The Perseids are coming! The Perseids are coming!

in photofeed •  7 years ago 

The Perseids are coming!

Perseids CompositeSonyA720160812.jpg

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This weekend is the peak of the Perseids meteor shower so I thought I'd share my last creation from 2016.
I set up two cameras both pointing north and northeast to capture as much of the sky as I could. I set my cameras and laid my sleeping bag down and fell asleep watching the sky fall above me.
I woke up around 4 am to a nauseating stench, as I came to my senses I realized it was a skunk, and that skunk was very nearby. As I laid there inside my bag I held as still as possible so as to not startle or piss of the skunk, pun intended. After 3 hours of laying still, or maybe more like 5 minutes, the smell subsided and I gathered the courage to peak my head out and found the coast was clear. I then laid back down and went to sleep for a few more hours all while my cameras we're still clicking away.
Around dawn I got up, packed up my gear, drove home and showered then headed off to work.
I counted the number of meteors I caught that morning and I counted around 130 meteors captured throughout the night!

That all said, who's heading out for the Perseids this weekend??

As for me, I'm heading to the Sawtooth's in Idaho with @jarvie. Oh what an adventure we have ahead of us this weekend. Surely we'll have some photos to share so stay tuned for those.

Here's a photo of where we're going.

EXIF For meteor photo
CameraSony A7
LensRokinon 14mm f/2.8
Shutter Speed15s x a lot of photos
LocationOgden Valley, Utah

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Man your photos amaze me more than sitting hours in my astrophysics classes :)

Can't wait to see all the photos you will make :)

Fantastic shot!!! It’s clear you have some mad skills. I’m running a photo contest come have a look -

Unfortunately there are so many fires burning around here, I have not seen the sky for days. Please share your pics for those of us who can not enjoy the best sky show ever!

Tough work. Good work @minnowhale

That first shot is insane.

I just discovered your photos; great stuff!