
in philosophy •  3 years ago 

What it is

A superset of thinking-processes that generates novel outcomes.

Journaling is thoughtcraft; result vary.

The Greek sense of meditation is thoughtcraft.

Discourse is thoughtcraft on a collective-level.

Group brain storm is a thoughtcaft. Probably not a very good one in most cases.

Free-scribbling is a form solidified mind-wandering thoughtcraft. It sets no destination, but creates a vehicle for the mind to see what happens.

Some prescribe taking walks. Some swear on writing, others on teaching. Some thoughts come during shower, others comes when taking a dump.

Why does it matter

Generating great thoughts is too important to be left to chance.

If they are not so random after all, it pays to have a thoughtcrafting framework to tame the thinking chaos.

Coffee, focus, conducive environment, flow, writing tools and many more are conjured up to serve the interest of throughcraft.

This is a half-baked idea creating superset of thinking techniques, perhaps even an attempt finding enough commonalities to create new and superior thinking techniques that lead to superior thoughts.

People often focus on learning the outcome of great thoughts. Far too few think about the process of generating those thoughts.

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Some swear on writing, others on teaching...