Emotions vs Feelings or how to start using your brains.

in philosophy •  8 years ago  (edited)

People will keep telling you "Listen to your heart!" all the time. I doubt that anyone knows what it means, but whenever they throw this phrase they look like very kind people... and who doesn't want to be kind? Hmmm... Me, for instance.

I keep hearing that having emotions is very important and makes you a human being. However, I must disagree. Emotions are evil and only cause problems. If emotions were a living creature it should be a mosquito because it can only irritate and bring the pain.

You are not a robot without emotions. You just know how to control yourself.


I start to think that people don't know the difference between feelings and emotions nowadays. Let me help you:

  1. Emotions are based on your delusions and only comes to play when outside factors affect you. Feelings come from deep inside and they (should) never change.
  2. Any decision based on any emotion is ALWAYS wrong. Any decision based on feelings... well... it can be right.
  3. Emotions are momentary. Feelings are forever.
  4. Emotions make you unstable and weak. Feelings give you power.
  5. Emotions and feelings are enemies. When one thrives, another suffers.

Imagine a poker game. Do you think it is smart to make decisions based on emotions (let's say you lost the previous hand and want to win it all back with 27)? So why do you think it is any different in real life? It is not.

I have recently had to make some serious decisions in my life. It was extremely hard, but I based my final decision on facts and sense of reality. Sadly, that meant that I had to take a harder way instead of choosing the one which my emotions and weakness wanted. However, it was not over after I made my decision because sad emotions came crashing at me, trying to convince me to change my ideas. I was a fucking mess, to say the least. Good thing is that I know how weak I am, so instead of letting emotions control me, I just watch how they painfully and slowly die with every passing minute.


Never change your final decision for at least a couple of days until emotions wears-off. After that, you won't want to change that decision anymore... if you are smart.

One of the most important things to understand while trying to control your emotions is that you are a weak piece of shit and all the ideas, which come to your head when you are affected by emotions, are not actually yours. They come somewhere from an outer space and only want to destroy you. I am stupid, but I know that much.

It takes 2 two days for me to get rid of emotions after making hard decisions. That's why I just sleep those two days and try to think about nothing. I become a freaking sponge I guess. It is wrong, but it is how things work for me at the moment. I believe that I'll learn to control my emotions in the future, but in the meantime, I can only choose not to make decisions based on emotions. That is already a great achievement, IMO.

The fewer emotions you have, the higher is your emotional intelligence.

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There is another aspect of - confronting your emotions rather than hiding them. for example "boys never cry" is a common notion in the society. Many men hide their emotions and build a defensive outer shield to depict themselves as strong but what i believe is we should break these shackles and embrace our emotions.

i remember during an office party last year our team started discussing about emotions after getting drunk and the senior manager who earlier was a Navy Officer, gave a piece of advice to everyone to be open and confident about the way they feel. He told openly that there are times he cries when he is alone at home and he misses his family, but it is important he considers this healthy.

Anyhow nice article by @writingamigo

Yes, I totally agree with you! However, I think you are talking about feelings here, not emotions. Emotions are nothing to be proud of, in my eyes. Feelings, however, we must embrace and observe, and show!
I see it as this - emotions are usually misleading, based on momentary situations and only make us weak. Feelings are what make us humans and bring righteousness to our lives. I cry too because I have feelings! However, when I cry because of my emotions, I am just not being able to face the truth. I don't know if I made it clear enough here as those two terms are very similar, but yet, so different.

i got your point, thanks

Thank you very much for this post.

Hi @writingamigo,
some people are always smart.
Emotion is sometimes a think of timing.
Or isn't it?

Emotions are a sign of weakness. Feelings are not, however. These two are different. And yes, you can be smart and weak at the same time without any problems :D

Thank you very much for this post.

It was inspirational, and i will try to do as described and hope it will help me in life.

I am glad you feel this way!

I think you are smart not to let you emotions control. That is very hard and take a lot of self control and I salute you. I think emotions are wonderful though. They can make us irrational and make us want to make poor decisions but they are a part of our souls and can teach us the secrets of ourselves if we meditate on what they are telling us and how they affect us and when. Emotions have been the most enlightening key for my own journey of self discovery and they are what I use to get to know another's soul as well. If an external action creates in emotion in you, it is very telling when you meditate on the "why" that emotion was created inside you. Would the same thing have happened in someone else? Would they have felt the same emotion? They are roadmaps of our souls and our scars.

That is true as well! The first thing I do when I get emotional is analyze where is it all coming from. It helps me to know myself better. However, the ultimate goal of that analysis is to become emotionless, so emotions are teaching us and killing us at the same time, I guess.