Why upgrade a phone operating system?

in phone •  5 months ago 


Especially today. Why risk your data, why waste an hour tending to its updating needs. Why learn new features that will be changed soon after?

It used to be that you were given a slew of really useful features with updates, and if you were a geek of sorts, you'd want the newest and best

But today, the newest and best is incomparably buggier than 5 gens back. So there's a worsening trend.

And I doubt that anyone could argue complexity of OSs doesn't increase more and more.

You buy your phone and whatever is there, is there. That's it. For the next 3 years that's who you roll with.

Introduction of better and better AI in phones might be some justification but most of the cutting edge AI runs on cloud anyway so unless you want to force users to update and pretend its to get access to something they can access feasibly without an update... Kind of like blackmail

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