IndonesiaThe certified answer contains reliable, reliable, and carefully recommended content by an expert team in the field. Brainly has millions of high quality answers, all moderated by a credible community, yet certified answers are the best of the best.
The economic system that Indonesia uses to solve its economic problems is the economic system of Pancasila / economic democracy. The workings of this economic system is that all issues are resolved hrs in accordance with the values and policies of Pancasila and resolve them in accordance with the principle of kinship.If there is economic problems in Indonesia, then the most important solution should be to provide justice and prosperity for all Indonesian people because the system the Pancasila economy rejects economic systems such as capitalism, colonialism, which in large part make the people miserable.In the field of production of Indonesia's wealth products, all fields of production will be controlled by the state and private sectors that are "cultivated for the prosperity of the people. So, essentially Indonesia in solving its economic problems will always reflect from the value of "Pancasila and the basic philosophy of the state of Indonesia.
Ekonomi di indonesia
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