Shot & Thought #20 - Scotland...Scotland, here I come!

in photofeed •  7 years ago 

Can't wait til March... Tickets waiting since few months already. Scottish Highlands area is one of the best destinations for all landscape photographers. This place should be in "must visit" list for all who travel to or living in Europe.

I could write a lot about the stuff we can see and places worth visiting. This will be my 5th or 6th travel to that region. Magical atmosphere of high mountains, great plains, old castles, deep Loch's, small villages, interesting people and great Whisky!

Together with my brother we will lead photographic workshops for a group of students from USA. It can be really interesting experience and I am sure I will have tons of stories to share with You after that!

For now, photo from one of my latests visit.


Fairy Pools

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Settings24mm | ISO100 | f20 | 1sec
GearCanon 6D + Canon 24-105 f4.0 + polar
LocationFairy Pools, Glen Brittle, Isle of Skye, Highlands, Scotland

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This photo is amazing.

Thnx a lot!!!

may be u can learn me about photography..

The best learning is by experiencing - just follow my posts as well as posts other photographers, watch the photos, take inspirations, read about techniques... and shoot as much as You can. It takes maybe few days to learn about settings but it will take years to learn photography. Just be yourself, shoot what You like, keep watching others and I am sure You will be better and better.

thanks photo


:D Thanks!!

Oh dang what a blast... that place really has my heart.
Italy used to me my favorite place to visit but now Scotland and Switzerland are my little photo paradise.

Haven't been to Swiss but Scotland is really great! Maybe it is strange but I never seen Alps :(. Many places to visit on my list for sure!

wow i love this place. i need to start travelling more :D

Me too! Thanks!

Scotland is my dream destination and Laphraoig is my favorite whisky! Gorgeous photo. 📷

If You like to try whisky, it will be Your paradise, every village has its own destillery, every Pub has choice like 30-40 different brands... And of course landscapes are dreamy ;)

If I ever go, I'll never leave. 😍

Not having been to either place but just seeing photos, I feel like Scotland is like parts of Norway, but with castles? Is that a fair (if wildly general) statement? They both seem to be exactly the sort of places I like to be. Newfoundland, Scotland, Iceland, Norway and New Zealand all have a certain something that appeals to me greatly.

I understand You more than You think! All of this countries are on my list ;). New Zeland can be the hardest to visit, but some day I will do it. For this list I would add Canada and sime Parks from US like Yellowstone and Yosemite... Scitland is like Norway, but there is not such big distances fron place to place and very little forests, which in my opinion, is much better for photographic purposes .

One thing most of those places have in common is that there are no crazy spiders, but New Zealand breaks that metric. They're all rocky, though, and generally cool and humid and prone to atmospheric effects, and you can get lost in your imagination in landscapes like those.