WHEN IS IT WEDNESDAY - Photo Games Week 6, Game 2

in photogames •  7 years ago  (edited)

Win 1 SBD from each Photo Game Star’s post! - Guess when the photo was taken!

Rules for today's When Is It Wednesday game below.

But first... You still have a couple hours to play Metadata Monday

For both games check out the #photogames feed or go straight to the blogs of this week's Photo Stars: @derekkind, @caseygrimley, @jarvie, @dmytrokorol, @alevaskye, @sjarvie5 and @yumyumseth

When is it Wednesday Photo
click to view large


This photo of the Milky Way was taken at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. I see that @jarvie coincidentally also shared a photo from here, but I have no idea when his photo was taken.

The big clue that I will give you is that THIS WAS TAKEN DURING A FULL MOON, without special equipment like a star tracker (it was just a 20-second exposure with the Nikon D750 and Rokinon 14mm lens).

I would like you to tell me the exact date that I took this... year, month and day - and it wouldn't hurt to give me a time as well, in case someone else figures out the date: the closest to the exact time will win. The answer is not as random as you might think.


For When Is It Wednesday we would like you to tell us when the photo was taken.

The Photo Stars may ask you to guess the year, or the season or the exact time and date - be sure to read the post to see what they’re looking for!

  1. The closest guess will win the prize.
  2. Only one guess per person, per post.
  3. No editing your guess - you have to commit!
  4. All metadata has been stripped from the pictures, so don’t bother looking for the EXIF!
  5. For this game you have 2 days to guess (till Friday at 6PM EST / 11PM UTC)
  6. If only one person gets the correct (or closest) answer they will win the full prize pool
  7. If multiple people guess correctly (tie for 1st): 60% to first person / 40% divided between the next 5 people


Visit these profiles to play #WhenIsItWednesday:



Introduction to The Photo Games Post.

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9pm on Friday, July 7th, 2017.

May 20th, 12:40pm. Nice shot!

Thank you! :D

No problem. But duhhh, I just realized I totally missed a clue somehow and I am wrong.

For once I'm actually trying to help you guys get it right. ;)

Thanks, and you recently backed two of my guesses, I bet you're regretting it now...

Given that I haven't gotten any replies to those comments, I have a bad feeling about it, yes.


Hi @derekkind - edited my post looks like it was wrong first time around. So I guess I am out. But left a clue in my previous edit :)

Oh interesting... I didn't catch the clue. :)

Are you on discord? I can catch you there and I'll tell you now that I am out of the game :) Turns out I slipped up one fact on my detective work though.

Okay! Yes, you can find me there. :)

Whats your Discord username? Alternatively I'm terrylovejoy#3613 , you can send me a friend request that way.

Added you.

Because @kiokizz reminded me that your previous guess was actually the closest, even though you edited it, I'm going to give you a prize as well - I liked your unique way of trying to figure out the date. :)

June 12, 11:38

Aug 7, 2017 at 12:18 am

2017, September 6, 6:30am

I am backing @drupi

Sept 27, 2015 at 8:47 PM

When in doubt always go with @r00sj3 ... that is my theory. Backed

Oh man, the pressure!! I could be super wrong on this one. It wasn't as easy as some of the others... cough

Ah man, I really wanted to give it to you - you were the only one who was on the right track from the start (@terrylovejoy figured it out after he made his first guess) - but my rules were clear that it goes to the closest to the exact time. Unfortunately there were two lunar eclipse in Utah that year, and my photo was from the first one (April 4th).

I happened to be in Utah for both - but I was in Salt Lake City for the September 27th Blood Moon (I've posted that photo to Steemit already), and couldn't have gotten to the Salt Flats quick enough.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ah, that was the risk ;) Next time!!
I knew you were "in the area" that weekend. And wasn't sure because it was in a different spot. But couldn't find info (fast enough:), I should have continued scrolling through your Instagram) that you were in Utah during the 2018 one or the April 2015 one. This will teach @jarvie not to follow me blindly :)

Good sleuthwork all the same. ;)

Well, it was a wise decision, but it happened to backfire this time - she was the closest in terms of thought but not in time.

btw... according to this post, @jarvie was with you in April! We can now state that
@caseygrimley has a better memory ;)

Haha yes!

2017, July 1 at 1.00 AM

3rd of July, 2014 10:00pm.

Haha. ;)

i tried to find the clue, i tried to cheat and i got nothing. and as i am writing this i spent another 15 min trying to find something. if i guessed this i will feel like the biggest detectiv in the the universe :D but i will probably not
March 12 2017 at 22:35 :D

Hehe, that's awesome that you spent so much time on this...you're allowed to cheat, if you can. Other than hacking into my computer or something...

oh, hacking wasn't allowed? Oops...

I should have specified that in the rules.

Great! Smile for the camera :)

Good thing I don't have a camera! :D

Said the photographer...

If you can hack into THAT camera, I will be impressed. I'll also put it into a Faraday cage.

first thing i thought is, he has a date somewhere. i had a feeling of "i missed something". i can't wait to find out what was the clue. except the moon :)

Nope, no funny business this time! The full moon is the big clue, but not in an obvious way. You have to think about what you normally see in the sky when the moon is full, and then compare that to my photo, and then figure it out from there.

i believed you, it had no sense but i did :D

Hehe. I like to be tricksy but usually say so if I am. ;)

Gonna back you on this one. First Derek, whyyy are you shooting on the full moon, and second I also use my 14mm Rokinon for night stuffffff. It's pretty.

Why? Well, if you knew that you would be very close to the answer........ ;)

Yes, the Rokinon 14 is a classic for night stuff! One of the cheaper wide angles and also one of the best for stars!

Well you have a killer milky way, so perhaps the rule of no moonlight is more of a guideline. Haha.

There are not many circumstances where you can photograph the Milky Way like this on the same night that there's a full moon...

11th April 2017 4:00 AM

May 28th 10pm

18th Feb 2015 - 7.30pm.

As a Photostar I'm backing this one as the closest guess. :)


You're right, of course. I had to go and pick a photo of a time when you were also there. :P

You win! You're not technically correct, but you are the closest. I took this photo on April 4th, 2015 at 5:40am.

Why is this significant? Because there was a lunar eclipse this night. The only time it would be possible to photograph the Milky Way with so much detail when there's a full moon...is when the moon is eclipsed!

This was a tricky one because there were two lunar eclipses in Utah that year - @r00sj3 guessed the other one.

I really had no idea :) I looked up full moons near @terrylovejoy's guess. His edited comment sounded like he thought he was close, so I went and found it :)

His guess was actually closer "Feb 24, 2015 at 14 hrs Universal time": https://steemd.com/tx/a3e6054a4b8a9ca4a45ff69b9038870738723214

Well, that's really nice of you to point that out! He edited his guess, but it's true that he was closer. You still get the prize, but you know what, I'll give him one too. I liked his unique approach at figuring out the date. :)

That is very kind of you @derekkind, you know you didn't have to do that ! I did enjoy the detective work though and it was a lot of fun and a very clever contest.

I'm glad you had fun! We'll have to play this game again! :)

This was a great contest and congrats @kiokizz ! My guess was based on Saturn in the image. Here is the comparison with the image and the prediction for Feb 24. Where I slipped up (apart from missing the lunar eclipse bit) is that Saturn retraced back to this same position in April 4. Also if the image had been taken on Feb 24, 2015, it would have contained the planet Mercury, which it did not.


You sure know your stars and planets :)

Thanks, and good luck for next time.

Oh, I feel so stupid right now.... haha. Only now connected the dots!