You don't like photoshop? Me neither! • Vous n'aimez pas photoshop? Moi non plus!

in photofeed •  7 years ago  (edited)

Digital or Analog? / Numérique ou Argentique?

[EN] : I am kidding today! Photoshop is a must have. But do you know why it became the software leader for photo editing? The photoshop success is due to its way to reproduce what analog photographer were doing manually with the same vocabulary, and mainly layers, mask and so on... Photoshop did not invent any thing, all you can do with it was done before manually! You still don't like Photoshop? As a chance, I have a pinhole picture from my archives for you!

[FR] : Je suis un peu taquin aujourd'hui. Photoshop est bien évidemment incontournable mais peut être ignorez vous pourquoi ce soft est devenu le leader dans la retouche photo? Tout simplement car c'est le premier soft qui a reproduit les gestes des tireurs argentiques avec le même vocabulaire (les calques, les masques etc...) Photoshop n'a rien inventé, tout ce qu'il propose se faisait avant à la main! Vous n'aimez toujours pas photoshop? Pas grave, j'ai un sténopé argentique de mes archives pour vous mettre de bonne humeur!


Pinhole Zéroimage 6x9 • 15 seconds
Film Fuji Reala 100
2009 (c) Vincent Le Roy


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Seriously awesome work, looks like a painting!
Congrats, we're featuring you on @photofeed.

Salut Vincent. Ce sénopé est de toi ? putian (dsl je trouve pas de meilleur mot) je suis gravement impressioné.
D'ou tu viens ? est ce que tu proposes des stages ?

@siavach oui ce sténopé est de moi, j'en ai beaucoup fait jusqu'en 2011 :-) non je ne donne pas de cours, des conseils oui :-) je ne donne des stages qu'aux enfants des écoles où on leur apprend à faire leur propre sténopé :-) et développer leur propre photo :-)

En tout cas si un jours tu passes par Strasbourg, ce serait un plaisir d'échanger de visu avec toi la dessus.

Beautiful photo! Nice post

I think impressionism is back.
wonderful shot, @vincentleroy!

Again a picture I'd like to see bigger. Here's a post on how to 'Click to Enlarge'.

Great post like the picture and the short informative story about Photoshop!

Hey Vincent, thats piece of art. Btw soon will get some new generation pinhole lens mountable on my Canon DSLR. Should be fun...

That's a gorgeous result, tres bien fait!

Hi, I love Photoshop! :)
this photo is perfect with composition, editing and editing!
I loved you very much, my congratulations, the shooting conditions and the colors.

Superbe ! :)

I was just contemplating this the other day. My dad was a freelance photographer and I grew up with a darkroom in our house. I was editing some digital pictures the other day in PSE for my in-laws and started thinking about what it must have been like to re-touch photos before digital. While I am okay with a camera and not horrible with PSE there isn't a single artistic part of me that could hand re-touch an actual photo.

Love it Vincent.

Un militantisme contre la retouche exacerbée de photos ? Quoi qu'il en soit nous sommes toujours aussi pantois devant vos clichés ! Upvoté à 100% !

@francosteemvotes ah non pas du tout, j'ai plutôt posté en réaction à une discussion sur un discord où deux amateurs se glorifiaient de ne pas retoucher ni d'éditer leurs photos, ce qui me parait totalement surréaliste... j'ai donc montré qu'on peut certes s'en passer mais la réalité est qu'en argentique, on retouchait tout autant qu'avec Photoshop, d'où ce petit rappel sur l'histoire et le succès de photoshop :-)

Here is a question for you - Photoshop or Lightroom? It seems most photographers prefer Lightroom. What is your opinion as a professional? Very curious!

hello @rimicane :-) I hate ligthroom and I don't use it. I develop my raw with the Nikon software for this (Capture NX2) then I can use photoshop for slight corrections mainly perspectives and so on...

You are the first one to answer this question with a lean towards the Photoshop! I don't know why everyone is so thrilled about Lightroom! Thank you!

it is only due to super marketing from Adobe ;-) and only that!

Hey @rimicane... My opinion is both platforms has own advantages and disadvantages. Some basic operations are really much easier and intuitive to make in Lightroom, while it is still more limited than PS for some more difficult tasks. So my flow is always basic corrections in Lightroom, then exporting to PS for final retouch (for example skin and some final more color grading)