PhotoBomb Challenge #19

in photobombchallenge •  6 years ago 

Hello dear PhotoBombers!

Here we are again so let's see what the new PhotoBomb week brings to us!

Let's announce the winners of the PhotoBomb #18!


(Judge @jackjohanneshemp)

First place and the winner of 12$: @dksart

Second place and the winner of 8$: @azorahai77

Third place and the winner of 4$: @traderr

Fourth place and the winner of 2$: @munadikiehl

Fifth place and the winner of 2$: @heidiwo

Sixth place and the winner of 2$: @fuentesjo3006

Congratulations to all the winners!!


Judge for PhotoBomb Challenge #19 will be @jlufer

For this time you need to make photo bomb with this photo:



The most creative and funny PhotoBomb this week will be awarded with $12!

Winner - 12 $

Second place - 8 $

Third place - 4 $

Fourth Fifth & Sixth - 2 $


For this contest a photobomb is considered a valid entry when you use the provided image and insert it into a picture of your choice to make it look funny.

- Title of every entry must contain "PhotoBomb challenge # - Entry #"
- End of challenge will be on Tuesday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
- First tag of post must be #photobombchallenge
- Each user can have up to 3 entries that will be considered in challenge
- Announcement of winners will be on Thursday

How to support challenge?

- Vote on this post
- Resteem this post
- Create at least one entry
- If you are interested to be guest judge on next challenge contact me at
- If you have an picture for next meme challenge post it in reply of this post or contact me

Good luck everyone!

Support #photobombchallenge with your upvote!

Payout of PhotoBomb posts are filling photobombchallenge reward pool!

Greetings from @fibra59

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Nice entry @jumowa, thank you and good luck :)

Nice entry @jumowa, thank you :)

Great entrys, thank you for particiaption and good luck @jo5h :)

congratulations to all who have made a presentation, especially to the winners of the period.
The work for this week looks very interesting, unfortunately I can not participate, since I have to be a jury. Thank you very much dear friend @ fibra59 for this invitation.
I wish you all many successes.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much for that you accepted to be the judge!
We will have funny week :D

Congrats @dksart :) You have good idea for this photobomb.

@dksart, congrats again and great entry!
Thank you :)

My entry HERE he.. hee

Great one @khansa, thank you, all the best! ;)

Hey bro @fibra59. Here is my entry. I hope it stands out to you. Thanks

Hello @thelovejunkie, it's great, thank you :)

thank you.
Call very interesting
this is my post :)

congratulations to the winner 😎

Jep, they did great job! :)
Thank you @ulokgram, I'm waiting for your entry too :D

Terima kasih @ulokgram.

@photoquest, nice entry as always, thank you :)

Great entry @fcnm434!
Thank you and good luck :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Nice entry @carlosnavarro, thank you :)

Nice one @franknavarro :))
Thanks and good luck :)

@elisaulp, nice entry! Thank you :)

Thank you friend


Thanks man

Hello!! this is my 2° entry to PHOTOBOMB CHALLENGE # 19

logo peq.gif

Nice one @wiliamjose :)

Once again nice entry, thank you :)

Thank you to you friend, best regards

Hello!! this is my 1° entry to PHOTOBOMB CHALLENGE # 19

logo peq.gif

Hahaha, nice entry, maybe a little weird but I like it :D
Thank you @wiliamjose :)

Awesome entry @pompous :D
Thank you :)

Haha again tQ you @fibra59 😁

And second entry

Once again great entry @mister-omortson :)


Great entry @shohana1, thank you :)

Thank you! :D
Great entry @onefatindian :)

Nice entry! Keep up the good work and good luck @elisaulp :)

Thank you friend, i enjoy participate here every week

Nice entry, I like it @zafiro.rosa.
Thank you and good luck :)

Voted and Resteemed and here is my post for PhotoBomb Challenge #19

perfect expression.... hahaha

Once again great entry @quamce, thank you :)

@onefatindian, thank you again for your participation :)

Nice one @quamce, thank you ;)

You have great entrys @michellm3, thank you for your participation :)

Hahah, awesome entry man @alexanderjunior, thank you and good luck :)

Nice one @jos3lider, thank you :)

Hello!! this is my 3° entry to PHOTOBOMB CHALLENGE # 19

logo peq.gif

@father2b, thank you and good luck, great entry :))

hahaha are geniuses, I loved them all, they have made me the day, I love them, thanks for this contest

Thank you too @andrianav!
Also, we are waiting for your entry too :D

Great entry @philosophie, thank you again :)

Great entry @anomt, thank you and good luck :)

Third entry .... photo from @fibra59 meme challenge + Photobomb

Great entry, I like the idea with combination :D
Thank you :))

Holaaa @fibra59, aquí mi Entrada # 1 jajajaja como me divierto haciendo este tipo de concursos!
Ayyyy jajaja.png


Great entrys @cloudguise, thank you for your participation :)

This is my first entry to this context


Great entry @garryliew, thank you and good luck :)

Hahaha, awesome entry @yethui, thank you :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
  • here is my 1st, 2nd and 3rd entry*
    First entry #1

Second entry #2

Third entry #3

Great entrys @pompous, thank you for your participation :)

Nice one @dan16, keep it up and good luck :)

Great entrys @jessalyn!
Thank you for your participation and good luck :)

Nice one @pompous, thank you :)

Thank you for your participation @lunasilver! Great entrys, good job! :)

Nice entry @rosibelsac, thank you :)

Haha great entry @yndira, thank you and good luck :))

Haha, nice entry @faiber, thank you and good luck :)

Great idea @bulent1976, thank you for your entry :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hahah, awesome entry @faiber, I like it :D
Great idea, thanks ;)

Nice one again @cetb2008, thanks :D

Nice one @cetb2008, good luck:)

Nice one too :)

@pizzapai, thank you, great entry!

Holaaaaa soy yo otra vez jajajaja aquí mi Entrada # 2 Sonríe la Sonrisa es Vida!

No quiero carneeee.png

One more great entry @crisbe, thank you :)


Haha, great entry, I like it! :D
Thank you @crisbe, good luck ;)

Hahaha, @katekor11, thank you, great idea and entry, keep it up :)

And thanks for you too for your comment

Nice one @rosibelsac, thank you :)

Hahah, I know that feeling :D
Thank you @nicolasags14 :)

Great entry @rosibelsac, thank you and good luck :)

entry 2 @fibra59

My first entry
Angry trump just met his new best friend.

Nice entry @tina0, thank you and good luck :)

That memes e seen hahahahaha

this is awesome idea!! i wish i was photoshop able to do anything with it and had some creativity!

Hahaha, great entry! I like it :D
Thank you @jackelinlopez and thank you for your participation! :))

Thank you @fibra69 I like it the #photobombchallenge

Nice one @crisbe, thanks and good luck :)

Great entrys @im4g1n4t10n, thank you for your support and participation to this challenge!

My pleasure, thank you for holding these challenges ;)

Thank you @drqamranbashir, it's great entry! :)

"PhotoBomb challenge #19 - Entry #3"

Here it's


@debay, nice entry, thank you and good luck :)

@memelover, thanks for entry, it's great! Good luck ;)

Amigos aquí tienen mi segunda entrada a este divertido concurso de @fibra59

Nice one @zafiro.rosa, thank you and good luck :)

Buenas, hago presentación de mi primera entrada, espero les guste

Nice one @funtesjo3006 :)

@fuentesjo3006, thank you for your participation :)

Thank you for this great entry @cejero021, good luck! :)

@mariitabrito, thank you for your participation and good luck :)

Here is mi first entry again :).

That is one nice entry @pavonj, thank you! :))

Again, thanks to you for this contest mi friend :D.

@fibra59, this is mi second entry :D

Second entry 2.jpg

@sandrapatricioa, great entry, thank you and good luck :)


Hahah, great idea @siavach, thank you for your participation! Great entry!

Nice one @queto50, good luck :)

Hahaha, nice one @muh543, thanks :)

Thx @fibra

Congratulations to all the winners,have made my first entry for Photobombchallenge 19:

Good luck all.

Hahaha, great entry @traderr, thank you :))

  ·  6 years ago 

Great entry @wilhb81, thank you for your participation and good luck :)

Hehe, really good entry @mozer, thank you and good luck :)

Thanks @fibra59

Great entry @conradt, thank you and good luck :)


Congratulations to all... 😜

Felicidades a los ganadores... hubo muy buenas participaciones... me gusta mucho el concurso @fibra59