Protocol for future historical revisionism: Attacking the lie deception from the lowest level of abstraction
In the war against lies and deception, and simple confusion, obfuscation, misunderstanding, ignorance, social conditioning, brainwashing, social engineering, con-artists of all persuasions and motivations, intellectual error, and unfounded assumptions, the would be victor must take the highest intellectual and scientific ground (in terms of empiricism, induction, scientific method), by moving to the lowest level of abstraction.
Like a sapper, burrowing under the impenetrably thick walls of the fortified castle. The analogy is apt. For those we seek to free of their miconceptions and erroneous, unfounded beliefs, often deliberately imposed upon them, are living within very 'thick' walls. They feel smug and complacent about their 'beliefs'. What they 'know'. They have built up thick walls that any direct assault by reasoning, and compelling argument, have almost zero chance of prevailing against.
However those very thick walls are only impressive ABOVE THE GROUND. These walls rest on the most unstable of ground. Ground full of hollows, caves, sand, and swamp. The LAWS in place in Germany, for instance, make any ATTEMPT at challenging THOSE walls impossible. For to find the MILLIONS of people required to challenge a LAW, you first would need to find tens of thousands of people willing to sacrifice their careers, their employment, their livelihood, their reputation, their social status, their economic status, their incomes, their families, their homes, and their PHYSICAL liberty (for we do NOT enjoy MENTAL liberty), and accept bankruptcy, heavy fines, and long prison sentences, as the cost of attempting to rouse the sleeping sheeple to demand changes to the law.
So we may NEVER say, out loud, in ANY situation, 'The Holocaust' is a lie. 'The Holocaust' is war propaganda. 'The Holocaust' is religious dogma. 'The Holocaust' is a malicious myth. 'The Holocaust' is defamation. 'The Holocaust' is racial vilification. 'The Holocaust' is incitement to genocide.
These statements are all factually true. However as in all previous Cult of Judah Occupations, an Inquisition has been put in place determined to legally enforce religious dogmas as 'legal fictions' by force of violence.
'The Holocaust' must be viewed as a more recent chapter of the Cult of Judah's 'Torah', to understand it, and the laws in place to punish anyone who might publically seek to challenge that dogam. That article of faith. That unproven, because unprovable, assumption, that 'The Holocaust' narrative, is a HISTORICAL fact, rather than a myth, like any other 'Bible Story' intended to incite fear and terror and vilify 'The Nations', as preparation for their Genocide, by the Cult Of Judah, and the Cult Of Judah Agents (C.O.J.A), as part of the Torah political strategy which has the aim of a One World Government, controlled by the Cult of Judah, from Jerusalem.
Now clearly I could not personally carry out the strategy I am laying out here, because I am, by legal definition, a 'Holocaust Deniar'. Like any other 'heretic' who 'denied' that there was a God, who had a son, who died on the cross for our 'sins', or that Moses spoke with some 'God's authority, and that the 'Torah' and 'Gospels' are 'Revealed truth', and so on, I would be kidnapped by the Inquisition, tortured, punished, bankrupted, imprisoned, and ex-communicated as a 'sane person' (with likely forced psycho-surgery and other forms of 'medicalised' torture and punishment).
Clearly anyone who has publically expressed their 'heretical' views on this subject could not pursue this strategy. The ONLY strategy I am aware of that has ANY chance of success.
Actually I, like most of my 'revisionist' peers, am an apostate. I grew up a 'true beleiver' in 'The Holocaust'. As a 'Christian' I was raised as a Cult Of Judah Affiliate. A C.O.J.A. So I am an apostate. A believer turned 'heretic', after having become familiar with the FACTS, which contradicted all the 'truths' I had become, through exposure to constant Hollywood propaganda, and indoctrination at 'school', 'familiar' with, and thus felt I 'KNEW' to be 'FACTS'.
None of us 'apostates' and newly minted 'heretics' could expect to get far with this protocol. This strategy. Because any lawyer or judge could plausibly claim that our INTENTION was to 'Deny the Holocaust', and 'Defame' and 'Incite' and 'Racially Vilify'.
If a person with zero evidence of having ever even BEEN to Europe, can win a 'prize' for 'proving' 'The Holocaust happened', simply by walking into a court and CLAIMING 'I was there, it happened', then clearly we are NOT going to get far with any clever LEGAL tactics and strategies INSIDE a courtroom.
What we have to do is what David Hume did. And what HE would reccomend, in OUR present circumstances. What any REAL scientist does. What any REAL philosopher does.
We must address all our 'questions' to and at the lowest level of abstraction.
We must NEVER, at risk of destroying our own prospects of success, and minimum prison sentences of 10 months, as Monika Schaefer recently recieved, utter in public, or publish in any form, the words that suggest 'The Holocaust' is a lie. Propaganda. A fraud. A myth. A religious dogma. Though this is the truth of the matter, the law never had much concern for 'TRUTH'. The law deals win LEGAL FICTIONS. What a judge will call 'TRUTH' during any trial. A LEGALLY accepted fact. Which they will claim has been LEGALLY proven, by precedent alone. As if a judge can rule on the veracity of anything. As if a COURT ROOM can decide what is REAL and TRUE and FACT. As if SCIENCE has no part in defining our LEGAL reality and thus SOCIAL reality.
How apt. Schaefer. The 'Shepherd', Monika, courageosly seeking to protect the 'sheeple' from the wolves that now rule over them, waiting for the moment to 'pounce' upon them, and their dear lambs. Treated like the lowest violent criminal by the C.O.J.A. Despised and demonised by the very people she is willing to sacrifice everything to protect. THAT is the situation we face, dear Cult of Judah resistance.
So we may NEVER waste our limited time, energy, and resources, on attempting to scale or breach the impenetrably thick WALLS behind which our smug complacent sheeple have been imprisoned. Them thinking those thick walls were there to PROTECT them. When they were the 'fences' around their 'paradise'. Of course this term 'paradise' is perhaps THE term demanding immediate entymological revision. For it derives from an original ancient Greek term for 'enclosure for animals'.
What those of us who are serious investigators have discovered, in our 'sapper expeditions', is that these walls, impenetrable above the ground, unscalable, as protected too well, ABOVE the ground, are extremely vulnerable BELOW ground.
And THIS is where we must restrict ALL our actions, UNTIL we have the NUMBERS on our side, to force a change in the laws. The LAWS protect the walls. Without them, the walls would crumble to dust within moments.
The ONLY way to effectively challenge assumptions, beliefs, dogmas, articles of faith, propaganda, and outright lies, is to remain at the lowest levels of abstraction. For at the higher levels of abstraction they are IMMUNE to any challenge.
I will explain the concept 'level of abstraction' in the actual context in which we will be using it.
Stating that 'The Holocaust never happened', you are operating at the highest levels of abstraction.
Asking, 'How did the Nazi's burn X number of bodies in Y number of days, with nothing but Z quantity of coking coal, when the most modern experts state this would have been impossible. When these experts state clearly that the maximum number of bodies that could have been 'disposed of' in this way was A. That it would have taken B days, given the KNOWN quantities of coking coal available to the Nazi's at Auschwitz, to 'dispose of the number of bodies claimed'. You'd have to explain further that 'coking coal is coal from which the volatile liquids has already been extracted. This is relatively vague, compared to how this data would ideally be presented, as a question, at the LOWEST levels of abstraction.
Not attempting to globally challenge an entire belief system, but directly commanding attention to some CONCRETE, low level of abstraction, FACT.
Then building up these facts one by one. Without EVER claiming that you 'KNOW' whether or not 'The Holocaust' happened or not. It is the high level of abstraction statement 'The Holocaust never happened' that has been criminalised. And so we must NEVER assume to 'KNOW' anything. Like any good Zen Humean Skeptic, who never DOES 'KNOW' anything. But merely 'entertains' ideas that appear compelling, and acts on them heuristically, without EVER imagining it is even POSSIBLE to 'KNOW' anything with certainty. Thus the Zen Humean Skeptic avoids the trap of DOGMA.
We must find people NOT in any way at all PUBLICALLY associated with 'Holocaust denial', to begin asking questions that we, like Buddhist monk trainers, have carefully formulated.
Of course our ranks will already have been infiltrated with controlled opposition. Cult of Judah Agents. C.O.J.A. And those unwittingly supporting them, through their own ignorant, sometimes even maliciously motivated, actions.
We must, for a time, employ the sort of 'party discipline' the C.O.J.A themselves, such as the 'Communist Party' and 'Catholic Church', just two C.O.J.A institutions, managed to maintain, on this issue ALONE.
We face an impenetrable wall. We have tried breaking through it, by frontal intellectual assaults. By openly declaring war on the wall. By explaining to the 'prisoners' within, who imagine the wall is there to protect them, the facts. And this has FAILED utterly.
We have been working at a combination of low and high level of abstraction. And any time any of us moved from the lowest levels of abstraction, to the higher levels, we ended up in prison. Bankrupted. Demonised. Ex-communicated by society. And we have FAILED at our mission.
The ONLY way to approach this struggle peacefully, and with any hope of success, is by adopting this protocol. The protocol of remaining at the lowest level of abstraction.
This means we abandon all 'trigger words' which the Cult of Judah has had, in our listener's minds, 'quantum entangled' so that they 'trigger' NEGATIVE' and 'FEARFUL' connotations in the listener's minds. The moment we employ ANY of these 'minefield triggers', we set off a chain of associations, and the 'mines' explode.
I am not racist. But you are free to prove your PERSONAL superiority to me. And realising, like David Duke, that you could not AFFORD to employ terms 'loaded', by Cult of Judah propaganda, and generations of social conditioning and indoctrination, from birth to death, with 'meanings' that will 'set off' 'triggers' in your listener's minds.
Triggers which lead to them 'shutting down' and 'building their intellectual defenses' AGAINST anything FURTHER you might have to say to them. They will 'block' and 'shut down' every possible communication route you have to their mind. Your FACTUAL arguments will have ZERO chance of penetrating these defences, once they put them up. Triggered by a particular term or word or idea. This is the PAVLOVIAN response that the Cult of Judah has conditioned the masses to have to such 'trigger' terms as 'race' or 'Nazi' or 'Freedom of Speech', or 'The right to bear arms' or 'The Holocaust'.
Reason is no short-range defensive weapon against a lifetime of indoctrination, social conditioning, reflex-response conditioning, and brainwashing. Reason is powerless in the face of a lifetime of propaganda. The 'social reality' program of the 'matrix' we are all embedded within. Just like no artillery can destroy the thickest of stone walls. You might as well bang your head against those walls, as attempt to reason with them, or move a single stone, by force of compelling argument.
We need to become as sophisticated in our protocols and strategies as our common enemy, the Cult of Judah, and their Cult of Judah Agents, their COJA. The average Cult of Judah AFFILIATE (COJA) simply consumes their Cult propganda as 'truth' and 'facts' and 'self-evident'. But the actual Cult of Judah Agents, like their masters, have very sophisticated protocols. Such as those expressed in 'The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion'.
We can only successfully deal with this impenetrable wall by undermining it from the lowest levels of abstraction. From below. From the ground upon which it stands. When we have thorougly undermined the foundations, the wall will fall of its own accord. But any attempt to destroy the wall, directly, is doomed to fail.
So we must find people fresh to this struggle. Those whom no judge could 'asociate' with 'Holocaust Denial', by any previous public statement or action of theirs. And with the energy required to go back through all the material we have, and to reformulate it for this new enterprise.
So that we can have thousands of people going about 'NOT-DENYING 'The Holocaust'. But placing, within the public's mind, thousands of FACTS which can NOT be overlooked. The FACTS about the IMPOSSIBILITY of what has been claimed. The facts of the total absence of Zyklong B residue in the supposed 'gas chambers' upon which the ENTIRE 'Holocaust' narrative rests.
I simply do not have the heart to start this project alone. I have had almos ZERO support. My heart is broken. I think literally. I wouldn't get anywhere alone. So I seek out only strategies that I can implement completely ON my own. Such as music. As I've outlined in other 'publications'.
THIS strategy is typical Zen Humean Skepticism. Taking the lowest level of abstraction as your starting point. This is the ONLY way to 'win' an argument with someone entrenched in a fallacious and erroneous 'subjective reality'. With someone 'committed' to a dogma. To articles of faith. To high level of abstraction ideas and beliefs and notions.
David Hume demonstrated how misleading our own ideas of 'cause and effect', and even of 'objects' is. Simply by going back down to the lowest levels of abstraction, and working back up FROM there. Assuming nothing. Taking nothing for granted. Interrogating every 'belief statement' to find the 'hidden' assumptions lurking within it. Going 'down' the level of abstraction, and identifying EVERY assumption IM-plicity in every statement of supposed 'knowledge'. David Hume is the real KING Of philosophy and psychology. And thus YOU probably never heard of him. HE probably would have written the greatest critique of 'The Holocaust', but then left its publication until AFTER his own death. Because he was no fool, willing to suffer for the ungrateful masses who are apt to first torture you to death, after torturing your entire family to death before your eyes, and then, only generations AFTER your horrific, cruel, suffering and death at THEIR OWN HANDS, glorify you as a prophet, an icon, an idol. Only so that the Cult of Judah itself could make use of YOU, and YOUR suffering, to further THEIR own ambitions. If the great 'prophets' of the past could see what has been done in THEIR name, with THEIR philosophies and arguments as the driving force, it would be a fate worse than any of them could have imagined. To have become, unwittingly, agents of the Cult of Judah. COJA. Controlled opposition. Centuries after their own deaths. Mere means to the Cult of Judah's ends. As 'useful' as the most evil, selfish, scheming, malicious, vicious person, to the Cult of Judah, as means to the attainment of its world dictatorship.
There is nothing I can do to stop my own efforts being 'spun' in some way by COJA, by Cult of Judah Agents and Affiliates, to suit THEIR purposes.
What I understand is that it is the HIGHEST level of abstraction 'ideals' and 'philosophies' that are the most EASY to re-purpose, re-direct, opportunistically exploit, and 'SPIN', to ULTERIOR ends and purposes.
ANY one can take a high level of abstraction 'ideal', INTENDED in the most constructive, compassionate, honest, generative, and POSITIVE way, and twist it to support their own, very evil, destructive, and malicious ends.
How many children, women, and men, have been maimed and tortured and murdered in the name of 'God', or 'Christian ideals' or 'in the name of Liberty', or 'to defend our way of life'? How many wars of agression have been justified in the name of 'defence'?
The torturer, the murderer, the biological weapons researcher, the propagandist, will all 'imagine' to be 'on the side of justice and right'. They all have 'right on their side'. They are always 'on the side of good'. THEY are the 'good guys'. The people on BOTH sides of every war crime, for war IS a crime, have ALWAYS been confident of the 'justice' or at least 'necessity' of their OWN actions.
But when you 'frame' your philosophies and ideals at the LOWEST levels of abstraction, such as an Orpheus, a Zarathustra, a Buddha, a Jain, or a David Hume, or a Markus Heinrich Rehbach, you offer tools that can ONLY be employed by the noble, constructive, generous, compassionate, and truth and justice SEEKING among all sentient beings.
And thus your enterprise is doomed to FAILURE. Because the Cult of Judah ONLY allows beleif systems and ideologies to thrive which THEY can ADAPT to THEIR own purposes. To re-purpose. To exploit. To benefit from.
So the Catholic COJA in Vietnam actually DID to the Buddhists what the Cult of Judah CLAIMS the Christians and Muslims have been doing to the 'Jews' for millenia. The Buddhist monks would set themselves alight in protest. But the COJA has zero humanity within it. And any COJA who show the slightest signs of compassion or authentic drive for universal justice and truth, is doomed to occupy the lowest positions within their COJA organisation or institution. Only the 'role players', the 'actors', the self-seeking careerists within the COJA institutions, from the Catholic Church, through to the Communist Party, rise to the top. Where they happily serve their COJA masters. Fully. Obediently. In return for worldly power, prestige, privilege, luxury, security, freedom FROM suffering, and access TO satisfaction, pleasure, and comfort.
We must ABANDON high level of abstraction beliefs, assumptions, langugage, statements, and ideologies, in favor of lowest level of abstraction ideas.
Thus we abandon notions of 'The good of the many', and focus on 'The good of the person we are considering sacrificing to the good of the many'. For the 'many' does NOT exist outside of our own imagination. This person we are considering 'sacrificing' to this mythical 'many', is REAL. And thus we would NEVER sacrifice this REAL person, to this 'mythical beast' called 'the many'. Any more than we would sacrifice our first born sons to some imaginary 'God'.
This animal we are torturing for 'the good of the many', once we abandon our 'high level of abstraction notions', suddenly becomes THE FOCUS of our ideals. Are we harming it? If so, we must STOP harming IT. For IT is real. The 'good of the potential beneficiary of its suffering' is just an idea.
Can you see the POWER of the lowest level of abstraction?
Can you 'grok' why such principles have NEVER been promoted by any COJA institution, government, or organisation?
It is NOT possible to 'twist' low level of abstraction principles and ideals to serve evil ends.
There is NO justification for inflicting pain or suffering or harm upon any individual sentient being, in the name of some 'common good', or 'greater good'.
When we approach the world as INDIVIDUAL sentient beings, and see the REALITY that this world is made up of INDIVIDUALS and grant each of them the SAME rights and obligations (appropriate to their response-ability, their 'ability to employ such rights, and satisfy such obligations), we find WAR to be exposed as MURDER. We find 'experimenting' on any sentient being in the name of some supposed 'greater' good, to be CRIMINAL. For WHAT good is GREATER than that of the REAL individual being 'experimented' on? If ONE sentient being is EQUAL to all other sentient beings, than what possible argument could justify cruelly abusing one as the means to the ends of the 'others'? When the 'others' are ALL THEMSELVES MERELY INDIVIDUALS. It would come down to someone finding a way to claim 'It is right to FORCE one individual to suffer for the benefit of one other individual'.
You see I've gone full circle again, back to David Hume. The Ouroboros manifest.
I just happened to start, fairly early in life, close to the lowest levels of abstraction, thanks to David Hume. It took 30 years of wading through the 'intellectual excrement' of higher level of abstraction 'not-arguments' to finally discover the power of Zen Humean Skepticism. Of operating from the lowest levels of abstraction.
Assumptions, unfounded or erroneous belief systems, propaganda, myths, dogmas,articles of faith, and simple lies, whether legal, political, or religious, however manifest, in whatever combinations, require us to target our 'revisions' and 'challenges' at the lowest level of abstraction.
The cult, the propagandist, the lawyer, the judge, the social engineer, the priest, the 'true believer', and the simple liar, will all seek to keep any discussion, debate, argument, or interrogation, at the HIGHEST possible levels of abstraction.
The meat eater, the milk drinker, will resort to the HIGHEST level of abstraction statements such as 'God made animals FOR us to eat and milk'. Just as the Cult of Judah Priest and other COJA will appease the consciences of their more 'ethical' members that 'God made the nations for us to enslave' and that 'Any of the nations who will not serve us, has been pre-destined by God to be genocidally exterpated BY us'. That everything the Cult of Judah commands has been 'pre-destined by god'. And 'commanded by God'. Thus they, as INDIVIDUALS, need not concern themselves. They can ignore any 'pangs of conscience'. They can become IMMUNE to 'compassion' and 'empathy' and 'ethical concerns'.
There have been about zero 'just wars'. Defending your own homes is your right, if you choose. But rarely effective at gaining your liberty and freedom. For by 'obeying' your own 'government' and joining its 'Defence forces' you are actually voluntarily handing over your freedom TO it, and become accessories to murder. You have usually no more, and no less, to fear from the 'invader' than you do from your existing elites. And ultimately ALL our wars have served the Cult of Judah's ambitions. As do the current 'wars'. And the coming 'wars'.
For the ultimate war is the war against humanity. Against reason. Against ethics. Against compassion. The war the Cult of Judah has been engaged in, persecuting the 'Jews' as much as the rest of us, will bring the 'peace of the slave society'.
Peace can NEVER be an end in itself. Prisons can be peaceful. As peaceful as cemetaries. But there is nothing worth living for in a cemetary or prison. It is only a 'paradise'. 'An enclosure for animals'. To make the exploitation and abuse of those animals, by their masters, the most convenient.
Please try to 'grok' the power of the lowest level of abstraction.
Most of you will HATE it. Because it dispossesses you of the 'priveleges' you feel 'entitled' to. You are NOT the 'privileged' member of some 'special interest group' with a 'god given right' to opportunistically abuse other sentient beings as means to your own selfish ends. As the means to satisfying your self. Of attaining relief and pleasure. And of avoiding pain.
We are all individuals with the same rights. Equals in terms of the right to NOT be exploited by ANY other sentient being. Any other individual. The 'group' exists only in our imagination. The 'common good' or 'greater good' is an illusion. The moment we stray from this fact, at this lowest level of abstraction, is the moment we begin our horrific journey through a terrifying landscape. History has been the repeating of this journey, over and over.
If you wish to 'escape history', you must abandon your sense of 'entitlements' as a member of some 'chosen people' or 'special interest group' which defines its OWN good as 'the greater good', and defines all OTHER groups, and individuals, as mere 'means to the attainment of this self-defined 'good''.
Of course for each individual, their OWN good IS the 'greater' good. Their own relief, pleasure, and avoidance of pain, IS the 'highest' good. And all our institutions and organisations are, from the local, to the international, attempts of individuals to ASSERT their sense of entitlement OVER others. Attempts to FORCE others to 'comply' with this sense of entitlement. So we get 'pyramids' and 'hierarchies' of 'benefits' and 'entitlements' by which those elites at the very top motivate their potential competitors to 'comply' with THEIR commands. Pyramid structures are the result. Always. A few elites insisting on their own special rights and entitlements, and imposing their will on those below, with carrots and sticks. Benefits and costs. Ultimately enforced by brute violence. But just as ultimately enforce via the subtle means of social conditioning, propaganda, religion, dogma, articles of faith, ALL operating at the HIGHEST levels of abstraction.
And so my proposal is a threat to ALL hierarchical systems based upon deception and lies and 'special entitlements' for elites, and their servants.
For once you abandon all the 'higher level abstractions' you are left with one person insisting that another person subsidise, pay for, produce, sacrifice for, endure for, THEIR benefits, for THEIR pleasures and reliefs, and for THEIR avoidance of pain and discomfort.
And you are left with one person attempting to FORCE that other person TO comply. Openly. Then it becomes the individuals choice. To decide to serve that other, or not to.
And of course all the taboos and proscriptions and legal codes which deny the individual the right to kill themselves, spring from THIS very interaction. For a person who would rather die than be a slave, can NEVER be enslaved. And thus the person who has no fear of death, and access to a quick, painless death, can NEVER be enslaved.
Please read ALL my TROONATNOOR books.
Surely most of YOU feel YOU belong to some 'entitled group'. Entitled to kill and eat other sentient beings. Or to enjoy benefits that come at a cost to OTHER sentient beings. To enjoy 'subsidized' lifestyles paid for with the sweat, toil, sacrifice, and risk of OTHERS. To consume goods OTHERS produced. To enjoy PLEASURES AND RELIEFS paid for by the suffering and pain of OTHERS.
YOU will HATE me. For my enterprise would abolish ALL such 'unearned privileges' and 'unearned consumption' and 'unearned pleasures'.
But until the majority of humans comprehend the COST of NOT supporting my enterprise, we will all, as individuals, continue to suffer the consequences. This life. And in our future lives.
In reality I am NOT asking most people to sacrifice ANYTHING real. For the apparent 'benefits' of treating other sentient beings as mere means to our own ends are far outweighed by the real costs of doing so. For our own behavior becomes the role model for all OTHER sentient beings. And we are bound to become the VICTIM of this principle, more often than the 'beneficiary' of it, even over the course of a single life. And when seen over the course of countless future lives, the 'immediate short term benefits' of maintaining such an 'ethic', become worthless and fleeting moments of benefit, in comparison with the thousands of years of suffering such an ethic will produce for US, as INDIVIDUALS.
If you want any chance of 'waking people up from their dogmatic slumbers', you must approach them, and their beliefs, as David Hume did. It was for this reason that Wittgenstein thanked David Hume, for doing just that for HIM.
You must adopt the rule of the lowest level of abstraction. And thus employ the sheer POWER OF THE LOWEST LEVEL OF ABSTRACTION. For you can NOT win, by taking the same level of abstraction as the fool with their completely unfounded, nonsensical, totally irrational, baseless, beliefs. All you'll do is end up wasting your time. You can't possibly get anywhere. You'll just be two fools shouting at each other, in the end.
A tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. To quote Shakespeare. THAT is all you get when you engage at the highest levels of abstraction. Arguing about 'the greater good' and 'how many angels can dance on the end of a needle', and whether this war is more 'just' than the previous. Discussing just how MANY individuals may be tortured to death for 'the greater good'.
Happy NExt lives.
Go Vegan.
'The Holocaust' is the latest chapter of the Torah, and part of the Cult of Judah's strategy to enslave all humanity, including 'the 'Jews'.
Markus Heinrich Rehbach
Hate me if you like, but I bet you can NOT beat me in a fair and scientific argument. Because I 'KNOW' nothing at all. I 'believe' NOTHING AT ALL. I merely 'entertain' ideas heuristically. And if you would only JOIN me in this, we could OPTIMALISE our experiences of life. We'd ALL be better off. From the supposed 'highest' to the supposed 'lowest' among us.
No-one has ANY thing to lose, by joining me in my enterprise. We all will GAIN. But in the immediate short term, you will need to divest yourself of any sense of special entitlements or privileges you did NOT earn, through your own PERSONAL effort, sacrifice, risk, and discipline, as AN INDIVIDUAL.
Ah, but who does not FEEL entitled to MORE than their neighbour! Fear not, we have ways of MEASURING 'entitlement' to make it MERITOCRATIC and even 'FAIR'.
It starts with 'The Optimal Ethics Generator', and goes from there.
From the lowest level of abstraction. THAT is our source of power. Of justice. Of truth. Of freedom.
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Saving us, and 'The Jews', from the Cult of Judah
Most of us are unwitting COJA, Cult of Judah Agents and Affiliates
It is hard NOT to end up that way.
It is only for the few who are willing to challenge everything they've held to be 'true', everything they feel they 'Know', that escape from the Cult of Judah is even POSSIBLE.
It is these few who I seek to inform, about the power of the lowest level of abstraction.
It is to all sentient beings that I address all my TROONATNOOR works. From the rock, to the robot. From the A.I to the police officer. From the soldier to the torture victim rotting in a Cult of Judah occupied Government 'legal' torture chamber. From the greatest victim of the Cult of Judah, to its greatest beneficiary. Yes, I address you, Cult of Judah Masters, and COJA alike.
YOU will NOT benefit as you imagine. For YOUR beliefs are erroneous. Your ASSUMPTIONS are invalid. Your arguments NOT compelling. You are setting up a slave system that YOU, if not in this life, then in countless NEXT lives, will experience as the SLAVE, no matter how much 'mastery' you imagine you have at this moment.