Conspiracy Paradox 101: Saying "The Illuminati Don't Exist" Implies You Can See Everything That is Secret.. Like... Some Kind of 'All Seeing Eye'.

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

'The Illuminati' is a name/phrase that can be found on almost every website that attempts to explain the shadowy world of hidden organisations and secret societies. It is often claimed that the 'real' illuminati was founded in Bavaria long ago and has since ceased to exist.. but.. well.. the entire nature of secrecy shows that claim to be absurd.


The story that I recall reading of the Bavarian Illuminati is that one of their messengers got arrested and a variety of their documents came into public scrutiny and thus they ceased to exist. Simple logic demonstrates though that a secret society that is exposed will not cease to exist, rather it will just be changed and hidden more thoroughly. Those who claim that this group (or others like it) don't exist are ironically exposing themselves to ridicule and scrutiny since while they attempt to ridicule others for claiming such groups still exist and act to cause change on Earth - their own use of logic is far more easily exposed as broken than the logic of those who disagree.

To know that a secret group definitely doesn't exist will require that you yourself have vision of pretty much all human activity and can therefore say with certainty that you are correct. Besides this kind of vision not typically being available to most of us and that it could only be accessed via technology or psychic ability.. annd that such psychic ability would be ridiculed anyway - the ultimate irony is that 'the all seeing eye', the symbol most often associated with illuminati type groups IS in some ways the symbol of being able to see all human activity! So in other words, the only way you can accurately claim to know about the existence of the illuminati is either by being part of it or by having the abilties ascribed to it, EVEN WHEN YOU SAY THAT THE GROUP DOESN'T EXIST!

Denial of the group effectively makes you either part of it or requires you to have the powers of that group... which.. effectively only reinforces the possibility that the group exists!

Who says the universe doesn't have a sense of humor?

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul


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So is there Illuminati or not?
Illuminati, the name already is a trickery...
it should be Luminati - the enlightened ones...
IL-LUMINATI is non-enlightened...prefix /ɪl/ not or no: used with some adjectives and nouns that begin with 'l' to give the opposite meaning.
So there you go...more mind twisting material :)

I'm not a latin expert, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had named themselves 'unenlightened' accidentally.. lol

Here is a piece of art that demonstrates your idea lol! Thank you for the great content and I voted for you as a witness. Keep up your hard work for this community.

thanks! i followed you here. the witness vote system is a bit buggy and sometimes votes don't get logged - I cannot see your vote, so it would be helpful if you would double check on your witness voting page.

ok will do sir...i am new on this platform can you provide me the link to get there again.....sorry newbie blues. lol

Nevermind I got!

Great point. Simultaneously though, using the same argument, one would have to conclude that any secret society one has the notion to dream up can exist just because of our inability to see it. Like the hermaphrodite Buddhists who control the marshmallow industry for example. Albeit, a little less evidence for their existence.

Any secret society you imagine must be allowed to potentially exist if we are to know the truth about its existence. We may not know if any particular one exists or not, but an open minded approach leave space for secrets to be revealed, whereas a closed minded approach is beneficial for those wishing you remain secret!

I make the case in this post in my privacy workshop, that there big list of entities that could be real but I have no way to prove either way, as of yet.

But there are serial killers, jealous ex lovers, outright thieves, and harvey weinsteins mossad agents we know for sure, and so if we focus some effort on hardening our security against the known threats, that will at least give us a line of defense against whatever bizarre actors there are out there that we couldn't ever fathom or derive from out experiences.

I always tend to be more interested in people seeking to establish facts and get quickly bored with people who are like 'well, it could be anything, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, who knows, hard to say' etc.

Say something intelligent about the problem, gather evidence, or don't and just admit you live in an ahistorical world where literally anything could be true to you.

Also, hypernormalisation is a thing, where political powers enforce a rate of change that overwhelms the human mind to the point they can believe nothing. It's actually a torture method, and it's actually being used on the american population, the same way the american system has used it on people all over the world. The chickens are coming home to roost, that's for sure.

Loving your irony Sir.



I believe there is the Illuminati there out there watching, always looking for new talent. When they find it they try to recruit them in. I'm not sure what they do, good or bad. But they are out there. Good post!

Nicely put haha the must exist. It kinda like the I can't see you so you can't see me ! 💯🐒

Excellent article!