Dear friends, I am working in a gorgeous village. The nature is dreamlike. There is also a hidden waterfall and an ancient city. I like to show you some photos.
This Villageis located between high mountains in Mardin, Turkey. At the entering of the village road, there is the ancient city called Dara. This Roman garrison city belongs to 6th century.
The weather is very dry and hot in Mardin so the flora isn't green in the most of the city. But when you enter the willage road you can see the almond trees every where. As you move closer, the weather changes into warm and the air is moist.
The village is very old, fulloff empty ruined houses. Because of the stones every thing looks yellowish at the first. The stone houses locates along the hillside. Down there lots of fig trees . Colour green starts to be visible.
If you walk down side, there is a stream in the middle of the tall plane trees . İt flows into the woods, creates cascades and waterfalls. You can see beautiful naturel pools around the stream.