Context is Paramount: The Importance of Avoiding the Pitfalls of Generalization and Quick Judgement in the Road of "Freedom & Revolution" (Medicine, Surgeries, Nazis, Cryptocurrency and Operation Paperclip)

in philosophy •  6 years ago  (edited)

I like to analyze things in depth instead of acting out of emotions. I see that many intelligent people are using broad generalizations as absolute truths. Generalizations have their uses. Generalizations can be useful tools. But they needs to be understood and treated as generalizations. In one of my earlier posts@windrockswater mentioned that "Freedom" is like giving everyone enough rope to hang themselves. This is very true. "Freedom" isn't inherently good. "Freedom" isn't even inherently bad. It's just a means to an end like nuclear energy, internet, smartphones, drones etc.

Everything Has a Context

As a Buddhist and as a person who is coming from the Zero-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, I consider the reality to be something like a dictionary. There is no inherent meaning in anything. Al words gain meaning through other words where each of those words gain meaning through a bunch of other words. The light of truth is a syntax. The light doesn't exist on its own. It is produced by causes whether it is lamp, some chemical compound or some LED or just nuclear fission/fusion. You can't just point at things and label them and expect those labels to be absolute truths. The absolute truth is the context; the syntax. That is why a person who cannot swim wouldn't drown in the dead sea.

I'm Brazilian, with Italian citizenship, living in UK for the past 9 months. Has been a blast so far, much better than I expected, its like a dream come true. Definitely will not come back to Brazil to live if I have the option.
But I'm going crazy with the NHS and now I miss having private insurance. Of course, Brazil public health is a pile or garbage where people die in the hospital corridors, sometimes like a horror movie. But in Brazil, if you have private insurance, you can see a doctor at the same day, have an MRI in the next, the results in the other day and come back to the doctor the next day. Like, if you injury your knee, in 4 days you can have a diagnostic including an image exam in a top place. If it is private. If it is public, well, good luck, I hope you dont die.

5 weeks ago I injury my right shoulder and left knee. Cant move my right arm, my left knee hurt as hell but I can walk. OK, time to test the NHS. GP could not see me the same day, so I went to the hospital. Got checked there, nice treatments, had an x-ray for the shoulder. Nobody cared about the knee. Treatment: get some painkillers and do home exercises, will take two months to heal.
After three weeks didnt get better, tried the GP. Cant make an appointment, he calls back and makes appointments only if necessary. He calls me and asks me to come back to hospital to have an x-ray specifically to check if shoulder was dislocated. Then call NHS requesting Fisiotherapy. Go to hospital, they tell me to go home and have painkillers and do home exercises. I asked but they refused an MRI. I call NHS for Fisio, after 30 minutes making an assessment on the phone they tell me to do 3 more weeks of home exercise.

I give up on NHS and decide to use my company private insurance. They tell me the GP needs to first give me a referral. For me makes no sense the private insurance dont have GP's. Call the GP again, which says will do the referral letter for me. After 3 days of no answer I call them and they say to me referral letter take up for two weeks to get ready. I panic. Try other Pratices, they all tell me yes it takes up for two weeks for a goddam letter to use my PRIVATE insurance, and the other pratices I cant join since its out of their catchment area.

So I decided to go for a private GP and spend 100 pounds. Will see him friday. I hope he can give this letter, so I can use my private insurance.
In the moment Im considering buying a ticket and one week of vacation to get treatment in Brazil or any other country with the option of private treatment.

Sorry for the long story, but this is what is happening to me in a 1st world country with, in theory, a great publich health system.
What about you? Canada? Germany, Italy, nordic countries? How does it work there?
Americans... careful what you wish for...

  • EnricoPallazzo on

It all sounds pretty awful and Libertarians/Anarcho-capitalists know how much of a terrible thing letting governments take care of health industry is. The horror stories and complains are endless. Here is more from the same forum.

Lebanon pretty much the same. Private is great and cheap relatively. Here, after tearing my shoulder, the NHS kinda f***** me over. They literally sent me to an xray when I needed an MRI. When I asked for MRI, they gave me brochure for shoulder exercises that will soothe the pain.

2 years on, my shoulder still feels bad. And as you said, the referrals thing was also an issue. I eventually got an MRI in Lebanon when I was on vacation and it seems nothing is wrong anymore but I'm sure if I got it treated early then my shoulders would've healed.

  • kopstudent89 on

It's not even a topic that I have to complain about. The incompetence is hard to miss even if you try.

totally get you. I’m 15 and I’ve had throat issues for a year and a half (it’s painful whenever I speak) along with fatigue, joint pain, headaches, ear ringing, nausea etc. and every doctor literally just tells me that ‘it’ll go away eventually’. I mean i get that they’re busy and all but seriously? sometimes I wonder whether they really care about how they treat people or not.
btw I’m in England, this isn’t just a thing in your area unfortunately.
(also I had an operation which went wrong when I was 11 and the guy said the reason why I was screaming and that the anaesthetic didn’t work was because I was ginger lmao)

  • ANNSQ on YouTube

The kid is smart enough to put an intelligent (sort of a) disclaimer at the beginning. There are many people who are actually helped by these systems. Just imagine what would happen if we shut down a dumb joke like NHS. Even though it is a good decision for the long run, it is still an emotional decision. Why?: Becouse it is not the optimal decision. The NHS doesn't exist i a vacuum. It has its own context. Michael Moore has some very stupid ideas stuck in his head. But he is an extremely talented filmmaker and he knows to hand pick the good stuff to show.

Because of all the short term benefits created, a sudden removal of these benefits would put the entire society into a shock. Lot's of people consider the bankers to be "Evil". But they are already performing important services. Banks are not consciously attempting to be "Evil". It's just we have a bad system. Why were people cheering for the Arise Bank before the government raided it because they used the term "Bank" without getting "license" form the cartel? Why is Dash creating a Bank/Paypal hybrid with its Evolution upgrade? If Facebook/Twitter/Instagram is "Evil" then why are we trying to make another bunch of those on STEEM?

The Greatest Obstacle in the Path to Greatness is Being Already Good

As an anecdote I can show you BTC as the greatest obstacle fir the blockchain revolution. I mean whenever this slow and expensive relic fall in price, every single amazing project takes a fall too. Blockstream is making the whole project a centralized cult using communist tactics. Getting rid of BTC could usher in an early golden age for better and more "Usable" projects like Dash, EOS, STEEM, Elastos, Komodo, Monaco, SONM etc. But an "Attack" that would take down BTC would be something like this:

The end results are without doubt "Life Saving". But is this the best way to go about the business: NO. It is the least optimal of the "Right" solutions and should be the one to resort to when all else fails/become unavailable.

Understand the "Context" and Make Sure That Your Solutions are "Tailor-made" Instead of ""Ready-made"

Keep in mind that the entire point of having a laissez-faire economy is making context dependent decisions instead of centrally planned ready made decisions. That is in the heart of Praxeology which Austrian Economics is built upon. So don't follow labels and generalizations. It is useful to have a label o slap on the commies and other SJW degenerates. But that doesn't make everything about them bad. Take Nazis for an example. if it wasn't for the Nazis USSA would have never won the space war.

Operation Paperclip

No amount of darkness can diminish the brightness of a single spark. Imagine what would have happened if the winners destroyed all of the Nazi projects labeling them as "Bad" or "Evil". Truth is truth even when it is spoken by the worst human being on the planet and although I believe in the possibility of Absolute Good, I'm convinced that Absolute Evil is impossible due to the fact that Evil is self-destructive. Nothing can be absolutely self destructive and exist at the same time.

So next time you look at a situation, try not to base your decisions/judgement on labels and generalizations. Even if your labels/generalizations were accurate, simply attacking something is sub-optimal and at times even irrational and emotional. In Eastern Medicine there is a quote that goes "Trad the Patient; not the Symptom". That's why you almost never hear of side-effects from Easter medicine. Things may seem too slow or just "taking the long way around". But why complicate everything with side-effects? Symptoms arise out of a context. So don't react to the symptoms. react to the context that sustain and create the symptoms.

Treat the Patient; not the Symptom

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I totally agree with everything you say. I think that from the far right to the far left, encompassing all types of political thought, the worst case presented is that which, outside of any context, has its ideology as a dogma, and believes that all the peoples of the world, regardless of the historical context, should be treated the same, with pamphleteering measures, and an exactly the same process in all cases. A fatal error.

The spirit of peoples and nations is not always the same, what works in Europe, does not necessarily work in Asia or in America, in fact, what works in Europe today is not the same as what worked yesterday, or what will work tomorrow.

I have put the case of Venezuela many times; if tomorrow, the State completely removed all regulations, and left the Venezuelan people free at will, the result would be total error, chaos, and the government would collapse. Soon another government would emerge, and regulations would reappear. Because it is the people, rather than the government, that opposes to the free market.

A free market can only work if the people who belong to it want a free market, otherwise they will find a way to pervert it and a big State will be the final result.

Context always matters.

Another great example of this would be violence and crime rate in Switzerland (A country with mandatory conscription and 24.45 guns per 100 residents) Vs Japan (you can get life sentence for firing a gun and only 0.6 guns per 100 residents) being very similar.

Japan had 0.31 homicides per 100K and Switzerland had 0.69

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I guess it would be really astonishing to some to find if one needs a MRI after going to the emergency room it is done within a hour maybe ninety minutes.

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