Hello shareholders and team members!
The first week of July is coming to its end. We are getting ready to introduce some new features and have an ambitious plan for this month. Welcome to the Photofriend's Shareholders #7.
@photofriend is a community of photographers supporting original photography on Steeemit and fight against plagiarism. To improve the overall Steemit experience and help fellow photographers is our shared mission. Come to join us on discord: https://discord.gg/qtbFfkp
- @photofriend - 109.38 SP - 50.008 SP (delegated to qustodian) - 50.008 SP (delegated to monochromes) + 37.603 SP (paid for, provided by blocktrades) = 46.967 SP
- @jlgc - 41.003 SP (2018-07-07, 13:36)
- @tinyvoicez - 100.047 SP (2018-06-29, 15:20)
- @rbm - 10.006 SP (2018-06-27, 20:05)
- @photovisions - 50.033 SP (2018-06-25, 20:37)
- @jpphotography - 10.007 SP (2018-06-25, 12:53)
- @axeman - 400.618 SP (2018-06-20, 13:17)
- @adam-aj - 30.041 SP (2018-06-18, 23:41)
- @nolasco - 100.120 SP (2018-06-15, 18:11)
- @melinda010100 - 300.366 SP (2018-06-15, 09:23)
- @wdoutjah - 100.137 SP (2018-06-12, 15:42)
- @ninahaskin - 15.022 SP (2018-06-11, 04:50)
- @madlenfox - 25.318 SP (2018-06-09, 21:08)
- @qurator - 301.806 SP (2018-06-07, 17:55)
- @ackhoo - 10.018 SP (2018-06-04, 17:35)
- @samprock - 20.042 SP (2018-05-30, 00:51)
- @ewkaw - 10.021 SP (2018-05-29, 21:48)
- @dmytrokorol - 50.115 SP (2018-05-25, 22:46)
- @blacklux - 10.033 SP (2018-05-25, 19:20)
- @bringolo - 50.116 SP (2018-05-25, 07:25)
- @florian-glechner - 10.024 SP (2018-05-24, 00:08)
- @imbi - 25.318 SP (2018-05-16, 22:34)
@ailindigo | @azircon | @boddhisattva | @brumest | @cave-man | @claudiaz | @coloneljethro | @clicked | @davenavarro | @edguci | @fotogruppemunich | @francismoure | @gabbynhice | @gohenry | @grizzabella | @hafizolgafur | @hiddenblade | @hornetnz | @ionutciobanu | @imohsaviourwisdo | @jarosalawszafran | @jlgc | @kamrunnahar | @luxdelux | @marcoteixeira | @meisen | @mevro | @misan | @momzillanc | @my451r | @nolasco | @nomadsfix | @rbm | @redheadpei | @roxy-cat | @sawyn | @sina-adventure | @stevenson7 | @ylike7 | @zhitkov
- 58 approved members in @photofriend!
- Delegated 50 SP to @monochromes. This will increase post payouts and support great project.
- Works on 'Steemit Photo Journal' are starting. This is going to be a big community project.
- The mission for this month is to increase our cumulative SP.
- Another supported project to be introduced this week.
@nolasco 16.08 % 22 x
@qurator 14.00 % 11 x
@axeman 11.73 % 21 x
@blacklux 8.59 % 17 x
@melinda010100 8.45 % 16 x
@photofriend 7.12 % 6 x
@monochromes 5.59 % 4 x
@bringolo 2.51 % 8 x
@photovisions 2.51 % 9 x
@imbi 1.68 % 2 x
@tinyvoicez 1.62 % 2 x
@marcoteixeira 1.20 % 14 x
@madlenfox 1.08 % 7 x
@roxy-cat 1.05 % 9 x
@brumest 1.02 % 9 x
@samprock 0.87 % 12 x
@fotogruppemunich 0.87 % 8 x
@wdoutjah 0.81 % 1 x
@ackhoo 0.77 % 8 x
@cave-man 0.75 % 8 x
@jlgc 0.73 % 8 x
@redheadpei 0.71 % 6 x
@ylike7 0.70 % 8 x
@coloneljethro 0.68 % 6 x
@adam-aj 0.63 % 8 x
@misan 0.60 % 7 x
@ewkaw 0.56 % 7 x
@luxdelux 0.54 % 6 x
@claudiaz 0.53 % 6 x
@meisen 0.52 % 5 x
@edguci 0.49 % 5 x
@florian-glechner 0.47 % 6 x
@ninahaskin 0.45 % 4 x
@jpphotography 0.35 % 2 x
@hornetnz 0.29 % 4 x
@gohenry 0.28 % 1 x
@gabbynhice 0.27 % 3 x
@francismoure 0.17 % 2 x
@isabelpena 0.14 % 1 x
@shasta 0.14 % 1 x
@momzillanc 0.14 % 2 x
@otage 0.14 % 1 x
@jclomo 0.14 % 1 x
@liznellacastillo 0.14 % 1 x
@positivexposure 0.14 % 1 x
@achmadyani 0.14 % 1 x
@hanneloree 0.14 % 1 x
@ijmmai 0.14 % 1 x
@loresb 0.14 % 1 x
@cinefilo 0.14 % 1 x
@ailindigo 0.10 % 1 x
@rimicane 0.07 % 1 x
@yidneth 0.07 % 1 x
@aboutlife2017 0.07 % 1 x
@stevenson7 0.07 % 1 x
@maxili63 0.07 % 1 x
@sina-adventure 0.07 % 1 x
@bigotemaifriend 0.07 % 1 x
@victorbz 0.07 % 1 x
@ohicklin 0.07 % 1 x
@grizzabella 0.07 % 1 x
@hafizolgafur 0.07 % 1 x
@jarosalawszafran 0.07 % 1 x
@imohsaviourwisdo 0.07 % 1 x
@alibaba987 0.06 % 1 x
@nolasco 16.08 % 22 x
@axeman 11.73 % 21 x
@blacklux 8.59 % 17 x
@melinda010100 8.45 % 16 x
@marcoteixeira 1.20 % 14 x
@samprock 0.87 % 12 x
@qurator 14.00 % 11 x
@photovisions 2.51 % 9 x
@brumest 1.02 % 9 x
@roxy-cat 1.05 % 9 x
@bringolo 2.51 % 8 x
@cave-man 0.75 % 8 x
@adam-aj 0.63 % 8 x
@ackhoo 0.77 % 8 x
@fotogruppemunich 0.87 % 8 x
@ylike7 0.70 % 8 x
@jlgc 0.73 % 8 x
@ewkaw 0.56 % 7 x
@madlenfox 1.08 % 7 x
@misan 0.60 % 7 x
@florian-glechner 0.47 % 6 x
@redheadpei 0.71 % 6 x
@coloneljethro 0.68 % 6 x
@claudiaz 0.53 % 6 x
@photofriend 7.12 % 6 x
@luxdelux 0.54 % 6 x
@meisen 0.52 % 5 x
@edguci 0.49 % 5 x
@ninahaskin 0.45 % 4 x
@monochromes 5.59 % 4 x
@hornetnz 0.29 % 4 x
@gabbynhice 0.27 % 3 x
@momzillanc 0.14 % 2 x
@francismoure 0.17 % 2 x
@imbi 1.68 % 2 x
@jpphotography 0.35 % 2 x
@tinyvoicez 1.62 % 2 x
@victorbz 0.07 % 1 x
@aboutlife2017 0.07 % 1 x
@alibaba987 0.06 % 1 x
@maxili63 0.07 % 1 x
@gohenry 0.28 % 1 x
@wdoutjah 0.81 % 1 x
@sina-adventure 0.07 % 1 x
@bigotemaifriend 0.07 % 1 x
@ailindigo 0.10 % 1 x
@grizzabella 0.07 % 1 x
@yidneth 0.07 % 1 x
@ohicklin 0.07 % 1 x
@otage 0.14 % 1 x
@jclomo 0.14 % 1 x
@rimicane 0.07 % 1 x
@liznellacastillo 0.14 % 1 x
@isabelpena 0.14 % 1 x
@achmadyani 0.14 % 1 x
@hanneloree 0.14 % 1 x
@ijmmai 0.14 % 1 x
@loresb 0.14 % 1 x
@cinefilo 0.14 % 1 x
@shasta 0.14 % 1 x
@positivexposure 0.14 % 1 x
@hafizolgafur 0.07 % 1 x
@jarosalawszafran 0.07 % 1 x
@stevenson7 0.07 % 1 x
@imohsaviourwisdo 0.07 % 1 x
@esteemapp $ 2.48
@qurator $ 1.54
@good-karma $ 1.24
@qustodian $ 1.22
@monochromes $ 0.88
@melinda010100 $ 0.22
@jarvie $ 0.13
@victorbz $ 0.12
@minnowsupport $ 0.11
@photovisions $ 0.10
@ninahaskin $ 0.09
@borepstein $ 0.08
@madlenfox $ 0.07
@blacklux $ 0.07
@fotogruppemunich $ 0.07
@claudiaz $ 0.05
@dmytrokorol $ 0.05
@stevejhuggett $ 0.04
@nolasco $ 0.04
@solominer $ 0.04
@jpphotography $ 0.03
@izzydawn $ 0.03
@minismallholding $ 0.03
@leyargoz $ 0.02
@iptrucs $ 0.02
@sbi6 $ 0.01
@ackhoo $ 0.01
@shasta $ 0.01
@misan $ 0.01
@edguci $ 0.01
@ewkaw $ 0.01
@yadamaniart $ 0.01
@karlosbadz $ 0.01
@ionutciobanu $ 0.01
@mixedmedia $ 0.01
@gregory-f $ 0.01
@feruz $ 0.01
@coloneljethro $ 0.01
@ailindigo $ 0.01
@redheadpei $ 0.01
@hornetnz $ 0.01
@scrooger 0.04 % 5 x
@stevejhuggett 0.82 % 5 x
@monochromes 2.95 % 5 x
@sbi6 0.10 % 5 x
@izzydawn 5.45 % 5 x
@dmytrokorol 1.36 % 5 x
@edguci 5.45 % 5 x
@qurator 0.25 % 5 x
@blacklux 1.35 % 5 x
@yadamaniart 0.12 % 5 x
@theleapingkoala 0.06 % 5 x
@redheadpei 1.31 % 5 x
@fishyculture 0.05 % 5 x
@verhp11 0.03 % 5 x
@fotogruppemunich 5.45 % 5 x
@ntowl 0.05 % 5 x
@misan 4.36 % 4 x
@styleyfrancky 0.44 % 4 x
@malay11 0.10 % 4 x
@iptrucs 0.65 % 4 x
@melinda010100 2.63 % 4 x
@ailindigo 4.36 % 4 x
@roxy-cat 3.63 % 4 x
@qustodian 0.93 % 4 x
@ninahaskin 1.87 % 4 x
@itsben 0.05 % 3 x
@cave-man 0.82 % 3 x
@photovisions 3.27 % 3 x
@jarvie 0.67 % 3 x
@madlenfox 2.86 % 3 x
@mysteem 0.07 % 3 x
@feruz 0.07 % 3 x
@good-karma 0.07 % 3 x
@demo 0.07 % 3 x
@coloneljethro 3.27 % 3 x
@ylike7 3.27 % 3 x
@solominer 0.12 % 3 x
@onethousandwords 0.08 % 3 x
@skycae 0.11 % 3 x
@wisewoof 0.05 % 3 x
@jlgc 3.27 % 3 x
@claudiaz 3.27 % 3 x
@esteemapp 0.07 % 3 x
@nolasco 0.55 % 2 x
@ewkaw 0.22 % 2 x
@shasta 1.11 % 2 x
@jpphotography 0.44 % 2 x
@silentzen 0.11 % 2 x
@borepstein 2.18 % 2 x
@momzillanc 2.18 % 2 x
@emdesan 0.22 % 2 x
@samprock 0.11 % 2 x
@zhitkov 2.18 % 2 x
@occpresents 0.05 % 2 x
@lundsten 2.18 % 2 x
@gregory-f 0.04 % 2 x
@mixedmedia 0.11 % 2 x
@adam-aj 0.05 % 1 x
@bigotemaifriend 1.09 % 1 x
@ionutciobanu 0.05 % 1 x
@dombusiness 0.05 % 1 x
@inspire1 0.11 % 1 x
@valerie15 0.05 % 1 x
@bendany 0.11 % 1 x
@hornetnz 1.09 % 1 x
@larsson9 1.09 % 1 x
@akinome 1.09 % 1 x
@ackhoo 0.28 % 1 x
@marygourmet 1.09 % 1 x
@manuelnoya 1.09 % 1 x
@damaiaceh 1.09 % 1 x
@leyargoz 0.16 % 1 x
@minnowsupport 0.01 % 1 x
@atomcollector 0.05 % 1 x
@alibaba987 1.09 % 1 x
@grizzabella 1.09 % 1 x
@syilegirl 0.47 % 1 x
@victorbz 0.55 % 1 x
@sawyn 1.09 % 1 x
@minismallholding 0.33 % 1 x
@sina-adventure 1.09 % 1 x
@ubg 0.01 % 1 x
@cowi 1.09 % 1 x
@haikalyone 1.09 % 1 x
@karlosbadz 1.09 % 1 x
@hafizolgafur 1.09 % 1 x
@sensation 1.09 % 1 x
@moby-dick 1.09 % 1 x
@molarity 0.01 % 1 x
@assasin 0.01 % 1 x
@ogsenti 1.09 % 1 x
@tinyvoicez 1.09 % 1 x

Go group, go!! 💪
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Thanks for the info, @photofriend, I'm proud to see this project growing soundly and steadily! Congrats!
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i can´t wait for the 'Steemit Photo Journal'...Cheers!
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thanks for sharing this interesting info, nice to be a part of this dynamic team!
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Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by photofriend from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.
If you would like to delegate to the Minnow Support Project you can do so by clicking on the following links: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP.
Be sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account.
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: