if you happen to find one of those on the cheap then go for it next up uh daniel says the real me gt2 pro's back reminded me of the one from the Nokia 808 PureView christ yeah that was an absolute beast of a smartphone I remember that just like the uh this was the Samsung galaxy uh not the Samsung galaxy I think it was called like the key zoom or something like that where it was it was busy more camera than thorn uh but yeah the real me reminded me more of the uh the nexus 6p uh which I think was weird I think it was why we're not LG was it with the uh again the funky uh elongated camera lens stretching across the top end a bit more tech chat now uh omg says wait does the snapdragon 821 support higher camera resolutions uh no.
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i believe that the maximum resolution photos it can analyse still 200 megapixels like the snapdragon 888 but you can now shoot 108 megapixel images with zero shutter lag whereas before it was topping off at sort of 70 80ish and you've got the improved burst shot mode and various bits like that uh mohammed says hey texpert what do you think of the google pixel 3a or the foray in 2021-2022 i'm thinking of upgrading from my current xperia l1 which struggles and the battery life is poor uh yeah no the the xperia one that's kicking on a bit now good good few years old but hopefully it has served you well uh the pixel 4 is still really really rated it's it's a solid mobwele parts we'll do you know everyday use if your priority is the camera tech uh then you know it still does a great job one of the best camera phones at that price point for sure as for the pixel 3 year well it's obviously getting on uh in in years now and uh even though it is getting the update which was banging on about the start of the show during the actual news bit i believe that the support uh the general updates and stuff run out springtime next year so it's not gonna be supported for much longer at all and looks like we've got some hot chipset chat in the comments from last week as well following all the yeah the snapdragon snapdragon 8 gen 1 uh launch news stuff .
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I still don't get over that near man's it's gen 1 I know they kind of got themselves into a corner by they're already up to 888 there's not too much more room for maneuvering anyway uh Gaz says I can't keep up with all the chips snapdragon keeps releasing. I'm still on my 865 plus and it works perfectly fine and Tyler says snapdragon 855 is still kicking great um was that kicking a bit of accidental autocorrect action by any chance, yeah those are those 800 series chipsets they do tend to hold up pretty well apart from the ones that are overheated to buggery, of course, uh but yeah we should do some sort of video on flagships from two-three years back in the day and uh sort of seeing how they hold up over time and all that shenanigans when I know when people stop launching new cell phone parts .
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