RE: A Beautiful Day in Mykonos, Greece

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A Beautiful Day in Mykonos, Greece

in photofeed •  6 years ago 

Hahahahaha yes because you post lovely pictures.. and im still in bed and my glassess is in my bag. Im too lazy to go get it.

But really very interesting post! I love to see places even just here reading posts.. hehehe..

Posted using Partiko Android

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No problem! I guess it probably looks different on different devices. I didn't even thin about the text size. But thank you! I plan on posting many more.

Ohh.. maybe because im using partiko! This has been my to go app!

Yes do post more about it. The platform needs more inspirations..

Posted using Partiko Android

Well thanks for engaging with me! I'll be sure to post more. I just put out another one this morning. Talk soon!

It was nothing.. glad to have bump into you!

Hey have you voted for steem already?

Posted using Partiko Android

No, I must be out of the loop on that one. What do you mean voted for it?

Looks like I missed it. I hope Steem wins though!

yeah you had truly missed it because the voting is now over.. we are now waiting for the results and it will be posted sometime next week.. but the last poll i saw, STEEM was on second against INS. But there were rumor that INS had cheated..