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one of the best things that exists on this planet😍

I haven't gotten a chance to visit the coco growing region yet

heck yes man more of this... see if you can clone then let's try to get some land games going, turn Ghana into sim city, private property rights given by slicingnoff tiny bits of cheap land and give every Ghanian citizen a piece, just a tiny piece a symbolic gesture from either the government, or private land owner who can afford just a ti y piece to be sliced into 30 millio.pieces, oh I wish we could see how the MINDS of Africans would change when THEY can claim they are a land owner... of course we couldn't let people live in the land unless they had the roads and sanitation and power hooked up, but maybe that's just my American regulated mind thinking... people in Ghana wouldnt try to go move in in their new piece of land like I would assume americans would... but if the Ghanians are told to just hold onto the land or maybe give them the right to sell it after a set amount of time... I dunno I feel like it would spice things up to have all these people know that just by being Ghanian they got a piece of land not much but ENOUGH for a psychological boost. I wanted to do this in USA But I am starting to think its probobly more realistic to do a symbolic gesture like this in Ghana than USA, ahhhhhh I feel everyone else's feelings and it's like a season change... the markets effect the minds of all the people I was counting on to create the future and I see now it's not that easy... I feel myself becoming part of the matrix like neo... I am beyond any cyberpunk novel... I have to go back to memes a d making images and video and it's the only way for me... I just do it...