate doing it I have been feeling the urge to pour out my grief and shout out loud how I miss him. It doesn't stop here but I'm gonna save you the rest.

Whether we realize it or not, each of these unfortunate events impacts our whole being and the direction our life takes. The most cruel ones could leave us devastated for the rest of our lives but it's up to us to allow in pain.

It's true that some of us have been born blessed, while others are less fortune and that's the way it is. I'm certain, though, that none has either been sad or happy during their whole life. What aroused my interest is the perception that it's not the good moments that make us who we truly are. Wiser people than me have had a say in the topic:

What doesn't kill you make you stronger.

A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there.

Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger.

And the list goes on....

Don't Drawn, Not Just Yet

A human has an exceptional strength and the weight we can carry on our shoulders can hardy be weighted out. So, next time you think you're cursed, think about the last time you thought you cannot handle it anymore or that one thing that looked completely impossible to you to do.

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Stop Overthinking - #LessonLearnt

I'm one of those people who tend to overthink, especially in moments of struggles. Yet, overthinking has never ever had produced any great solution for me, except for making my head ache. As hard as it is for me to stop thinking over something that doesn't depend on me, I promised myself I'll find a way to do it.

I've learnt we have to except things as they come and let people as they go.... I've learnt that I don't have a say on what life will serve me next. I've learnt I'm stronger than I think.

If any of you recognize themselves in or between the lines, I'd love to hear from you and your way of addressing bad luck! :)

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Wonderful insight. This mindset will aid you on the roller-coaster of life. :)

Every obstacle, every misfortune, and every curse is an extraordinary opportunity to expand. All is a blessing in disguise: No pain, no gain. We gain through loss. And nothing is every truly lost, all is transformed. Change: Death of the old for the birth of the new. In the overcoming of misfortune, we are released from limitation of a static comfort zone. Liberation is the purpose of any hardship.

As we begin to understand the underlying causes of our suffering, we gain in knowledge and wisdom. So that we may respond wisely when a painful lesson tries to reassert itself. Should we put what we've learned into practice, we'll eventually liberate ourselves from those causes. Prevention is better than a cure.

Death is the ultimate lesson of letting go, and it's also what motivates us to keep growing. We value our lives and the lives of those around us because we know that all the forms that populate our present circumstances will eventually transform.

"Full circle from the tomb of the womb to the womb of the tomb we come, an ambiguous, enigmatical incursion into a world of solid matter that is soon to melt from us like the substance of a dream." - Joseph Campbell

Well said! Your comment is much appreciated! :)

Thank you! :)

I think about this a lot. The last few years for me have been terrible and I just want to change it around. Change the vibe. Change the energy and bring in positive energy.

I hope things are looking up for you now! Sometimes, all we can do is to be patient but I believe positive mindset is essential :)

Very good article, I share your thoughts and I don't believe in curses or bad luck. Everything in our live happens for some reason and it's up to us to understand why, to learn our lessons and to go on, there is nothing else to blame but us. I followed you.