Not So Social Media! Is Our Obsession Killing Our Real Connection To Each Other?

in philosophy •  6 years ago 


Artificial Intelligence without a shadow of a doubt is becoming more and more prominent in our lives, we are surrounded by technology the scale of which some of it is quite remarkable. We live in a World now dominated by gadgets and gizmos that now basically have the capacity to communicate with each other and with the user.

It has become so advanced at such an alarming rate you have to wonder where it will end and more importantly what are effects going to be for humanity as a whole?
Have we become so addicted and dazzled by this new technology that we have been blinded by it? It seems to have the World's population in a trance.

Just walk down any street and you will see droves of people just staring down at their phones, sit at any restaurant and you will see couples doing the same. We are connected in one aspect, perhaps on Facebook whilst living in Thailand I have the ability to 'connect' with someone in Colombia for example, yet I might be completely disconnected from the person sitting in front of me!

It sounds like a joke but really it's not, there appears to be an artificial connectedness as well as an artificial intelligence. Its real but at the same time it's not because you're missing the physical human interaction that we all crave.

Our lives have become such that we obsess about what hundreds and thousands of 'followers' think about us, desperately trying to get more 'likes,' 'retweets' or whatever the dopamine hit maybe at the time depending on which platform you're using.

Ultimately that is the science behind it, every time you receive a 'like' from somebody you get an injection of dopamine to your brain, which is the feel-good chemical. It's like a little reassurance that someone out there in the vacuum of Facebook or Instagram 'approves' of whatever it is you have said or indeed made for dinner!


Again this is very clever because it plays on most human beings psyches of feeling inadequate or not good enough due to unhealed childhood issues. So what happens then? If you're constantly receiving those 'pats on the back' so to speak then it becomes an addiction, it becomes very difficult to wean off from. Especially if most people are not giving themselves that reassurance and love t, or someone in their life is not either.

I'm not professing to be perfect here, I use social media extensively for my activism and blogging, I have been caught in these traps from time to time, and I probably still spend too much time on social media, but at the same time I can see it for what it is and what it is doing to people, and how it is being used for much more sinister reasons that I will go into further in this book.

The fact is that people are living their lives on social media and not living their real lives. So much of it is fake too, everyone has the perfect marriage, the perfect children, and that leads other people to feel insecure and doubtful about their own lives.

It is also so easy to star smear campaigns about a person too, people hanging their dirty washing on the line, it can be like the online version of the Jerry Springer show!

What it has also triggered in the human psyche is a narcissism which is now totally out of control, underpinned by the rise of the 'selfie' or people down the gym posting constantly of what they look like. For many it is all about how you look, selfies but no knowledge of 'self'.

Maybe it appears that I am just moaning, people are enjoying themselves right so what's the problem? The question is multifaceted in and of itself, firstly to have that level of obsession with one's looks is shallow to the extreme, it also plays into the dynamic that our outer shell i.e our human body is more important than our internal World, the emotions we need to deal with to be truly happy, the knowledge we need to gain in order to understand ourselves and the World around us. If only the Worlds psychotherapists offices were filled up like the gyms were! We wouldn't be having so many damaging and toxic relationships.


Selfie to me means 'selfish', I don't mean the people that post the odd selfie because I do that myself from time to time, I'm talking about the constant bombardment day after day of pouting and posing. What else are these people actually offering the World other than a nice pair of boobs, or big muscles? Who really gives a fuck?

Some of these people have millions of followers with hungry men drooling over nothing. I sometimes think what I could do with all of these followers! A person could make a huge impact on peoples lives. I'm not saying they are all like that, unfortunately we live in a World that we have to generalise with huge trends like this. My point is that this narcissism is like cancer in society and its growing out of hand. This is because of these platforms and devices that have appeared on the scene. I seriously do not remember this obsession with looks growing up in the 80s!

Tony Sayers
Love, care, courage
If you would like to book a session [email protected] or reply to this email.
Author of the book 'Are you living or just existing?' 'NOFAP' and 'Ten Life Hacks To Beat The Matrix'
Purchase via paperback/kindle/ebook at-


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There’s no doubt that social media and the online reality is completely distorting the natural human social landscape. Every morning on my drive into work all I see are school kids waiting for the bus with their faces glued to their phones. Very seldom do I ever see these kids socially interacting with one another. Such a sad reality we live in with all this AI.

Nice to see you on here Kev, yes couldn't agree more, its sad to see brother.

Yeah, I just opened an account on here about a month or so ago. Trying to get away from FB more and support sites like this. FB is a sinking ship.

I just ordered Yosef Hariris book on 21 lessons... looking forward to hearing what he says about tech.

Just got a reprimand from someone here because I commented on his post but didn't upvote it. Clearly that's more important to him than anything. I forget tbh and my VP is tiny. But he obviously wanted his hit.

I like the connections here... the vote is secondary to me. But it would freak me out to actually talk to them face to face or via video.. eek. Too much of an introvert. I still FEEL connected to people here... yet I kinda long for no tech at all at the same time.

Posted using Partiko Android

There is a sort of introvert safety net in socializing from behind a screen. I feel that. And also wish I could be completely comfortable without it. Baby steps ;)

Thats the great thing, you can be an introverted extrovert!

Much agreement here brother. I think half the responsibility goes to those people mindlessly “liking” and supporting the narcissistic crap put out by those people with the boobs and the muscles. Also muscular boobs.
Not sure if psychologists are the answer though I admit I’ve never been to one. In my experience, some time alone with ones self, perhaps in the woods, by a river or the ocean... even a dark room... basically just time spent looking at whats going on inside is what provides results. Though the beginning of that ride can be pretty scary and depressing.
Btw the first two pictures here are awesome.

Thanks man yeah its so messed up really, I think this is why there is so much social anxiety out there, people have forgotten how to be social!