Sometimes the best way to get to know someone is through what they create

in photo •  9 years ago 

My first Post

Hi all. I'm quite new to Steemit. I discovered it through someone tweeting about it on my feed.

I don't like talking about myself too much and part of this is because I have had some serious health problems which have resulted in me losing some of my self confidence.

I like taking photographs as a hobby. I haven't been able to do it as much as I would like due to my health but it has helped to keep me sane.

I have also been following cryptocurrencies/bitcoin as I find the whole concept of new types of currency fascinating and that helped to bring me here:

Here is one of my photos:

I called it "Venus" and the model is the lovely Rachelle Summers. I wanted to capture the feel of a classical painting in a natural light portrait.

I'm still uncertain about formatting and resizing posts here so apologies for the size and it not being centered. Anyway I have more if people would like to see them.


Arif (Cryptofiend).

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Glad to have you here! :-)

Thank you:)

You have some amazing talent! My sister was a photographer.

Thank you.

Best photography I have seen on Steemit thus far. I love your aesthetic! Can't wait to see more.

Welcome, I am looking forward to your future photographs on steemit!

Hi Arif, welcome to Steemit!

It's good that you found a helpful hobby and it appears you are good at it! Please do share more photos.

Best wishes to you!

Welcome Arif. ")

The photo does have a very natural feel... Great job!
Hope your health improves... Welcome and look forward to more photos!

Keep shooting. Passion can help miracles happen,

Your work is beautiful, Arif. Self confidence is a skill you can learn, just like photography. I'm sure the more you share, the more your confidence will grow.

Thanks. Yes that was a couple of months ago and am already feeling more like my old self. I think part of it stemmed from me developing Type I diabetes last year and having to take insulin - it's makes it hard to be impulsive and it's easy to get into an avoidant pattern. I've been forcing myself to go out and preparing myself to return to work so it has been improving.

Just testing your theory on the 30 day block lift with one of your posts the upvote looks like it's sticking lets see if this comment does.

Yes this was my first post - looked like it worked:)

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for your support:)